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This text explores the effects of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on people's unconscious minds and emotions, as well as their dreams. It discusses the need for love, safety, and the impact on relationships and fear within society.

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  1. TERRORISM Unit Seven

  2. Teaching Objectives • Grasp the main idea of the text • Appreciate the characteristics of a familiar essay (小品文,随笔,杂谈) • Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text • Conduct a series of reading, listening speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit

  3. Lead-in Tasks Questions about “Sept.11” • When did the attack happen? • How many planes were hijacked? • What were their targets? • How many people were killed during the attack? • Who is suspected to be responsible for this attack? Sept. 11, 2001 4 planes World Trade Center, Pentagon, and probably the White House About 3,000 Osama bin Laden

  4. Script of the news Reading of the victims, of the names has ended. That ceremony has concluded, but the day of remembrance here in lower Manhattan at Ground Zero is far from over, a tribute in light will be shown throughout the city later in the evening. Uh, the day of remembrance has been a very special one, a very emotional one for the siblings as you mentioned who were chosen to read the names of the 2,749 victims who died, lost their lives here on that terrible morning of 9/11, 2001.Their loved ones who were killed on the morning of 9.11, leaving many of these siblings as the only child in their family.

  5. This morning, four years later, four moments of silence: twice to mark the times each plane hit the towers and twice when each tower fell. Families are not allowed to visit the pit until 4 pm Eastern today where they've been laying those flowers in a reflecting pool of water, today reflecting on their memories. And visiting the place is very difficult to bear.

  6. It is a final resting place for so many victims whose remains were never found. And filling that gaping hole that New York City misses so much scene, the twin towers in our skyline tonight. The tribute in light, at sundown tonight, New Yorkers will view the two beams of light in memory of those lost, a symbol of the spirit of our community here in New York, a symbol of hope and a symbol of freedom. Meantime looking ahead in its place will rise the Freedom Tower, it's a 1776-foot tall, crystalline building, slated to be completed by 2009, marking the spot that changed New York, and especially our skyline forever.

  7. Governor Pataki, George Pataki said it best, by saying "Time will never dull the grief of those who lost their loved ones on that tragic day, nor will it diminish our dedication to remembering our heroes and ensuring that a fitting memorial rises in their name." That's the very latest from Ground Zero the memorial and the tribute to all those lost on 911 continues here.

  8. The Nightmare and the Dreams— How has Sept.11 affected our national unconscious? Peggy Noonan

  9. Contents • Background Information • Introduction to Text A • Text Organization • Language Points • Writing Analysis • Useful Expressions • Word Study

  10. 1. Background Information The Wall Street Journal (华尔街时报): the leading financial newspaper in the U.S. It was first published in 1889 by Charles H Dow and Edward D Jones and is still owned by Dow Jones & Company, which also publishes the Dow Jones Average. Although its main concern is business and economic new, the Journal also carries full-size articles about political and general topics.

  11. Manhattan (New York): borough of New York City, coextensive with New York County, southeastern New York, at the head of Upper New York Bay. The main economic center of New York City, it is one of the world’s leading commercial, financial, cultural, manufac- turing, medical, and tourist centers.

  12. Brooklyn Bridge:span over the East River, New York City, between the boroughs of Brooklyn and Manhattan, when the bridge was opened for use on May 24,1883, it was the longest suspension bridge in the world. The main suspension span is486m long; the average height above the river is 41m; and the overall length is 2065m.

  13. 2. Introduction to the Text The text is a familiar essay. The author writes as if she is talking to a friend about what is going on around her and in the city and her thoughts about all this. Loose and informal in style, it is nevertheless, always related to more implicitly, one topic — the aftereffects of the terrorist crimes of Sept. 11 on people, esp. their unconscious.

  14. 3.Text Organization Part I (para 1) Part II (para 2-7) Part III (para 8-17) Introduction The talk between the author and a black man reflects that people need more love than before. The author’s description on the Ids shows people need more feeling of safety.

  15. 3.Text Organization Text Organization The author’s description on the baby boom shows people need more feeling of relatives. Part IV. (para 18-19) Part V. (para 20-28) Part VI. (para 29-30) The author’s description on the dreams boom shows people feel more fearful than before. The author wants to write down the Sept. 11 related dreams to know the influence on people’s life.

  16. 4. Language Points (Para. 2) the changed landscape of downtown

  17. 4. Language Points (Para 3)I was struck, as ….., that I am walking on one of the …… I was impressed… strike: if something strikes you, you think of it, notice it, or realize that it is important, interesting, true etc. 打动 e.g. What strikes me at a first reading is its vivid images. 初读时它给人的印象是形象生动。

  18. [sth. (an idea) strike sb]if something strikes you, you think of it, notice it, or realize that it is important, interesting, true etc. e.g. An idea suddenly struck me. 我忽然想到一个主意。 [strike sb. as …]seem to have a particular quality or feature 使……觉得…. e.g. His jokes didn't strike Jack as being very funny. The plan strikes me as ridiculous. 我觉得这项计划可笑。

  19. (Para.4)but I and my jogging, biking and hiking companions have it for nothing. companion: [C.] someone you spend a lot of time with, especially a friend company: [U.] (1) ▶OTHER PEOPLE◀ when you are with other people and not alone e.g. The two men enjoy each other's company . (2) ▶GUESTS◀ people who are visiting you in your home e.g. We're expecting company this evening.

  20. (3) ▶FRIENDS◀ your friends or the group of people you spend time with e.g. People judge you by the company you keep. Things began to go wrong when he got into bad company .

