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City Council and P&Z Commission Joint Workshop Discussion of TOD Code

City Council and P&Z Commission Joint Workshop Discussion of TOD Code. April 2, 2009. Stakeholder Feedback Summary of Previous TOD Discussions Special Frontage Standards Character Zone Elements Street Types Architectural Standards Civic Spaces Approval and Appeals Adoption of TOD Code.

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City Council and P&Z Commission Joint Workshop Discussion of TOD Code

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  1. City Council andP&Z CommissionJoint WorkshopDiscussion of TOD Code April 2, 2009

  2. Stakeholder Feedback • Summary of Previous TOD Discussions • Special Frontage Standards • Character Zone Elements • Street Types • Architectural Standards • Civic Spaces • Approval and Appeals • Adoption of TOD Code

  3. 1. Stakeholder Feedback Iron Horse Stakeholder Meetings • September 29 Open House (224 notices) (30 attendees) • October 14 Design Workshop (15 notices) (6 participants) • March 25 Open House (111 notices) (6 attendees) • General Support • Bluffs at Iron Horse supportive with plans to expand • Vacant property owners supportive • Traffic concerns on Browning Drive

  4. 1. Stakeholder Feedback Smithfield Stakeholder Meetings • September 30 Open House (161 notices) (51 attendees) • October 15 Design Workshop (51 notices) (14 participants) • March 26 Open House (503 notices) (57 attendees) • Concerns from surrounding neighborhoods (Residential Transition) • Widening and improvements to Main Street and Smithfield Road (New Street Standards) • “Quiet Zones” along railroad • How plans for existing businesses would be affected by TOD Code

  5. 2. Comments from February 5 Work Session • Intensity of Uses on Loop 820 • Combined Freeway and High Intensity Zones; increased heights to 10+ stories • New Street Types • Clarified lane and parking widths for Main Street, Smithfield, Iron Horse • Crosswalks on Iron Horse as part of future design plans • Concerns over sea of parking lots • Created Transitional Parking lot standards supporting phased structured parking with Special Development Plans for more than 50 parking spaces • Equal treatment for both sides of Davis Boulevard • Arterial frontage requirements set landscape and building setbacks with limited parking on frontage and building architectural control

  6. 2. Comments from February 5 Work Session • Intensity of Uses on Loop 820 • Combined Freeway and High Intensity Zones; increased heights to 10+ stories • New Street Types • Clarified lane and parking widths for Main Street, Smithfield, Iron Horse • Crosswalks on Iron Horse as part of future design plans • Concerns over sea of parking lots • Created Transitional Parking lot standards supporting phased structured parking with Special Development Plans for more than 50 parking spaces • Equal treatment for both sides of Davis Boulevard • Arterial frontage requirements set landscape and building setbacks with limited parking on frontage and building architectural control

  7. 2. Comments from February 5 Work Session • Intensity of Uses on Loop 820 • Combined Freeway and High Intensity Zones; increased heights to 10+ stories • New Street Types • Clarified lane and parking widths for Main Street, Smithfield, Iron Horse • Crosswalks on Iron Horse as part of future design plans • Concerns over sea of parking lots • Created Transitional Parking lot standards supporting phased structured parking with Special Development Plans for more than 50 parking spaces • Equal treatment for both sides of Davis Boulevard • Arterial frontage requirements set landscape and building setbacks with limited parking on frontage and building architectural control

  8. 2. Comments from February 5 Work Session • Intensity of Uses on Loop 820 • Combined Freeway and High Intensity Zones; increased heights to 10+ stories • New Street Types • Clarified lane and parking widths for Main Street, Smithfield, Iron Horse • Crosswalks on Iron Horse as part of future design plans • Concerns over sea of parking lots • Created Transitional Parking lot standards supporting phased structured parking with Special Development Plans for more than 50 parking spaces • Equal treatment for both sides of Davis Boulevard • Arterial frontage requirements set landscape and building setbacks with limited parking on frontage and building architectural control

  9. 2. Comments from February 5 Work Session • Creating a true Mixed Use District • Concerns over mixed use being a catch phrase for apartment complex • Mixed Use Criteria standards in all character zones • Separated Iron Horse and Smithfield General Mixed Use zones • Non Conforming Uses and Buildings • Uses • auto related, outside storage, storage warehouse, heavy manufacturing would become non-conforming uses and not allowed to expand • Some auto uses could continue on Davis, Mid Cities and Loop 820 • Buildings • Non Conforming Buildings with permitted uses can expand without increasing non conformance • Historic Smithfield Architectural Review Board • Planning & Zoning Commission serves as Review Board

