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Microbes meat and meat preservation process

Microbes meat and meat preservation process. Preseva tion is an attempt to secure or extend the shelf life meat by inhibiting / limiting the enzymatic reaction, Chemish and physical, caused by microbes .

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Microbes meat and meat preservation process

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  1. Microbes meat and meat preservation process • Presevation is an attempt to secure or extend the shelf life meat by inhibiting / limiting the enzymatic reaction, • Chemish and physical, caused by microbes. • Shelf life of meat is the time from the beginning of the meat products until the meat can suitable for consumption .

  2. Principles of Meat PreservationTechnique to avoid microbial contamination or meat / self life • Cooling (refrigeration and freezing) • Thermal processing ( heating ) • Drying ( dehydration ) • Freeze drying ( freeze drying ) • irradiation Chemical preservation ( curing , smoking ) Packing

  3. Microbes destroyer meat • Damage to the flesh caused by microbes cause Decay , discoloration , physical , and chemical • Chemical changes of the complex compounds into simplered compounds that cause discoloration • Physical property which led to the formation of fluid exudation ( drip ) .

  4. Meat Microbes • Salmonella • Shigella • Staphylococcus • Streptococcus • Clostridium • E. coli • Bacillus and spoiled bacteria.

  5. Microbes Contamination Safefrom farm to table) Pets ( especially sick animals ) Food Humans ( workers ) Equipment Building Water Soil Raw materials ( food) Insects Packaging processing Contamination source

  6. Employed as a contamination source Hair, Beard, Mustache Face , nose , mouth , ears Hands , palms , fingers , nails Clothes Jewelry Equipment Footwear People who works can contaminate food 100 - 1000 mikoba per minute

  7. Cross Contamination Microbes can be transferred from one food to another food for example through cutting board. (cuttingboard) examples: knife, human hand, water, etc. Cross contamination on cutting board

  8. Growth of Microbes Division from 1 to 2 parts in certain time. Generation interval. In Optimum condition, microbes will divide every 15-30 minutes Generation time (generation interval) = time division bacteria from 1 to 2

  9. Kurva Pertumbuhan Bakteri

  10. 100oC Patogen will death 74oC Food storage 60oC DANGER ZONE 4oC Food storage (some m.o. are growth) 0oC No microbial growth -18oC Frozen storage <-18oC

  11. Factors Affecting Growth of bacteria Intrinsic Factors: • Meat nutrients, • Meat water, • pH of meat, • Oxidation-reduction potention, • Substance inhibitor / tissue protective.

  12. Factors Affecting Growth of bacteria Ekstrinsic Factors : • Temperature, • Relative humidity RH), • Atmospheric oxygen, • The physical state of the meat

  13. Factors affecting the growth of bacteria  Zat gizi (terutama protein) Keasaman makanan (pH) Suhu Waktu Ketersidaan oksigen Kelembaban (aktivitas air) F ood  A cid  T emperature  T ime  O xygen  M oisture

  14. Chilling • Chilling is the storage of meat at a low temperature within the specified time to reduce microbial breakdown • Carcass temperature ( 30-39 ℃ ) was reduced to 5 ℃ or chilling ( -4 - 9 ℃ ) • Factors that affect the rate of cooling; specific heat carcass, carcass weight, the amount of external fat, ambient temperature, the distance between the carcass, cooling air speed and relative humidity

  15. Chilling • Fast Chilling is less than 12-19 ℃ prerigor will cause cold shortening • Prevention is done by cooling the carcass 12-19 ℃ to rigormortis , then chilling and refrigeration ( 0-3 ℃ ) to further processing • Factors affecting the old store; initial microbial, temperature and humidity storage, protective materials, livestock species and product type .

  16. Freezing Terms of good frozen meat • Derived from healthy animals • Blood finished cutting time • Has done chiling and cooling • Old withering restricted • Protective good carcass • Temperatures below freezing at -18 ℃ .

  17. Frozen Meat Quality • Old cold storage • The rate of freezing • Frozen storage conditions (temperature, humidity, and packaging) • Cattle age • Meat pH • Contamination with heavy metals • Total microbial early.

  18. Freezing Methods • Still water freezing: medium cold air, freezing temperature -10 - -30 ℃ , heat transfer by convection, • Plate freezing: medium metal plate , freezing temperature -20 - -30 ℃ , heat transfer by conduction • Fast freezing: medium cold air , freezing temperature -20 - -40 ℃,heat transfer by convection

  19. Freezing Methods • Freezing with liquid immersion into the freezer ; used for poultry or fish , the material used a.l. sodium chloride , glycerol or glycol , heat transfer by conduction • Cryogenic freezing; direct immersion , sprinkling cryogenic liquid , cryogenic agent a.l. liquid nitrogen ( -195 ℃ ) , CO2 ( -98 ℃ ) , nitrous oxide liquid ( -78 ℃ ) .

  20. Temperature and Frozen Storage • Freezing temperature of -18 ℃ , minimal changes occur , the water freezes meat efficiently , lowering / inhibit microbial spoilage • Long frozen storage at -18 ℃ can reach 4-6 months , depending on the origin of meat , Rapid freezing the meat without causing freezer burn protector .

  21. Frozen Meat Quality Changes • Damage some nutrients • Decreased water holding capacity, • Increased compactness, • Decreased levels of meat juice, • Discoloration of meat • The decline in meat flavor

  22. Dehydration • Dehydration is the reduction of water content and water activity decrease to a low level , so that microbial growth is inhibited. • Dried meat has a relatively longer shelf life even without refrigeration storage , Meat dehydration methods typically use hot air ,

  23. Dehydration • Factors affecting meat quality is dry hot air; temperature, particle size , and the circulation of hot air. • Dried meat product still contains water approximately 5-6 % , • Dried meat can sustain rancidity, because the fat content is relatively high (around 24 %), can be overcome by vacuum packing

  24. Dehydration • Changes in the quality of dried meat especially is browning reaction, changes in flavor, and oxidative rancidity • Drying above 60 ℃ cause gelatinization

  25. Expired Determination of Meat and Meat Produk • Microbes contained of meat and meat product • Microbes growth rate of meat and meat product • Methods and kinds of meat and meat product prossesing • Ingredients of meat product • Water content of meat and meat product • Type and methods of meat and meat product packaging • Environment of slaughter

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