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Unit 14 Festivals

Unit 14 Festivals. 国家或国际节日. 元旦 . New Year' s Day . Jan.1. 国际劳动妇女节. International Working women' s Day ( wornen's Day) . Mar.8. 国际劳动节. International Labor Day ( May. Day ). May.1. 中国青年节. Chinese Youth Day. May.4. 国际儿童节. International Children's Day ( Children's Day ). June .1.

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Unit 14 Festivals

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  1. Unit 14 Festivals

  2. 国家或国际节日 元旦 New Year' s Day Jan.1 国际劳动妇女节 International Working women' s Day(wornen's Day) Mar.8 国际劳动节 International Labor Day(May. Day) May.1 中国青年节 Chinese Youth Day May.4 国际儿童节 International Children's Day(Children's Day) June .1 中国共产党诞生纪念日 ( 党的生日) Anniversary of the Founding of the Chinese Communist Party ( the Party' s Birthday) July .1 建军节 Army Day August .1 教师节 Teachers , Day Sept.10 国庆节 National Day October.1

  3. 中国传统节日 春节 the Spring Festival ( NewYears Day of the Chinese lunar calendar) 农历正月初一 元宵节(灯节) the Lantern Festival 农历正月十五 清明节 Tomb Sweeping Day 四月五日前后 端午节 the Dragon-Boat Festival 农历五月初五 中秋节 the Mid-Autumn Festival (the Moon Festival) 农历八月十五 重阳节 the Double Ninth Festival 农历九月初九

  4. 1月1日元旦New Year's Da 2月14日圣瓦伦丁节---“情人节” 3月17日圣帕特里克节 Saint Patrick's Day 4月…日复活节 Easter(一般指春分月圆后第一个星期日) 5月…日母亲节 Mother's Day(五月的第二个星期日) 6月14日美国国旗制定纪念日 7月4日美国独立日 Independence Day 1O月…日退伍军人节(10月的第四个星期一) 10月31日万圣节 Halloween 11月11日第一次世界大战休战纪念日

  5. 6月14日美国国旗制定纪念日 6月…日父亲节Father's Day(六月的第三个星期日) 7月4日美国独立日 Independence Day 9月1日劳动节 labor Day 1O月…日退伍军人节(10月的第四个星期一) 10月12日哥伦布日 Columbus Day 10月31日万圣节 Halloween 11月27日感恩节 Thanksgiving Day 11月11日第一次世界大战休战纪念日 12月25日圣诞节

  6. Questions: 1.Do you know the names of the festivals? 2.Do you know which countries the festivals come from? 3.What are the people in the pictures doing?Why are they doing this?

  7. 中外节日集锦 公历节日 2月7日:“二.七”纪念日 3月5日:学雷锋纪念日 3月8日:“三.八”国际妇女节 2月24日:第三世界青年日 3月1日:国际海豹节 3月12日:中国植树节 3月14日:国际警察日 3月15日:国际消费者权益日 3月21日:世界森林日、消除种族歧视日 3月22日:世界水日 3月23日:世界气象日

  8. 4月1日:愚人节 4月5日:清明节4月7日:世界卫生日、世界无烟日 4月22日:世界地球日 4月第四个星期日:儿童预防接种宣传日 4月24日:世界青年团结日 4月25日:世界儿童日 5月1日:国际劳动节 5月4日:中国青年节 5月8日:世界红十字日 5月12日:国际护士节 5月14日:中国母亲节 5月17:世界电信日 5月30日:中国“五卅”运动纪念日 5月31日:世界无烟草日

  9. 6月1日:国际儿童节、国际儿童电影节 6月4日:国际日 6月5日:国际环境日 6月18日:中国父亲节 6月23日:国际奥林匹克日 6月25日:中国土地日 6月27日:国际禁毒日 7月1日:中国共产党成立纪念日、国际建筑日 7月3日:国际合作节 8月1日:中国人民解放军建军节 9月8日:国际新闻工作者日 国际扫盲日 9月10日:中国教师节 9月第三个星期二:国际和平日 9月第四个星期日:国际聋人节