  10. 2. Comments from February 5 Work Session • Creating a true Mixed Use District • Concerns over mixed use being a catch phrase for apartment complex • Mixed Use Criteria standards in all character zones • Separated Iron Horse and Smithfield General Mixed Use zones • Non Conforming Uses and Buildings • Uses • auto related, outside storage, storage warehouse, heavy manufacturing would become non-conforming uses and not allowed to expand • Some auto uses could continue on Davis, Mid Cities and Loop 820 • Buildings • Non Conforming Buildings with permitted uses can expand without increasing non conformance • Historic Smithfield Architectural Review Board • Planning & Zoning Commission serves as Review Board

  11. 2. Comments from February 5 Work Session • Creating a true Mixed Use District • Concerns over mixed use being a catch phrase for apartment complex • Mixed Use Criteria standards in all character zones • Separated Iron Horse and Smithfield General Mixed Use zones • Non Conforming Uses and Buildings • Uses • auto related, outside storage, storage warehouse, heavy manufacturing would become non-conforming uses and not allowed to expand • Some auto uses could continue on Davis, Mid Cities and Loop 820 • Buildings • Non Conforming Buildings with permitted uses can expand without increasing non conformance • Historic Smithfield Architectural Review Board • Planning & Zoning Commission serves as Review Board

  12. Recent Staff Recommendations Expansion of Permitted Use Tables Clarifying required Mixed Uses in General Mixed Use Zones Additions to non-conforming buildings not conforming to TOD standards may be approved with a Special Development Plan

  13. 3. Special Frontage Standards (Pg 6-7) • Required Commercial Frontage • Main Street and Iron Horse Blvd. at the rail station • Commercial uses required on the ground floor • Arterial Frontage • Unifies development along Davis and Mid-Cities Blvd with 15 foot landscape buffer and surface parking no deeper than 70 feet along frontage • Boulevard Frontage • Unifies development frontage along Iron Horse Blvd with build to zones, parking lots no deeper than 70 feet and no more than 50% of lot frontage in parking areas

  14. Special Frontage Standards:Iron Horse TOD Commercial Frontage Boulevard Frontage

  15. Special Frontage Standards:Smithfield TOD Arterial Frontage Commercial Frontage

  16. Special Frontage Standards Iron Horse TODSmithfield TOD Commercial Frontage Commercial Frontage (Iron Horse Blvd at station) (Main Street) Boulevard Frontage Arterial Frontage (Iron Horse north and south (Davis and Mid Cities) of station) • Are you in agreement with the proposed street frontage requirements?

  17. 4. Character Zones Permitted Uses Building Heights Conformance to Mixed Uses Residential Densities Parking Incentives Transition Standards Bonus Provisions

  18. Permitted Uses (Table 5.1 & 5.2) • Permitted Uses • Encouraging Mixed Use zones • Retail, Restaurant, Office, Residential, Light Industrial, Institutional • Auto related uses only allowed in General Mixed Use, Arterial and High Intensity zones with Loop 820, Davis or Mid Cities frontage • Not Permitted Uses • Auto related uses in TOD Core areas • Outdoor Storage Uses • Storage warehouse (mini-warehousing) • Major manufacturing

  19. Historic Core (Pg 11-12) X • Preserve and reinforce existing historic fabric • Provide appropriate in-fill and architectural design standards • 1 -2 story heights • Mixed Use conformance – 6,000 sq.ft. or 2 acres • Parking – under 3,000 sq.ft./shared within 1,200 feet

  20. TOD Core (Pg 13-14) • Potential for new higher intensity, mixed use development • Maximum 4 stories; average 3 stories • Mixed Use conformance – 10,000 sq.ft. or 4 acres • Parking – under 3,000 sq.ft./shared within 1,200 feet

  21. High Intensity Mixed Use (Pg 15-16) • High rise office and residential uses; some ground floor retail uses • Intended for large scale employment uses • 10 stories maximum; Special Development Plan above 10 stories • Structured parking • Mixed Use conformance – 30,000 sq.ft. or 10 acres

