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All Together Now? Making the guidance work in practice

All Together Now? Making the guidance work in practice. Adrian Tindall, Chief Executive. Engaging with….

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All Together Now? Making the guidance work in practice

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  1. All Together Now? Making the guidance work in practice Adrian Tindall, Chief Executive

  2. Engaging with… • Government’s 2010 Vision “that the value of the historic environment is recognised by all who have the power to shape it; that Government gives it proper recognition and that it is managed intelligently and in a way that fully realises its contribution to the economic, social and cultural life of the nation.” • Today’s public – participation in decision-making and the archaeological process, access to growing HERs, archaeological resource centres • Research agendas – regional frameworks, grey literature, HERs, ‘expert’ panels • Skills development through higher education and CPD

  3. Beyond PPG16… • PPS5 is not just ‘PPG16 Plus’ • Less mechanistic, more targeted, more challenging, more holistic, potentially more rewarding • Not about process, not about outputs, but about outcomes • Public service cuts - less micromanagement, more strategic oversight? • More collaboration, less fragmentation • More carrot, less stick – greater recognition of those who fund archaeological discovery

  4. Beyond PPG16… • Greater consistency, transparency and proportionality in archaeological requirements • IfA Standards and Guidance for local government HE services – and consultants • Robust justification for Significance, Proportionality, Setting… • …and for pre-determination work and escalation • The burden of proof?

  5. The state of the market • Roving/multiple contractors – what price local knowledge? • Better procurement models - quality and fitness over cost? Design competition over competitive tendering? • Organisational scrutiny – raise barriers to entry through accreditation or licensing built on RAO Scheme? • More rigorous compliance with updated IfA Standards? • What is the scale, health and profitability of the archaeological market? • Can a free market successfully deliver government heritage policy? Would a more regulated market deliver greater benefits to the sector and public?

  6. Rethinking archaeological practice… “PPS5 presents an opportunity to move from mitigating damage to increasing understanding, from a fragmented to a collaborative approach, from recording fabric to understanding and enhancing cultural significance, from preservation by record to future-building by understanding and from data collection to participative knowledge creation” - Taryn Nixon A New Jerusalem, 2010 IfA Southport Conference PPS5: a new era for commercial archaeology?

  7. ‘The Southport Commission’ • Convened June 2010 • Membership drawn from across heritage and development sector: Dave Barrett, Karen Bewick, Duncan Brown, Stewart Bryant, Chris Gosden, Mike Heyworth, Peter Hinton (secretariat), Taryn Nixon (chair), Adrian Olivier, Liz Peace, Adrian Tindall, Roger M Thomas • To think creatively and radically, and use its links to invite ideas from across the sector about improving archaeological practice under PPS5 • To present a draft report to 2011 IfA Conference, and a final report by July 2011

  8. Get involved! • PPS5 offers the most significant opportunity for a generation to rethink archaeological practice… • …while public service cuts present the greatest urgency to do so • The commission invites you to contribute to this process - don’t let it pass you by!

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