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Information & communication

Information & communication. ‘Reconciliation of work, family and private life’. George Kyriacou ( george.kyriacou@eige.europa.eu ). September 2011. Overview. Communicating the topic of reconciliation of work, family and private life.

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Information & communication

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Information & communication ‘Reconciliation of work, family and private life’ George Kyriacou (george.kyriacou@eige.europa.eu) September 2011

  2. Overview Communicating the topic of reconciliation of work, family and private life EIGE’s approach: paper, audiovisual, web, events Strategic communication Questions? Discussion

  3. Paper Strategies: Documentation in plain languageClear organisation / presentationTargeted dissemination

  4. Audiovisual Strategies: Overview in plain languageTestimonialsVisual examples

  5. Web Strategies: Concise information about the issue Announcing/marketing the issue Promoting EIGE - cross-posting, web partnerships

  6. Events Strategies: Customised meetings Stakeholders as multipliers Issue-based agenda

  7. State of Play Communication Strategy Contract signed late 2010 with VRP Hill & Knowlton to build internal and External Communications Strategy Input from Experts’ Forum, 4 Regional Journalist Consultations Meetings, Journalist Task Force, EIGE Management and staff, other EU institutions and representative offices Pending EIGE Management Board’s ‘blessing (October ‘11)

  8. Communication Strategy Strategies: Overall frame for EIGE’s communication work Generate specific action plans in focal areas EIGE internal empowerment (internal culture) Institutional visibility (about EIGE) Awareness raising / promotion of produced results

  9. Awarenessraising / promotion of produced results Communication Strategy Strategies: Work with the Presidency Reports Paper, web, audiovisual, events based philosophy

  10. Thanks! • Questions ?

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