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WWII. Unit 10. By: Erika s. & Aubree t. Summary.

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  1. WWII Unit 10 • By: Erika s. & Aubree t.

  2. Summary WWII was a result of Germany’s fury towards the Treaty Of Versailles. One by one nations allies were pulled into the war. For years the United States practiced isolationalism and stayed out of the war. Finally the United States was dragged into the war, when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. Hitler the dictator and extreme nationalist blamed all of Germanys problems on the Jewish population. First Hitler condemmed the Jews into small ghettos, but that didn’t satisfy him. Hitler started sending all Jews he could find to concentration/labor camps and death camps. The Allied powers infuriated by Hitler’s actions attacked and defeated the Nazis and Germany , but not before Hitler was able to murder six million innocent Jews and murder himself. For the final finally of WWII the United States dropped a atomic bomb on both Hiroshima and Nagasaki which offically ended the war.

  3. Holocaust • The Holocaust was a twelve year period during which over six million Jews were killed by Nazis using a system known as genocide. • Nazism was frequently used by Nazi’s and is a German brand of Fascism that included a Dictator who control his people by harming whoever opposed them or were believing of wrongdoing.

  4. Dictators • Tojo Hideki was the dictator of Japan and part of the Axis Powers during WWII. • The dictator of the Soviet Union (Russia) was Joseph Stalin who was a part of the Allied powers. • Benito Mussolini was the dictator of Italy and part of the Axis powers. • Finally we have Hitler who was the dictator of Germany and a major part of WWII. He and Germany were a part of the Axis Powers.

  5. Totalitarianism is a form of government in which one party dictates or controls every aspect of their citizens lives and treats them like children. • The Third Reich was the official name given to the Nazis in Germany for their regime in Germany. • Appeasement is the policy in which a nation gives in to the demands of another nation in order to prevent war and tension. • The Kellogg Briand Pact was a nationwide agreement that was signed by almost every country. The Kellogg Briand Pact required every nation who signed it to stop participating in war.

  6. Atomic BOmb • The Manhattan Project was a top-secret project that only Truman and few other new about. The top-secret project was the invention of the ATOMIC BOMB. • Hiroshima and Nagasaki were the two cities in Japan that the Atomic bombs were dropped on. Each city had one Atomic Bomb dropped on it. • According to the new president Truman dropping the atomic bomb was necessary because it would end fighting in Japan and save many Americans lives.

  7. D-Day • D-day was in Normandy, France. It took place on June 6,1944. The allied powers were responsible for D-day which was a day where the allied powers chose to invade the beaches of Normandy, France.

  8. The plan • Hitlers plan during WWII was to purify Germany of Jews. Also Hitler wanted to create a “Master race” which would be made up of people who had blonde hair, blue eyes, and a light skin color. He would call his master race “Aryans”. • The Nuremburg Trials were trials during which Nazi’s were tried for their war crimes. Some were sentenced to jail time or death.

  9. America’s role in the war • America didn’t have a major role in WWII except the dropping of the Atomic Bomb. America didn’t have a very large role because for a part of the war they practiced isolationism which is when a country stays out of the war all together. • Many Jewish refugees came to America in search of protection from Hitler and his Nazi sidekicks.

  10. TimeLine 1939 Munich conference meets to try to preserve peace. 1931 Japan invades Manchuria a region of China. 1941 Germany takes over France. 1939 USSR and Germany agree to never attack each other but then Hitler invades Poland and France and Great Britain declare war. 1933 Japan withdraws from the league of nations. 1944 D-Day.

  11. Timeline 1945 The United States dropped “little boy” over Hiroshima, Japan. 1945 Allied powers take on German capital Berlin. 1945 Germany Surrenders. 1945 Japan surrenders.

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