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Good Teaching, or good at writing applications?

Good Teaching, or good at writing applications?. Shân Wareing University of the Arts London. Relevant biographical information. I was awarded a National Teaching Fellowship in 2011 I’m developing institutional Teaching Prizes at UAL for 2012

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Good Teaching, or good at writing applications?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Good Teaching, or good at writing applications? Shân Wareing University of the Arts London

  2. Relevant biographical information • I was awarded a National Teaching Fellowship in 2011 • I’m developing institutional Teaching Prizes at UAL for 2012 • My first 3 HE qualifications were in Literature & Linguistics

  3. How I felt writing my NTF application What if I’m way off the pace & am completely humiliated?

  4. How I felt writing my NTF application How can the randomness of my life be made to look like a coherent plan?

  5. How I felt writing my NTF application Evidence? How the hell do I provide evidence?

  6. How I felt writing my NTF application Why do I have to write this stuff? Isn’t it obvious?

  7. How I felt writing my NTF application Why am I shoe-horning my personal values and private emotions into this public document for people I don’t know to pick over & find me wanting?

  8. How I felt writing my NTF application Oh no, none of it makes sense, I’ll have to start all over again

  9. How can teachers in Art and Design best demonstrate the excellence of their teaching? Can we imagine a system which is: • Fair (e.g. for dyslexic staff) • Valid (so it tests what it is supposed to test) • Reliable (so that different assessors would come to the same judgement)

  10. UAL proposal 3 categories of Teaching Awards 1) SU (students vote) 2) Student Experience: data 3) Teaching Development

  11. Student Experience Awards • Excellent attainment across diverse groups of students • Excellent record for student retention • Greatest increase in the NSS results • Sustained excellence in the NSS • Other criteria

  12. Teaching Development To recognise individuals or teams who have made the strongest contribution in curriculum development to: • Enterprise and employability • Sustainability • Internationalisation • Recognising the cultural capital of all students • Disciplinary research in the curriculum

  13. Personal Lessons • See NTFS preparation as a process of intrinsic value • See it dispassionately as a puzzle

  14. Thank you!

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