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Assessment of Generalist Learning Competency

Assessment of Generalist Learning Competency. Rakesh Biswas Department of Medicine, LNMCH, Bhopal. Curriculum game change: Blended offline online course BOOC. BOOC learning strategy.

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Assessment of Generalist Learning Competency

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  1. Assessment of Generalist Learning Competency RakeshBiswas Department of Medicine, LNMCH, Bhopal

  2. Curriculum game change: Blended offline online course BOOC

  3. BOOC learning strategy The BOOC effectively begins with a hands on patient-based-learning session after we finish browsing the introductory power points around WHAT, WHY and HOW of Generalism in Medical education

  4. Broad Learning goal At the end of this course you are expected to become an MBBS Medical Detective (aka MD) and not only achieve competency* in clinical problem solving but also become proficient in gathering and adding online whole-patient-centred ‘evidence based solutions.’ *See this Module ahead for a list of competencies achievable through this course

  5. Assessing Patient-based learning PBL • Assessment is integral to learning feedback • We are constantly assessing each other even as we interact

  6. Assessment of Course participants: • A system of formative Assessment will evaluate student generated data/learning points arising from their experiences during the course of their asynchronous online learning interactions with virtually linked (but de-identified) patients and co-participants of this BOOC

  7. Assessment of Course participants: This means there will be multiple weekly assessments and validation/corrections of thecandidate's learning through an online ‘dialogue’ between the facilitator, co-participants and the student (all of which will get automatically recorded online in the discussion forum.

  8. Assessing Patient centred Case based learning Your patient based learning PBL is archived not only in the online patient record links but also in your online-learning-portfolio created from the learning points in your PBL posts in the discussion forum

  9. Assessing Patient based learning • Our current social network based discussion forum allows automatic visualization of the learning-participants posts just by keying in the participants name in the search engine of the discussion forum

  10. Assessment of Course completion Done by: • Analysis of automatically recorded conversational learning inputs in participants Online-Learning-Portfolio • Participants blogged reflections around their patient centred learning experiences

  11. Learning portfolio analysis of individual elective students • Based on: • Manual Thematic Analysis of participatory online and offline inputs

  12. Sample learning portfolios In the next few slides we present just a few select sample of analyzed portfolios from a lot many unanalyzed

  13. Shrutika Singh UGY3: Learning portfolio Analysis • Thematic analysis from cases presented to Prof Meltzer, Thomas Jefferson University, in the online forum tabula rasa as well as offline during Prof Meltzer’s visit to PCMS Bhopal, offline to Prof Sunando, IISER, Bhopal, Profs at PCMS, Bhopal • Participatory inputs in various other cases and queries discussed in tabula rasa

  14. Shrutika Singh UGY3: online presentation and participations

  15. Medical Student Online-learning portfolio Sample : Assessing Collaboration, Curiosity, Commitment

  16. Multidisciplinary Faculty learning portfolios • Priyank Jain, Faculty, Medicine, Cambridge Health and Harvard Medical School, Boston • Michele Meltzer, Faculty, Rheumatology, Thomas Jefferson, Philadelphia • RajibSengupta, Engineer, Entrepreneur, CEO, Mission Arogya, Florida and Kolkata • Abhijit Das, Director of Neurorehabilitation Programand Consultant Neurologist, Institute of Neurosciences Kolkata

  17. Multidisciplinary Faculty : Collaboration, Curiosity, Commitment

  18. Learning Competencies: At the end of the course students will be able to obtain… An overview of clinical problem solving: The student will learn to prepare a patient problem list, identify an anatomical and etiologic diagnosis and as one of the stakeholders in the patient’s care facilitate apositive relationship between the patient and his/her primary-secondary-tertiary health professionals through efficient and optimal knowledge sharing between all thesestakeholders)

  19. Learning Competencies: At the end of the course students will be able to obtain… Information pertaining to clinical history and examination The student will learn to… assist and facilitate the process of examining the patient’s narrative and also process other information obtained through physical examination with and without the help of modern technological tools such as radiological imaging and laboratory parameters reflecting the patient’s internal chemistry)

  20. Learning Competencies: At the end of the course students will be able to obtain… A mastery on information related to anatomy, radiology, physiology and biochemistry that is necessary to reach an anatomical, functional and molecular diagnosis for a given clinical problem at hand.

  21. Learning Competencies: At the end of the course students will be able to obtain… • A life long approach and strategy to discover these essentials while practicing online and offline clinical problem solving beginning with the case at hand and travelling right down to basic anatomy, physiology and biochemistry in context of patient-based information collected from clinical, radiological and laboratory data.)

  22. Learning Competencies: At the end of the course students will be able to obtain… An approach to solve problems around diseases of: Cardiovascular system (Cardiology) Respiratory system (Pulmonology) Renal and genitourinary system (Nephrology, Urology)Hematological system (Hematology, Immunology) Nervous system (Neurology) Gastrointestinal system (Gastroenterolgy) Reproductive system (Men’s and Women’s health) Skin and Integumentary system Cognitive system (Psychology, Psychiatry) Musculoskeletal system (Rheumatology, Orthopedics)

  23. Learning Competencies: At the end of the course students will be able to obtain… A Mastery on the essentials of pathology and microbiology that is necessary to reach an etiological diagnosis A life long ability to discover these inthe context of solving their patient’s problems)

  24. Learning Competencies: At the end of the course students will be able to obtain… A mastery of the essentials of Pharmacology, EBM and Net-searching that is necessary to formulate a solution and treatment plan An ability to actively discover these life-long in the context of solving their patient’s problems

  25. Learning Competencies: At the end of the course students will be able to obtain… A realization that the process of patient based learning through clinical problem solving largely involves: Actively collating patient experiential narratives on a variety of health problems by localizing them into anatomical areas of origin such as blood disorders or cardiovascular etc. and Searching the net for evidence based (or similar experiential narrative based) information to delve deeper into the problem toward the endpoint of being able to make a positive change in the concerned individual’s health outcome.

  26. Attainment of Learning Competencies and Course Duration Attainment of Learning Competencies will be assessed through the participant’s online-learning-portfolio Course duration would be flexible and solely depend on the learner’s participation toward patient-based –learning in the discussion forum and achievements in clinical problem solving of the discussed individual patients.

  27. Attainment of Learning Competencies and Course Duration The learner’s online-portfolio will be qualitatively evaluated for the desired and previously outlined competencies, transparently visible in information content of the learner’s active participatory responses to various cases posted in the forum. The learner shall be declared to have completed the course satisfactorily only depending on the above evaluation

  28. BOOC learning ecosystem to benefit both patients and life-long medical students? • Patient Data in online electronic records with removed identifiers to protect privacy • Networked to multiple health-professional student learning portfolios online • Online health professional users drive the information based workflow of the online patients

  29. BOOC Bottom line • Patients benefit from a network of health professionals and engineers managing their information • Professionals benefit from learning around their patients • Everyone benefits from shared learning discoveries (research/data mining?)

  30. SWOT Analysisby all course participants in the discussion forum, those who have completed successfully as well as those who leave midway

  31. So what? Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

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