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Seamless Integration of Advanced Academic Curriculum into Career Technical Programs Boosts Student Achievement Presenter

HSTW Seamless Integration of Advanced Academic Curriculum into Career Technical Programs Boosts Student Achievement Presenters: Mrs. Glenna Cannon- Superintendent Mr. Jim Grubbs- Director Dr. Marjean Huber- CT Instructor Mrs. Rene Phillips- English Instructor

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Seamless Integration of Advanced Academic Curriculum into Career Technical Programs Boosts Student Achievement Presenter

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  1. HSTW Seamless Integration of Advanced Academic Curriculum into Career Technical Programs Boosts Student Achievement Presenters: Mrs. Glenna Cannon- Superintendent Mr. Jim Grubbs- Director Dr. Marjean Huber-CTInstructor Mrs. Rene Phillips-EnglishInstructor Mr. Ike Costein- Chemistry/PhysicsInstructor Mr. Nick Costein- CT Instructor Mr. Robert Janca- Anatomy Instructor Pioneer Career and Technology CenterShelby, Ohio SouthernRegionalEducationBoard ACTE Pioneer

  2. HSTW “Excellence is never an accident; it is the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction, skillful execution, and the vision to see obstacles as opportunities to learn and grow.” Author Unknown SouthernRegionalEducationBoard ACTE Pioneer

  3. HSTW A Career and Technology Center in North Central Ohio SouthernRegionalEducationBoard ACTE Pioneer

  4. Pioneer Map HSTW Toledo Cleveland Shelby Columbus SouthernRegionalEducationBoard ACTE Pioneer

  5. Who We Are: HSTW A Career and Technology Center that: • Serves 14 associate schools • Serves 900 high school students on Shelby campus • Offers 39 career/tech prep programs • Offers 42 satellite high school programs for 2,800 students • Serves 4852 adult students in 10 adult education programs SouthernRegionalEducationBoard ACTE Pioneer

  6. Mission Statement HSTW To provide lifelong learning opportunities To promote understanding and utilization of technology through flexible programming To encourage individuals to become productive and socially responsible SouthernRegionalEducationBoard ACTE Pioneer

  7. HSTW Key PracticeIntegration of Academics HSTW • Real world activities and problems • Inquiry based (contextual) learning • Lifelong Soft Skills • Integration of Technology • Multi-Dimensional Instruction SouthernRegionalEducationBoard ACTE Pioneer

  8. HSTW Key PracticeIntegration of Academics HSTW • Staff Professional Development • Leadership Role in Planning • Product Based Research Project- Modeled after the Tech Prep Capstone • Implementation of Advanced Academic Rigor SouthernRegionalEducationBoard ACTE Pioneer

  9. HSTW Key PracticeIntegration of Academics HSTW • Empirical Evidence- (HSTW Assessment, ACT, OGT, and Career) Assessments • Collins Writing and Senior Capstone Project • Core Standards and HSTW principles adopted school wide • Advanced Articulation Agreements SouthernRegionalEducationBoard ACTE Pioneer

  10. HSTW Key PracticeQuality Academic Studies HSTW • Inquiry based learning across multi-disciplinary career tech areas and academics. • Advanced Articulation with local and regional 2 year colleges. • Senior Projects highlight and showcase student achievement. • In-house Dual Credit/Dual Enrollment, PSEO is available to students before, during and after school. • Writing Across the Curriculum (Collins) and Reading Across the Curriculum (Read 180) implemented in all career and academic classes SouthernRegionalEducationBoard ACTE Pioneer

  11. HSTW Key PracticeQuality Career Tech Studies HSTW • Integration of Academics (mathematics, chemistry, anatomy, physics, and language arts) • Articulation with TECH PREP consortium and colleges • Specific industry credentialing and certification options • Curriculum driven by industry standards • Invention of new community and business relationships SouthernRegionalEducationBoard ACTE Pioneer

  12. HSTW Key PracticeProgram of Study HSTW • Program of Study is Stakeholder driven: • Business/Industry Partners • Students/Parents • College Partners • Alumni of the programs • Academic and Career Tech Staff SouthernRegionalEducationBoard ACTE Pioneer

