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Developing a Disaster Recovery Plan

Developing a Disaster Recovery Plan. Bb World ’06 San Diego, Calif. Poster Session Presented by Crystal Nielsen, M.A. Instructional Technologist Northwest Nazarene University Nampa, Idaho March 1, 2006. Context: Overall Network.

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Developing a Disaster Recovery Plan

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  1. Developing a Disaster Recovery Plan Bb World ’06San Diego, Calif. Poster SessionPresented by Crystal Nielsen, M.A.Instructional TechnologistNorthwest Nazarene UniversityNampa, Idaho March 1, 2006

  2. Context: Overall Network • This poster will outline clear, practical steps for preparing a business continuity/disaster recovery plan for the Blackboard system in the context of an organization's overall network. • This is but one way to approach the development of such a plan. Adapt it to fit your needs.

  3. 1. Brainstorm • Discuss possible scenarios and likely repercussions • What disasters are possible on your campus? Think beyond fires and floods. Are you in a flight path? What about faults and failures? Loss of power? Economic disaster? Security breach? • What is the likely fallout? Would data be recoverable? Who is needed to help?

  4. 2. Outline • Flesh out what network services are provided and in what order they must be restored • Beyond Blackboard, components could include web servers, administrative software, e-mail, Internet services, telephone network, data repositories, and print services • Executive-level administrators may need to assign priorities

  5. 3. Document • Gather documentation in both hard copy and electronic form • Fill in the Bb Operations Workbook, found with a completion guide at Behind the Blackboard, to givedisaster survivors an accurate picture of your particular Bb installation. • Download all applicable Bb manuals and resources such as the Administrator Manual, Authentication Manual, Data Integration Manual, Release Notes, etc.

  6. 3. Document, cont. • Gather documentation • Compile contact information about Bb representatives, colleagues from Bb community, and Building Block vendors • Compile job descriptions for campus Bb admins, instructional designers, help desk, and other related personnel • Keep compilations in a thumb drive and hard-copy folders off-site.

  7. 4. Define • Develop recovery scenarios based on possible disasters specific to your site • This step should encompass three main concerns: • Levels – Disaster impact to campus systems • Categories – Importance of systems to provide and restore • Stages – The groups of steps needed to restore systems and services

  8. 4. Define, cont. • Develop recovery scenarios • First, consider Level of disaster

  9. 4. Define, cont. • Develop recovery scenarios • Second, consider Category of importance

  10. 4. Define, cont. • Develop recovery scenarios • Third, consider Stages needed to restore systems and services • Example: The building housing servers is damaged or destroyed • Ascertain what has been lost, referring to inventory of operations, facilities and equipment • Move to second location to restore equipment as prioritized • Begin providing services as prioritized

  11. 5. Designate • Assign personnel to specific tasks • Example: Disaster Recovery Team Coordinator Operations Recovery Coordinator Business Recovery Coordinator Special Operations Recovery Coord. Operations Recovery Team Members Business Recovery Team Members Special Ops Recovery Team Members

  12. 5. Designate, cont. • Assign personnel to specific tasks • Operations Recovery team - restoring the team’s computer systems, networks, telephones and applications; storing backups. • Business Recovery team - finding a place to relocate staff, recovering records, assigning personnel, salvaging and restoring facilities; providing supplies. • Special Operations Recovery team - optional for unique operational needs.

  13. 6. Write • Put the plan on paper • Flesh out in detail the personnel requirements and procedures you have discussed, and take inventories. • Write a first draft, then gather staff to review it. Many heads are better than one, but they work better if given something tangible to refine. • Seek necessary administrative approvals.

  14. 7. Test • Practice the plan and refine it • At least annually, attempt a restoration based only on data and documentation stored off-site. • If needed, train team members in their tasks. • Keep the plan up-front. It won’t work if no one knows about it or where to find it during a disaster.

  15. Further Resources • General plan adapted with permission from Massachusetts Institute of Technology’sFARM Team Plan Development TemplatePublic Distribution Version http://web.mit.edu/bcmt/template_public.pdf • B2bContinuity.com http://www.b2bcontinuity.com/disasterrecoveryplanning.html • University of Toronto http://www.utoronto.ca/security/documentation/business_continuity/dis_rec_plan.htm • Disaster Recovery Journal http://www.drj.com/new2dr/articles.htm

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