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Reconstruction. Ashanti Ashford U.S. Government Mrs. Ashford April 19, 2013. History . The reconstruction period was a time of transition in the United States of America. . Society during Reconstruction.

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  1. Reconstruction Ashanti Ashford U.S. Government Mrs. Ashford April 19, 2013

  2. History The reconstruction period was a time of transition in the United States of America.

  3. Society during Reconstruction During this time, Americans were deciding on what side they were on in relation to the freedom of the newly freed black people.

  4. Events that led to Reconstruction What led up to Reconstruction is the United States desire to answer the question on how to address the issue of slavery. The north and the south went into a huge war fighting for what they both believed was the right path for the country at that time.

  5. Key people during Reconstruction During this time, the most influential people were: John Wilkes Booth-assassinated President Abraham Lincoln Ulysses S. Grant- Union general and Civil War hero Andrew Johnson-Former governor and senator from Tennessee who became president after Abraham Lincoln’s assassination. Abraham Lincoln- Former lawyer from Illinois who became president in the election of 1860 and guided the Union through the Civil War.

  6. Key Words duringReconstruction Black codes-The codes were one of many techniques that southern whites used to keep blacks effectively enslaved for decades after the abolition of slavery. Carpetbaggers-A nickname for northerners who moved to the South after the Civil War, named for their tendency to carry their possessions with them in large carpetbags Civil Rights Act of 1866-A bill that guaranteed blacks the right to sue, serve on juries, testify as witnesses against whites, and enter into legal contracts. Led to the 14th amendment. Freedmen’s Bureau-A government agency established by Congress in 1865 to distribute food, supplies, and confiscated land to former slaves. The bureau also established schools for blacks throughout the south.

  7. Why is Reconstruction Era significant in history? It was during this time in American history where the country was working to unite the nation after such a split in the nation over what to do with 4 million slaves in the country.

  8. 5 Questions on Reconstruction 1. What was the society like during this time? 2.What time period did Reconstruction cover? 3. Who was a key player during this time? 4. What is the freedmen’s bureau? 5 What events led up to reconstruction?

  9. Reconstruction Question Answer Key Divided 1865- 1877 Ulysses S. Grant A government agency established by Congress in 1865 to distribute food, supplies, and confiscated land to former slaves. Division between the north and south on how to address slavery in this country that led to the Civil war.

  10. Any Questions?

  11. Sources www.kingtisdell.org/reconphotos.htm www.history.com/topics/reconstruction www.cartoonstock.com/vintage/directory/r/​reconstruction_​era.asp

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