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Movies Engineering Node Standards

. . 2. Outline. BackgroundIssuesConcernsSummaryWorking group. . . 3. Background . At the Nov. 2006 Management Council meeting, in response to an MC directive, a presentation was given on the issues involved in developing a standard for archiving movies.In Jan. 2007, a working group was

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Movies Engineering Node Standards

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Movies Engineering Node Standards

    2. 2 Outline Background Issues Concerns Summary Working group

    3. 3 Background

    4. 4 Background - Continued

    5. 5 Background - Continued

    6. 6 Issues In late 2006, several nodes had expressed a need for a movie data object. At the time, several different methods were being used in lieu of a formal object, including: archiving as documents, “safing”, and including in the EXTRAS directory. At least one mission had already chosen not to archive their movies after initial interest in doing so, because the PDS had no formal standard in place. The general feeling was that the PDS needed to be proactive, rather than reactive in addressing this issue. In the spring of 2008, the same nodes that earlier expressed a need for a movie data object are now expressing contentment with the various work-around solutions they came up with earlier. Some have expressed the sentiment that a proactive approach is more likely to cause than to solve problems, and that we should wait until we have a pressing need before addressing this issue.

    7. 7 Concerns

    8. 8 Summary The Management Council needs to decide if it wants a standard for formally archiving movie data products under PDS3. The Management Council needs to decide if it wants a standard for archiving movies as documents under PDS3. The Management Council needs to determine if continued research on movie formats is desirable in preparation for PDS4. The relative priorities of the above tasks, if continued, need to be established relative to other ongoing standards-related tasks.

    9. 9 Working Group Elizabeth Rye (lead) Steve Adams (technical advisor) Mike Cayanan Rose Early Patty Garcia Lyle Huber Steve Hughes Carol Neese Dick Simpson Not formally on Working Group, but providing assistance in various capacities: Ron Joyner Chris Leung Shigeru Suzuki

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