  22. Iron Horse General Mixed Use (Pg 17-18) • Potential for a wide variety of mixed use development – could include office uses, live-work, light industrial fabrication studios, mixed residential, and retail/restaurant uses. • Maximum 3 stories, generally 1 – 2 stories • Mixed Use conformance –10,000 sq.ft. or 5 acres (25% ground floor non-res) • Parking – under 3,000 sq.ft/shared within 1,200 feet

  23. Smithfield General Mixed Use (Pg 19-20) • Potential for a wide variety of mixed use development – could include office uses, live-work, light industrial fabrication studios, mixed residential, and retail/restaurant uses. • Maximum 3 stories, generally 1 – 2 stories • Mixed Use conformance – 10,000 sq.ft. or 5 acres (25% ground floor non-res) • Parking – under 3,000 sq.ft./shared within 1,200 feet

  24. Arterial Mixed Use (Pg 21-22) • Generally 1 – 2 stories • Parking allowed along the arterial street • Limited to commercial uses (retail and office) • Mixed Use conformance – none • Parking – existing standards/shared within 1,200 feet

  25. TOD Residential (Pg 23-24) • Redevelopment transitions to neighborhoods • 1 -2 story heights • Range of urban residential uses – brownstones, live-work, courtyard residential • Mixed Use conformance – none, non-residential on avenues and boulevards • Parking – under 3,000 sq.ft. non residential/shared within 1,200 feet

  26. Range of Land Use Mixes Non-ResidentialResidential Historic TOD 50%-95% 0%-35% TOD Core 35%-95% 20%-40% TOD Residential 0%-50% 35%-65% Iron Horse General 25%-95% 10%-50% Smithfield General 20%-85% 30%-60% Arterial Mixed Use 45%-95% 0%-5% High Intensity Mixed Use 35%-95% 0%-40%

  27. Transition Standards Single Family Residential Historic TOD - none TOD Core – 3 story height within 25 feet, 6 foot fence TOD Residential – 2 story height within 25 feet, 6 foot fence Iron Horse General - 2 story height within 25 feet, 6 foot fence Smithfield General - 2 story height within 25 feet, 6 foot fence Arterial Mixed Use - 2 story height within 25 feet, 6 foot fence Commercial High Intensity Mixed Use – no adjacent residential; Commercial adjacency within 250 feet of any other zone limits no more than 2 stories above adjoining zone

  28. Bonus Provisions Iron Horse General – 10% increase in residential for 5% increase in commercial over 15% Smithfield General - 10% increase in residential for 5% increase in commercial over 15% High Intensity Mixed Use – building heights over 10 stories permitted with: • Plazas, squares or civic open spaces • Structured parking • Minimum of 10% residential uses

  29. 4. Character Zones Permitted Uses Building Heights Conformance to Mixed Uses Residential Densities Parking Incentives Transition Standards Bonus Provisions Are you in agreement with the Character Zone Standards?

  30. 5. Review of TOD Street Types (Pg 26-27) • Commercial “Main Street” • Main Street • Avenue • Smithfield • Boulder • Commercial “Avenue” • Iron Horse at the rail station • TOD “Boulevard” • Iron Horse north and south of rail station • General “TOD” Street • TOD Alley

  31. Commercial “Main” Street Main Street

  32. Avenue Smithfield Road, Boulder Dr, Combs Dr

  33. Commercial “Avenue” Iron Horse Blvd. at Rail Station

  34. TOD Boulevard Iron Horse Blvd. north and south of Rail Station

  35. TOD General Street

  36. TOD Alley

  37. TOD Street Types Iron Horse TODSmithfield TOD Avenue Main Street Commercial Avenue Avenue TOD Boulevard TOD General TOD General • Are you in agreement with the designated TOD street types?

  38. 6. Architectural Standards (Pgs 29 – 39) Sustainability and pedestrian oriented public realm, architectural elements and form, not a particular style Location on the Street Pedestrian-Friendly Building Massing and Scale Feature Buildings Architectural Elements and Storefronts Building Materials Building Types

  39. Building Types Shopfront building 3-story Mixed Use loft 4-story Mixed Use loft 2-story live-work Apartment building Multi-unit house Townhouse Detached house Commercial high rise building

  40. Historic Smithfield Architectural Standards Building Form & Massing Horizontal Rhythm Doors and Windows Roof Form Building Materials Awnings and Canopies

  41. 6. Architectural Standards Are you in agreement with the TOD Architectural Standards?