  21. (Para. 5)the full charge of friendliness would have been assumed or answered. 那时会不会有这种完全友好的表示,又会不会得到回应。 charge: [N] the ability to produce strong emotions or feelings 感染力,感召力 e.g. The issue still carries a charge in American politics. 这个问题在美国政治中仍然具有感召力。 A real-life tragedy gave the film a serious emotional charge. 真实的悲剧使电影具有很强的感染力。

  22. (Para. 7)Spencer Tracy as the father of the would-be bride is pressing Mr. Poitier on whether he has considered the sufferings their mixed-race children might have to endure in America. press: try to make sb. to do sth. [press sb. about / on sth.] e.g. She continued to press him on the reasons for his decision. [press sb. into (doing) sth.] e.g. They had all been pressed into helping with the preparations for the party. [press sb. to do sth.] e.g. Both leaders are being pressed to agree quickly on the new treaty.

  23. Cotton carrier Double- wides stroller

  24. (Para. 29)(Carl Jung thought so.) Carl Jung (荣格) Swiss psychiatrist, one of the founding fathers of modern depth psychology. Jung's great contribution however was to divide the Unconscious itself into two very unequal levels: the more superficial Personal, and the deeper Collective, Unconscious. According Jung, everyone has their own Personal Unconscious. The Collective Unconscious in contrast is universal,referring to that part of a person's unconscious which is common to all human beings.

  25. 5. Writing Analysis • Marked by informality The familiar essay is a short literary composition of reflective, interpretive kind, usu. dealing with its subject from a limited, personal point of view in a nontechnical, often unsystematic way. All this determines its style:informal, colloquial, and very often conversational. (The text begins with a paragraph tell how “I felt hot all yesterday”.)

  26. Using concrete, often subtle details to convey abstract ideas and inmost feelings In the text, careful selection of incidents to show people’s changes in attitude, behavior, mental state. etc. Examples: how an African American and the author greeted each other in a friendly way; how her friend turned away when answering questions about the 9.11 event.

  27. Searching for meaning The purpose of the familiar essay is usually a search for meaning in the everyday context.(e.g. in the text, why were so many people wearing I.D. tags? Why was there a baby boom?) The way to dig out the true meaning of something includes: • to give facts that illuminate and illustrate; • to analyze cause and effect; • to examine history and possibility; • to consider what others have said about it.

  28. Use of figurative language. metaphor, simile; symbols; imagery; metonymy (using part of something to refer to the whole 换喻,转喻) etc. Examples: “we feel as if were faxed” — simile; “the Brooklyn Bridge” — as a symbol of beauty, freedom and technological wonder.

  29. The role of audience Through movement from concrete to abstract and back again, the familiar essay often gets the reader involved in interpreting matters. A good familiar essay may create in the reader an empathetic(移情) attitude to what’s happening, making him/her a partaker rather than just an onlooker of the events described. • No set structure The familiar essay has no set structure, but usually move from the abstract to the concrete and back again.

  30. 6. Useful Expressions • 世界工程技术的奇迹 • 人类创造史上最辉煌的景象之一 • 这事没有什么特别的意义 • 让人为之而动,产生强烈震撼 the engineering wonders of the world one of the greatest views in the history of man’s creation (There is) nothing significant in it pack a wallop

  31. On the one hand…, on the other hand… • 一方面…,另一方面… • 这是梦想成真的国度。 • 一次一个或一次三个 • 我不是在混日子,我融入了生活。 • 没有统计数据加以证实。 This is the land dreams are made of. one at a time or three at time I’m not just blowing through life, I’m integrated into it. There’s no statistical evidence to back it up.

  32. 7. Word Study • span • contend • come out • ponder • reflect

  33. span: (1) v. to extend across in space or time e.g. a bridge that spans the gorge 横跨峡谷的桥梁 a career that spanned 40 years 持续四十年的事业 (2) n. 跨度, 跨距, 范围 e.g. the whole span of a bridge 桥的全长 the span of a man's life 一个人的一生 the whole span of English history 英国历史的全程 the span of memory 记忆所及 in a short span of three years 在短短的三年时间内 widen the span of knowledge 扩大知识面

  34. contend: (1) vi. to compete against someone in order to gain something 竞争 [contend for] e.g. Several teams are contending for the prize. (2) vi. to argue or state that something is true 争论;辩论 [contend with](phrasal verb) to have to deal with something difficult or unpleasant e.g. contend with poverty 与贫穷做斗争 The rescue team also had bad weather conditions to contend with .

  35. (3) vt. to argue or state that something is true [contend (that)] e.g. The man contend that it was not his fault. 那人争辩说这不是他的过错。 Some astronomers contend that the universe may be younger than previously thought.

  36. come out: (1) if a book, record etc comes out, it becomes publicly available e.g. When is the new edition coming out? (2) if information comes out, people learn about it, especially after it has been kept secret e.g. No doubt the truth will come out one day. It's come out that several ministers received payments from the company.

  37. ponder:vt. / vi. formalto spend time thinking carefully and seriously about a problem, a difficult question, or something that has happened (syn.consider) e.g. He continued to ponder the problem as he walked home. [ponder on/over/about] e.g. The university board is still pondering over the matter. [ponder how/what/whether] e.g. Jay stood still for a moment, pondering whether to go or not.

  38. reflect: • to give back or show an image of (an object); mirror e.g. She could see her face reflected in the car's windshield. (2) to show or be a sign of a particular situation or feeling e.g. The drop in consumer spending reflects concern about the economy.

  39. (3) to think carefully about something, or to say something that you have been thinking about [reflect on] e.g. He had time to reflect on his successes and failures. [reflect that] e.g. Marry reflected that he had never seen Sherry so happy.

  40. End

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