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DIGESTION. Ashley Brooks EDIM508INA_201030A. Purpose.

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  1. DIGESTION Ashley Brooks EDIM508INA_201030A

  2. Purpose This presentation will address the main concepts involved in digestion. The essential organs of the digestive tract will be highlighted, shown, and discussed. This presentation was designed to provide visual images and video clips to help the students to see how food travels through the body.

  3. PA State Standards • 10.1.6.B: Identify and describe the structure and function of the major body systems. • 10.1.9 B: Analyze the interdependence existing among the body systems.

  4. Table of Contents What is Digestion? Click HERE. Two types of Digestion Click HERE. The Path Food Travels Click on each of the six main digestive organs and learn more about each part’s job. Click HERE. Digestive System Health Tips Click HERE. References Click HERE.

  5. What is DIGESTION? • Digestion is the process by which food is broken down into substances that can be used by the cells of the body. Table of Contents

  6. Two types of Digestion: MECHANICAL: food is broken down into smaller pieces (Example: chewing) CHEMICAL: food is chemically changed into simpler substances. (Example: food mixes with saliva) Click HERE to watch. Table of Contents

  7. The path food travels... 1 Mouth Click on one of the organ names to learn more about it. 2 Esophagus 3 5 Stomach Large Intestine 4 Small Intestine 6 Rectum Table of Contents

  8. Mouth “The place where food enters the body. The food is broken down both chemically and mechanically.” Tongue: helps to push the food to the back of the mouth where it is swallowed Return

  9. Esophagus “A muscular tube that connects the mouth to the stomach.” Peristalsis: the contraction and relaxation of the muscles in the esophagus/digestive tract that helps to move the food. Return

  10. Stomach “A ‘J-shaped’ sac that stores and further digests the food.” Bile: A digestive liquid found in the stomach that helps to break down the food. Return

  11. Small Intestine “A coiled, tube-like organ that absorbs the digested nutrients.” (Usually an average of 20 feet long.) Return

  12. Large Intestine “A large tube that absorbs most of the liquid from the undigested material.” Excretion is the process of removing wastes from the body. Return

  13. How do nutrients get from the small intestines to the rest of the body?? Click HEREto find out!

  14. Rectum “The place where the undigested material exits the body.” Return

  15. Ways to IMPROVE your Digestive System • Chew thoroughly • Identify and STOP eating food allergens. • Provide for healthy intestinal travel. (Fiber) • Learn how to deal with stress. Click HERE for other ways to maintain a healthy body. Table of Contents

  16. The Six Stops of the The Food Survived the Journey!! Digestive system • MOUTH • ESOPHAGUS • STOMACH • SMALL INTESTINE • LARGE INTESTING • RECTUM Table of Contents

  17. References-Images Person eating Pizza (Mouth): http://www.atyourpalate.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/Eating-Pizza.jpg Esophagus: http://healinglightseries.com/IMAGES/Images-Digestion/Esophagus.jpg Stomach: http://www.mydr.com.au/files/images/categories/gastro/stomach_normal.gif Small Intestine: http://static.howstuffworks.com/gif/adam/images/en/small-intestine-biopsy-picture.jpg Large Intestine: http://static.howstuffworks.com/gif/adam/images/en/large-intestine-picture-c.jpg Rectum: http://0.tqn.com/d/coloncancer/1/0/8/3/Rectum.300x300.jpg Digestion Cartoon: http://www.eregimens.com/images/regimens/digestion.jpg Boy Chewing: http://www.plasmetic.com/chewing-food-for-weight-loss.jpg Salivary Gland Diagram: http://www.passmyexams.co.uk/GCSE/biology/images/salivary_glands.jpg Digestion Diagram: http://www.byhealth.com/digestive-system Table of Contents

  18. References-Video Clips “Forms of Digestion” (Discovery Education) http://player.discoveryeducation.com/index.cfm?guidAssetId=6C61430C-7B22-492F-857D-ED85AC2235F0 “The Circulatory System: How Nutrients Get from the Small Intestine to the Rest of the Body?” (Discovery Education) http://player.discoveryeducation.com/index.cfm?guidAssetId=0DF074A6-E7DA-49E0-AFB8-99361EA8BBD6 “Maintaining a Healthy Body” (Discovery Education) http://player.discoveryeducation.com/index.cfm?guidAssetId=C3318A3E-2D1F-4155-94DB-E0B5856AF77A Lesson based on information from course text: Merki, Mary. Teen Health. Course 3. New York, New York: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, 2003. (390-392). Table of Contents

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