  10. 9月最后一周的一天:世界海事日 9月20日:中国爱牙日 9月27日:世界旅游日 10月1日:中华人民共和国国庆节、世界音乐节、国际老人节 10月2日:国际和平斗争日 10月第一个星期一:国际住房日10月第二个星期三:国际减轻自然灾害日 10月9日:世界邮政日10月14日:世界标准日 10月15日:国际盲人节10月16日:世界粮食日10月24日:联合国日10月31日:世界勤俭日11月1日:万圣节

  11. 11月10日:世界青年日11月17日:国际学生日11月27日:感恩节12月1日:世界艾滋病日12月5日:社会经济发展国际志愿人员日12月10日:世界人权日、诺贝尔日12月25日:圣诞节

  12. 农历节日 正月初一:春节 正月十五:元宵节 、壮族歌墟节、朝鲜族上元节 、苗族踩山节、达翰尔族卡钦正月十六至二十:侗族芦笙节正月二十五:填仓节正月二十九:送穷日二月初一:瑶族忌鸟节二月初二:春龙节、畲族会亲节二月初八:傈傈族刀杆节 三月十五:佤族播种节三月十五至二十五:白族三月街四月初八:牛王诞 四月十八:锡伯族西迁节五月初五:端午节、黎族朝花节、苗族龙船年

  13. 五月十三:阿昌族泼水节 五月二十二:鄂温克族米阔鲁节 五月二十九:瑶族达努节 六月初六:天贝兄节、姑姑节 、壮族祭田节 、瑶族尝新节 六月二十四:彝族、阿昌族、白族、佤族、纳西族、基诺族火把节 七月初七:女儿节 七月十三:侗族吃新节七月十五:盂兰盆会、普米族转山会八月十五:中秋节、拉祜族尝新节、仡佬族后生节九月初九:重阳节十月初一:祭祖节 十月十六:瑶族盘王节十二月初五:苗族姊妹饭十二月初八:腊八节冬至日:冬至节十二月二十三、二十四:祭灶日十二月三十:除夕------------------------------

  14. Reading

  15. Pre-reading 1.How does your family celebrate the Spring Festival? 2.Why do we celebrate the Spring Festival and other festivals? 3.Do festivals help us understand our history and culture? 4.What kinds of gifts and things do people buy during major festivals like Christmas and the Spring Festival?

  16. Questions: 1.Why did people create Kwanzaa? 2.What’s the seven principles?

  17. True or false: 1.( )Kwanzaa is a very old festival. 2.( )The word Kwanzaa means first fruit in Swahili. 3.( )Kwanzaa is based on old African festivals. 4.( )People created Kwanzaa to celebrate American culture. 5.( )Kwanzaa is celebrated on Christmas Day. 6.( )People who celebrated Kwanzaa light a candle for each of the seven principles. F T T F F T

  18. Paragraph 1 Questions: 1.What’s Kwanzaa? 2.Who celebrate it? 3.When do they celebrate it? 4.What do they celebrate it? It’s a seven-day festival celebrating the culture and history of African Americans. African Americans. The week following Christmas Day. They get together to greet the new year and think about the past.

  19. summary Kwanzaa is a festival of reflection and anticipation for African Americans.

  20. Paragraph 2 Questions: 1.Does Kwanzaa have a long history? 2.When was it born? 3.Why did people creat this festival? 4.What does the word Kwanzaa mean? 5.Why did they choose the word? 6.What did the African first-fruit festivals have in common? No. In 1966. They could able to celebrate their history and culture. First fruit. Because there are many festivals in Africa called “first-fruit” festivals. People could get together to celebrate their harvest; they used to five thanks for their harvests and for life; they used to honour their ancestors, celebrate their past, and the group or society they lived in.

  21. summary In a popular African language,it means first fruit and celebrates the new year.

