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The Bones of Trunk 躯干骨

The Bones of Trunk 躯干骨. The bones of trunk include the vertebrae( 椎骨 ), the sternum( 胸骨 ), and the ribs( 肋 ). skull. Bones of trunk. Humerus 肱骨. Bones of upper limb. Radius 桡骨. Hip bone 髋骨. Bones of lower limb. femur 股骨. tibia 胫骨. Ⅰ. The Vertebrae ( 椎骨 )

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The Bones of Trunk 躯干骨

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  1. The Bones of Trunk 躯干骨

  2. The bones of trunk include the vertebrae(椎骨), the sternum(胸骨), and the ribs(肋).

  3. skull Bones of trunk Humerus 肱骨 Bones of upper limb Radius 桡骨 Hip bone 髋骨 Bones of lower limb femur 股骨 tibia 胫骨

  4. Ⅰ. The Vertebrae (椎骨) In a child, the normal number of the separate vertebrae is 33, which include 7 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 sacral and 4 coccygeal vertebrae.

  5. 7 cervical vertebrae 12 thoracic vertebrae 5 lumbar vertebrae 5 sacral vertebrae 4 coccygeal vertebrae

  6. 颈椎(7) 胸椎(12) 腰椎(5) 骶骨 尾骨

  7. 7 cervical vertebrae 12 thoracic vertebrae 5 lumbar vertebrae 5 sacral vertebrae 4 coccygeal vertebrae

  8. In the adult, the 5 sacral vertebrae fused with each other to form the sacrum(骶骨), and 4 coccygeal vertebrae to form the coccyx(尾骨).

  9. (Ⅰ) The general features of the vertebrae A typical vertebra, the vertebra in the middle thoracic region, is made up of two parts: the vertebral body(椎体) and the vertebral arch(椎弓).

  10. The vertebral body and the vertebral arch enclose the vertebral foramen(椎孔).The arch has a pair of pedicles and a pair of laminae, which extends seven processes, viz.,

  11. four articular processes(关节突) and two transverse processes (横突) and a spine(棘突).

  12. Spinous process Transverse prosess Superior articular process The pedicleof vertebral arch vertebral body Vertebral foramen The fourth thoracic vertebra

  13. Superior articular process vertebral body Transverse costal fovea Transverse prosess Spinous process Vertebral foramen The fourth thoracic vertebra

  14. 棘突 椎弓板 横突肋窝 横突 上关节突 椎孔 椎弓根 椎体 第四胸椎上面观

  15. Superior vertebral notch The pedicleof vertebral arch inferior vertebral notch inferior articular process vertebral body Spinous process

  16. 椎上切迹 上关节突 上肋窝 横突 椎体 下关节突 下肋窝 椎下切迹 棘突 第四胸椎侧面观

  17. Transverse costal fovea superior costal fovea inferior costal fovea intervertebral foramen The lateral view of the 6th 7th and 8th thoracic vertebrae

  18. 上肋窝 横突肋窝 椎间孔 下肋窝 棘突 椎体 第六、七、八胸椎侧面观

  19. (Ⅱ) The main characteristics of vertebrae in each region 1. The thoracic vertebrae (胸椎)

  20. The characters of thoracic vertebrae are as follows: (1)They have two costal fovea on each side of their bodies;

  21. (2) They have transverse fovea on their transverse processes (apart from those of the lower two thoracic vertebrae).

  22. (3)The spines of thoracic vertebrae are long and downward sloping, the articular facets of articular processes are relatively vertical.

  23. Transverse costal fovea superior costal fovea inferior costal fovea Spinous process

  24. Transverse costal fovea superior costal fovea inferior costal fovea The lateral view of the 6th 7th and 8th thoracic vertebrae

  25. 2. The cervical vertebrae (颈椎) The characters of thoracic vertebrae are as follows: (1)They have transverse foramen in each transverse process;

  26. (2)The end of the transverse process is bifucated into anterior and posterior tubercls. (3)The spines are short and bifid except the first and the seventh.

  27. Spinous process Vertebral foramen Transverse foramen posterior tubercle anterior tubercle The fourth cervical vertebra, superior view

  28. anterior tubercle Transverse foramen posterior tubercle bifid spinous process The fourth cervical vertebra, superior view

  29. 棘突 椎孔 椎弓 上关节突 横突 横突孔 椎体钩 椎体 第四颈椎上面观

  30. 椎体钩 椎体 第四颈椎前外侧面观

  31. The first cervical vertebra, the atlas(寰椎), has no body and no spine. It consists of anterior and posterior arches united on each side by a lateral mass.

  32. There is fovea dentis(齿突窝) at the middle of the posterior surface of the anterior arch.

  33. Superior articular surface posterior arch lateral mass fovea dentis anterior arch The superior view of the atlas

  34. Superior articular surface anterior arch lateral mass fovea dentis posterior arch The superior view of the atlas

  35. 后结节 后弓 侧块 椎孔 横突孔 上关节面 前弓 齿突窝 前结节 寰椎上面观

  36. posterior tubercle inferior articular surface Transverse foramen fovea dentis anterior tubercle The inferior view of the atlas

  37. inferior articular surface anterior tubercle Transverse foramen posterior tubercle The inferior view of the atlas

  38. 后结节 后弓 侧块 椎孔 横突孔 前弓 下关节面 前结节 齿突窝 寰椎下面观

  39. The second cervical vertebra, the axis, bears the odontoid process (dens) on the superior aspect of its body, on which there is an anterior articular surface of dens for articulation with the fovea dentis of atlas.

  40. dens posterior articular surface The superior view of the axis

  41. dens posterior articular surface The superior view of the axis

  42. 齿突 后关节面 上关节面 椎体 横突 椎孔 横突孔 椎弓 棘突 枢椎上面观

  43. dens anterior articular surface The anterior view of the axis

  44. The seventh cervical vertebra is known as vertebra prominens. Its nonbifid spine is relatively long and can be easily felt.

  45. Transverse foramen Vertebral foramen Spinous process The seventh cervical vertebra, superior view

  46. Transverse foramen Vertebral foramen Spinous process The seventh cervical vertebra, superior view

  47. 椎体 横突孔 椎孔 棘突 第七颈椎(隆椎)上面观

  48. 3. The lumbar vertebrae (腰椎) Their vertebral bodies are larger than those of other vertebrae. The spines of them are strong, square and horizontal.

  49. The articular processes of lumbar vertebrae are almost straight in a vertical plane with articular facets which lie in the sagittal plane.

  50. Superior articular process Spinous process inferior articular process vertebral body The fourth lumbar vertebra, lateral view

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