  13. HSTW Key PracticeProgram of Study HSTW • Advanced Academics promoted in the 11th and 12th grade • College Tech Prep Language Arts • Higher level advanced math courses (Pre-calculus, calculus) • Advanced level science courses (chemistry, physics, Anatomy I and II) • College level courses (psychology, sociology, speech, nutrition and medical terminology) SouthernRegionalEducationBoard ACTE Pioneer

  14. HSTW Key PracticeWork-based Learning HSTW SouthernRegionalEducationBoard 14 ACTE Pioneer

  15. HSTW SouthernRegionalEducationBoard HSTW Key PracticeWork-based Learning

  16. HSTW Key PracticeWork-based Learning HSTW • CISCO partnership with a regional academy • Health Care Institution Partnerships which involve shadowing and internship opportunities for students • TECH PREP 2 + 2 + 2; with an emphasis on post-secondary studies • College-Now industry-based problems SouthernRegionalEducationBoard ACTE Pioneer

  17. HSTW Key PracticeTeachers Working Together HSTW • Monthly delayed start days • Voluntary professional development • Semi-annual review of program progress • Staff working in focus groups (senior projects, design team, advisor-advisee, literacy, numeracy, and discipline) SouthernRegionalEducationBoard ACTE Pioneer

  18. HSTW Key PracticeStudents Actively Engaged HSTW • Student Response Systems provide immediate feedback of student comprehension. • Comparison and analysis of student progress on a local, regional and national level including HSTW assessment • CTSO involvement and community service learning • Feedback on educational processes • Inquiry based learning SouthernRegionalEducationBoard ACTE Pioneer

  19. HSTW Key PracticeStudents Actively Engaged HSTW • Interactive Distance Learning (ATM) activities • Web-based (Examview) assessment • READ 180 • Computer aided instruction • Cooperative learning/teamwork SouthernRegionalEducationBoard ACTE Pioneer

  20. HSTW Key PracticeGuidance HSTW • Monthly Advisor/Advisee Workshops • Semi-annual Parent-Teacher conferences • Review and analysis of OCAP scores with Senior students • Assistance in Academic course selection (Career pathway in College TECH PREP) • Use of OCIS – Career Information System • Student/parent access to online gradebook and resources SouthernRegionalEducationBoard ACTE Pioneer

  21. HSTW Key PracticeGuidance PRESS Group: Advisor-Advisee HSTW SouthernRegionalEducationBoard 21 ACTE Pioneer

  22. HSTW Key PracticeExtra Help HSTW • Weekly Tutoring before, during, and after school hours in our Success Center • Intervention by core academic instructors during laboratory time • OGT Tutoring before, during, and after school hours in our Success Center, and on delayed start days • Voluntary assistance/tutoring from staff members SouthernRegionalEducationBoard ACTE Pioneer

  23. HSTW Key PracticeKeeping Score HSTW • Yearly review of student progress on • Local competency tests • OCAP • CISCO: CCNA, IT Essentials, CTECH • Review of HSTW Assessment, Compass, and ACT scores • Yearly revision of the mapped curriculum to meet industry certifications requirements • Semester and End-of-year exams SouthernRegionalEducationBoard ACTE Pioneer

  24. Results Observed HSTW • Improved scores in standardized tests • Increased student scholarships • Consistency and Integration of HSTW Key Practices in all academic and career tech areas. • Guidance/Advisement is proactive in meeting students’ needs • Increased post-secondary enrollment after graduation SouthernRegionalEducationBoard ACTE Pioneer

  25. Results: Improved Scores on the HSTW Assessment HSTW Goal 297 Goal 299 Goal 279 SouthernRegionalEducationBoard ACTE Pioneer

  26. Results: Performance Standards HSTW SouthernRegionalEducationBoard ACTE Pioneer

  27. Benefits Pioneer Received from HSTW HSTW • Provides a regional and local network that is organized and provides a regular means to update staff on ways to implement the HSTW key practices. • Provides effective feedback and a constructive criticism mechanism to improve our school. • Increases instructor autonomy in the career and academic classroom. SouthernRegionalEducationBoard ACTE Pioneer

  28. Benefits Pioneer Received from HSTW HSTW • Renews professionalism in the Career Tech course of study • Helps students make seamless transition into career areas and college • Expands student scholarship opportunities due to student preparation and guidance SouthernRegionalEducationBoard ACTE Pioneer