  42. 7. Civic Spaces (Pg 41) -Illustrative Plan encourages location, scale and design of civic spaces -Squares, parks and greens appropriate in any zone -All new development shall provide a minimum of 10% of gross area in usable open space (no more than 50% for private open space) -New development less than 10 acres may pay park fee in lieu of open space requirement -Plazas and squares should link station platform to commercial areas -Plaza – ¼ to 1 acre, Squares – ½ to 2 acres -Open spaces include pocket parks, children’s play areas, greens, squares, linear greens; active parks limited to 10% of parks in station areas • Are you in agreement with the TOD Architectural Standards?

  43. 7. Civic Spaces -Illustrative Plan encourages location, scale and design of civic spaces -Squares, parks and greens appropriate in any zone -All new development shall provide a minimum of 10% of gross area in usable open space (no more than 50% for private open space) -New development less than 10 acres may pay park fee in lieu of open space requirement -Plazas and squares should link station platform to commercial areas -Plaza – ¼ to 1 acre, Squares – ½ to 2 acres -Open spaces include pocket parks, children’s play areas, greens, squares, linear greens; active parks limited to 10% of parks in station areas • Are you in agreement with the TOD Architectural Standards?

  44. 7. Civic Spaces -Illustrative Plan encourages location, scale and design of civic spaces -Squares, parks and greens appropriate in any zone -All new development shall provide a minimum of 10% of gross area in usable open space (no more than 50% for private open space) -New development less than 10 acres may pay park fee in lieu of open space requirement -Plazas and squares should link station platform to commercial areas -Plaza – ¼ to 1 acre, Squares – ½ to 2 acres -Open spaces include pocket parks, children’s play areas, greens, squares, linear greens; active parks limited to 10% of parks in station areas • Are you in agreement with the TOD Architectural Standards?

  45. 7. Civic Spaces -Illustrative Plan encourages location, scale and design of civic spaces -Squares, parks and greens appropriate in any zone -All new development shall provide a minimum of 10% of gross area in usable open space (no more than 50% for private open space) -New development less than 10 acres may pay park fee in lieu of open space requirement -Plazas and squares should link station platform to commercial areas -Plaza – ¼ to 1 acre, Squares – ½ to 2 acres -Open spaces include pocket parks, children’s play areas, greens, squares, linear greens; active parks limited to 10% of parks in station areas • Are you in agreement with the TOD Architectural Standards?

  46. 7. Civic Spaces -Illustrative Plan encourages location, scale and design of civic spaces -Squares, parks and greens appropriate in any zone -All new development shall provide a minimum of 10% of gross area in usable open space (no more than 50% for private open space) -New development less than 10 acres may pay park fee in lieu of open space requirement -Plazas and squares should link station platform to commercial areas -Plaza – ¼ to 1 acre, Squares – ½ to 2 acres -Open spaces include pocket parks, children’s play areas, greens, squares, linear greens; active parks limited to 10% of parks in station areas • Are you in agreement with the TOD Architectural Standards?

  47. 7. Civic Spaces -Illustrative Plan encourages location, scale and design of civic spaces -Squares, parks and greens appropriate in any zone -All new development shall provide a minimum of 10% of gross area in usable open space (no more than 50% for private open space) -New development less than 10 acres may pay park fee in lieu of open space requirement -Plazas and squares should link station platform to commercial areas -Plaza – ¼ to 1 acre, Squares – ½ to 2 acres -Open spaces include pocket parks, children’s play areas, greens, squares, linear greens; active parks limited to 10% of parks in station areas • Are you in agreement with the TOD Architectural Standards?

  48. 7. Civic Spaces -Illustrative Plan encourages location, scale and design of civic spaces -Squares, parks and greens appropriate in any zone -All new development shall provide a minimum of 10% of gross area in usable open space (no more than 50% for private open space) -New development less than 10 acres may pay park fee in lieu of open space requirement -Plazas and squares should link station platform to commercial areas -Plaza – ¼ to 1 acre, Squares – ½ to 2 acres -Open spaces include pocket parks, children’s play areas, greens, squares, linear greens; active parks limited to 10% of parks in station areas • Are you in agreement with the TOD Architectural Standards?

  49. 7. Civic Spaces Are you in agreement with the TOD Civic and open space Standards?

  50. 8. Approvals and Appeals (Pg 42-44) • All applications meeting the requirements of the Code may be approved by Staff • All applications requesting development flexibility, modifications or incentives shall be reviewed as “special development” plans and subject to P&Z recommendation and Council approval • Encouraging process of seeking “master developer” to work with city to facilitate development

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