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“SIKU” Sea Ice Mapping System The DMI Approach

“SIKU” Sea Ice Mapping System The DMI Approach. Henrik Steen Andersen Danish Meteorological Institute. Requirements. Demands. Solution. Production of digital ice charts based on satellite imagery and additional (meteorological) information.

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“SIKU” Sea Ice Mapping System The DMI Approach

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  1. “SIKU”Sea Ice Mapping SystemThe DMI Approach Henrik Steen Andersen Danish Meteorological Institute

  2. Requirements Demands Solution Production of digital ice charts based on satellite imagery and additional (meteorological) information Integration of raster and vector GIS functionality, efficient and flexible data presentation. Efficient development environment Software libraries, macro language, COTS. System must be user friendly, easy to maintain, long lifetime. External support, documentation, large user base. Exchange of data Standard formats System will also be used to R&D An efficient toolbox.

  3. Data reception Data processing Product distribution Workflow DMI Ground Stations and via Internet DMI Production software RADARSAT, NOAA and DMSP data DMI distribution system ERDAS, import, interpretation Arc/INFO, topology and QC Production of Ice analysis ArcView, Graphical environment Presentation Production of Ice chart

  4. NOAA DMSP Ice Charts HIRLAM Maps ENVISAT RADARSAT 2 Ice drift model Data Input RADARSAT SIKU

  5. Observations Recognisance DMSP SSM/I NOAA AVHRR RADARSAT Data Input

  6. Current Status • Hardware • SGI O2 Front end, two screens. • Connected to DMI operational production system • OS • UNIX (front end and production) • Software • DMI software, satellite data ingest and production • ERDAS Imagine, version 8.3 • Arc/INFO, version 8.1 • ArcView, version 3.3

  7. ERDAS is used for.. Data presentation and digitization Visual interpretation Line and point symbols

  8. ERDAS is used for.. Enter attributes in SIGRID format Topology check

  9. ArcView is used for.. An Ice Chart is based On an Ice Analysis Conversion from SIGRID to WMO codes Ice Eggs Text and grid Ice Chart print Export

  10. ArcView is used for.. RADARSAT Data Browser

  11. ArcView is used for.. Presentation of Forecasts

  12. The Products Regional - Weekly Navigational Ice Charts

  13. What’s New ? • The current version of SIKU has been working operationally since 1999 • The front end hardware is from 1998 • Only minor changes have been made since

  14. Are the Ice Analysts Happy ? • The ice analysts find SIKU satisfactory • The system is stable • The workflow is logical • Normally the system is not the limiting factor • We are getting the job done

  15. Are the Ice Analysts Happy ? • On the other hand .. • Basic functionality should be improved • Easier selection of lines and symbols • A better way to enter area attributes • Optimize the digitization process • Faster hardware would be nice • Add new information layers

  16. Maintenance and Development • The struggle between new ideas and resources • The system is customizable • The knowledge is available • We have plenty of new ideas • BUT human and economic resources are limited

  17. Ice chart Wind speed & direction Wave direction & height Pressure Next Generation..

  18. Next Generation.. • Trends.. • ESRI software development strategy makes WINDOWS mandatory • ArcGIS may contain all necessary elements • ERDAS may only be used for R&D • Normally it is easier to buy software including support than to pay contractors

  19. Next Generation.. • Advantages.. • ArcGIS provides very flexible customization tools • ArcGIS is scalable • Support and maintenance are simpler • Hardware is cheaper • It is a very interesting job to convert from Avenue to VBA • Other Ice Services use ESRI software

  20. Next Generation.. • Questions.. • Do ArcGIS provide the efficient image presentation environment that we need ? • Will it be possible for DMI to maintain and further develop the software ? • Can DMI benefit from the development in the other ice services ? • Is it possible to exchange / buy customized modules ?

  21. The Way Forward.. • DMI most upgrade HW / SW within 1-2 years. • Major DMI development efforts must be financed by external sources. • Customized (front end) modules based on COTS could be a very interesting alternative. • DMI possess the necessary technical skills to maintain the software and implement interfaces

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