  29. The Lessons Learned from the HSTW Experience HSTW • No one teacher or administrator can implement the HSTW Key Practices; it requires a Team Effort. • Teachers take ownership for improving their instructional methods with integration of academics within their program. • Our teaching staff has become more effective in delivering curriculum to a more diverse student population. • Becoming more effective is an ongoing process. The process is not a destination but a journey for personal and professional growth. SouthernRegionalEducationBoard ACTE Pioneer

  30. The Lessons Learned from the HSTW Experience When implementing the HSTW “Key Practices” select three key practices and do them well. The HSTW “Key Practices” are a total package. In order to achieve real and lasting improvement, ALL of them must utilized effectively. HSTW SouthernRegionalEducationBoard 30 ACTE Pioneer

  31. Greatness is not where we stand, but in what direction we are moving. We must sail sometimes with the wind and sometimes against it– but sail we must, and not drift, nor lie at anchor. Oliver Wendell Holmes ACTE Pioneer

  32. HSTW Any Questions ? SouthernRegionalEducationBoard ACTE Pioneer

  33. HSTW SouthernRegionalEducationBoard Contact Info: • Mailing Address: Pioneer Career and Technology CenterP.O. Box 309 27 Ryan RoadShelby, Ohio 44875 • Our website: http://www.pctc.k12.oh.us • Our Phone Number: 419-347-7744 • ACTE 2007 HSTW PowerPoint Link: http://www.pctc.k12.oh.us/ACTE-2007.ppt “Seamless Integration of Advanced Academic Curriculum into Career Technical Programs Boosts Student Achievement.” Presenters email addresses at Pioneer CTC: • Mrs. Glenna Cannon- Superintendent cannon.glenna@pctc.k12.oh.us • Mr. Jim Grubbs- Director grubbs.jim@pctc.k12.oh.us • Dr. Marjean Huber- Health Academy Instructor huber.marjean@pctc.k12.oh.us • Mrs. Rene Phillips-EnglishInstructor phillips.rene@pctc.k12.oh.us • Mr. Ike Costein- Chemistry/PhysicsInstructor costein.ike@pctc.k12.oh.us • Mr. Nick Costein- CNET Instructor costein.nick@pctc.k12.oh.us • Mr. Robert Janca- Anatomy Instructor janca.bob@pctc.k12.oh.us

  34. HSTW SouthernRegionalEducationBoard High Schools That Work:Key Practices The following are the HSTW Key Practices that provide direction and meaning to comprehensive school improvement and student learning: • High expectations — Motivate more students to meet high expectations by integrating high expectations into classroom practices and giving students frequent feedback. • Program of study — Require each student to complete an upgraded academic core and a concentration. • Academic studies — Teach more students the essential concepts of the college-preparatory curriculum by encouraging them to apply academic content and skills to real—world problems and projects. • Career/technical studies — Provide more students access to intellectually challenging career/technical studies in high-demand fields that emphasize the higher-level mathematics, science, literacy and problem-solving skills needed in the workplace and in further education. • Work—based learning — Enable students and their parents to choose from programs that integrate challenging high school studies and work-based learning and are planned by educators, employers and students.

  35. HSTW SouthernRegionalEducationBoard High Schools That Work:Key Practices • Teachers working together — Provide teams of teachers from several disciplines the time and support to work together to help students succeed in challenging academic and career/technical studies. Integrate reading, writing and speaking as strategies for learning into all parts of the curriculum and integrate mathematics into science and career/technical classrooms. • Students actively engaged — Engage students in academic and career/technical classrooms in rigorous and challenging proficient-level assignments using research—based instructional strategies and technology. • Guidance — Involve students and their parents in a guidance and advisement system that develops positive relationships and ensures completion of an accelerated program of study with an academic or career/technical concentration. Provide each student with the same mentor throughout high school to assist with setting goals, selecting courses, reviewing the student's progress and suggesting appropriate interventions as necessary. • Extra help — Provide a structured system of extra help to assist students in completing accelerated programs of study with high-level academic and technical content. • Culture of continuous improvement — Use student assessment and program evaluation data to continuously improve school culture, organization, management, curriculum and instruction to advance student learning.

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