  22. Retelling

  23. paragraph3 Questions:1.What did the people who created Kwanzaa like? 2.What’s the seven principles? And what do they stand for? They liked the characteristics of the African festivals. Unity . We must build unity of family,community and nation. Self –determination. We have to build our own lives, think for ourselves and speak for ourselves. Living together. We should build our community and solve our problems together. Working together. We should build and support our factories and shops. Purpose. We should remember our past and build our future.We should honour our ancestors. Creativity.We must do as much as we can to make our community better and more beautiful. Faith.We should believe in our family, our people,our teachers and our leaders.

  24. summary The festival is based on seven important principles .

  25. Paragraph 4 Questions: 1.When did people celebrate Kwanzaa? 2.Why did people choose the date? 3.How did people celebrate it? 4.Who lit the candle? 5.What did people do on the last day of Kwanzaa? From December 26to January 1. They can enjoy the spirit of the holidays without all the commercial activities of Christmas. They celebrate it by lighting a candle each day and discussing one of the seven principles of Kwanzaa. The candle is usually lit by the youngest child in the family. Family and friends gather to enjoy a large meal and to celebrate the new year.

  26. summary Candles are an important aspect of the celebrate of Kwanzaa.

  27. Paragraph 5 summary Festivals not only celebrate history but add to our cultural traditions for future generations.

  28. Retell the text seven culture Kwanzaa is a ______-day festival celebrating the _______ and ________ of African Americans. It is between _____________ and ____________, the week ___________ Christmas Day. There are seven _________for this festival: unity, _______________, living together,_______________, purpose, creativity and ______. People celebrate the festival by _______ a candle each day and __________ one of the seven principles. They enjoy a ____________ on the last day of Kwanzaa. Kwanzaa, like other important holidays and ________in the world, helps us understand_____________, remember __________________ , and share __________for a happy future. history following January 1st December 26th principles self-determination working together faith lighting discussing large meal festivals who we are where we come from our hopes

  29. Langue points: 1.give away 赠送,捐献,分发,失去,错过机会,出卖,泄露 1.他把所有的钱都送给了那个可怜的男孩了。 He has given away all his money to the pool boy. 2.这个秘密不能泄露。 Don’t give away the secret. 3.校长将给运动员颁奖。 The headmaster will give away the prizes to the sportsmen. 4.常见短语 生孩子,使诞生 give in give birth to give off give sb. a hand give up give one’s life\all give out give one’s regards\greeting to give back give way give expression to 投降,屈服 散发出,放射出 帮某人的忙 放弃,戒除,认输 献出一切 分发,发表,用光等 向…..问好,问候 返还,恢复 表现 崩溃,撤退,妥协

  30. 2.respect n.尊敬,尊重 in respect for show respect for pay respect to with\without respect to pay one’s respects to sb 以示尊敬 对表示尊敬 考虑 关于、不管 拜访某人以示敬意 vt.尊敬,尊重 1.我尊重你的意见。 I respect your opinions. 2.如果你不 自重,你怎么能指望别人尊重你呢? If you don’t respect yourself, how can you expect others to respect you?

  31. 3. the living the dead the+ adj. 表一类人。作主语时,指人用复数;指物,用单数。 年轻人必须尊重老人。 The young must respect the old. 美无处不在。 The beautiful is always there.

  32. 4.not…..but….. 不是……而是…… 我不是学生而是老师。 I’m not a student but a teacher. 他整天不学习只是玩耍。 He does not work but play all day.

  33. 1.play a trick on/ play tricks on 玩诡计,开玩笑,捉弄人 朋友之间喜欢互相开玩笑。 Friends like to play tricks on each other. 愚弄别人是不礼貌的。 It’s impolite to play tricks on others.

  34. take in 欺骗,诈骗,收容,接待 他购买那辆二手汽车时,大大地受骗了。 He was badly taken in when he bought that secondhand car. 他轻易就相信别人的话所以他容易上当。 He is ready to believe others so he is easy to take in. 他无家可归,所以我们收容了他。 He is homeless, so we took him in.

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