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세계적 도전과 인간적 세계화 : Global Challenge and Humanistic Globalization

세계적 도전과 인간적 세계화 : Global Challenge and Humanistic Globalization. 임길진 Gill-Chin Lim 미시간주립대 석좌교수 MSU Endowed Professor of Asian Studies in a Global Context Professor of Geography and Urban Planning Michigan State University and Distinguished Institute Professor

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세계적 도전과 인간적 세계화 : Global Challenge and Humanistic Globalization

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  1. 세계적 도전과 인간적 세계화: Global Challenge and Humanistic Globalization 임길진 Gill-Chin Lim 미시간주립대 석좌교수 MSU Endowed Professor of Asian Studies in a Global Context Professor of Geography and Urban Planning Michigan State University and Distinguished Institute Professor KDI School of International Policy and Management Seoul, Korea

  2. 환영합니다. Welcome Welcome. Good to see you all. Thank you for joining us. Why do we talk about Hamburgers and Bin-Dae-Duk?

  3. 미시간 주립대 Michigan State University 미시간 주립대 1855 년 창립 (Coca Cola 1886) 교정: 5200 에이커 / 6백 40만평 학생수: 4만 3천 명 교수: 2,000 미시간 주: 11,000호수 / 33.000마일 강

  4. 9 공 퀴즈 9 공 퀴즈 9 balls quiz 창의력 Creativity

  5. Think Piece 0: 줄4개를 연속으로 그려서 공 9개를 전부 지나가게 하세요. Draw 4 lines continuously to go through all nine dots.

  6. Solution 1

  7. Solution 2

  8. Solution 3

  9. Solution 4

  10. Solution 5

  11. Solution 6

  12. 왜 새로운 답이 나오지 않는가?Why you don’t get new solutions? • 하라는 대로 만 한다. Follow the instructions rigidly. • 제한조건을 감히 바꾸지 못한다. Do not dare to change the constraints. • 생각하는 방법이 작고 소극적이다. Think small and modestly.

  13. 새로운 답을 얻으려면?What to do to get new solutions? • 기존 관념을 버려라. Abandon old thinking. • 하지 않았던 것을 해보라. Do something new. • 위험을 두려워 말라. Take a risk. • 나는 다 안다고 자부하지 말라. Do be complacent • 새로운 것을 배워라. Learn something new. • 배운 것을 실천하라. Practice what you know.

  14. 동양과 서양East and West 무엇이 다르고 무엇이 같은가? Differences And Similarities

  15. 빈대떡 Bin-Dae-Duk 햄버거 Hamburger Cooking is artistic approximation. Cooking is exact science.

  16. 멕시코 타코 Taco 중국 닭 요리 Honey Chili Chicken • Chinese cooking: Wok • Serves 6chicken, green ginger, honey, corn flour, chili • Is it art or science? • Is it like hamburger • or bin-dae-duk?

  17. 세계화 시대의 질문 Questions in the Global Era • 내가 할 일은? • What should I do? • 내 자녀가 할 일은? • What should my children do? • 내 가족이 할 일은? • What should my family do? • 여러 문화간의 다른 점은? • What are differences among • different cultures? • 여러 문화간의 같은 점은? • What are similarities among • different cultures?

  18. 차이점 Differences • 서양 • West • 동양 • East

  19. 당신의 이름은 Your Name? • East • 이 순신 • LEESoon-Shin • 성 / 이름 • Family name/ Given Name West 죠지 부시 GeorgeBUSH 이름 / 성 Given name/ Family name

  20. 주소 적기 Tell me your Address East 대한민국 서울 동대문구 청량리동 334-2 Republic of Korea, Seoul Dongdaemoon-Gu Chungryanri-Dong 27-8 West 2345 Sunset St. Los Angeles, CALIFORNIA USA

  21. 그림 Painting East東洋畵 West 西洋畵 • 위계 Hierarchy • East 투시법 Perspective West

  22. 운동 Sports Boxing Tae-Kwon-Do/Karate 跆拳道 • Linear progression • West • Return to the starting point. • East

  23. 음악 Music 태평소 Tae-Pyong-So 클라리넷 Clarinet • West • East

  24. 종교 / 철학 Religion /Philosophy Lao-Tzu 老子 Bible 성경 人法地: Human follows Earth 地法天: Earth follows Heaven 天法道: Heaven follows Tao 道法自然: Tao follows nature Circulation East 창세기 Genesis 태초에 하느님께서 천지를 창조하시다. In the beginning God created the heaven and the Earth 묵시록 Revelation Chapter 21 And I saw a new heaven and a new Earth: for the first heaven and first Earth were passed away: and there was no more sea Beginning and End West

  25. 글자 Writing System Chinese -漢字 Alphabet Sun SUN TREE Phonetic Symbols Tree • a b c d e f g h I j k l m n o p q r • s t u v w x y z • Symbols have no meaning • Only the sound does. • The sound is a linear • combination of elements. • West 林(Forest)森 (Big forest) • Hieroglyphic character( • Pictograph 象形文字 • A Character has a meaning. • East

  26. Korean – 한글 (Han-Geul) ㄱ ㄴ ㄷ ㄹ ㅁ ㅂ ㅅ ㅇ ㅈ ㅊ ㅋ ㅌ ㅍ ㅎ ㅏ ㅑ ㅓ ㅕ ㅗ ㅛ ㅜ ㅠ ㅡ ㅣ 한글은 표음문자이면서 글자체를 지닌다. Korean (Han-Geul) is at the middle of hieroglyphic character and phonetic symbols 해 (sun) 달 (moon)

  27. 문화적 사고방식의 차이 Cultural Thought Patterns in Inter-Cultural Education 영어 ENGLISH

  28. 동서양 사고방식의 차이 Comparison of Eastern & Western ways of Thinking • East • 큰 것작 은 것Big Small • 공간 Space • 위계적 관계 • Hierarchal Relationship • 순환과 회귀 Circulation & Return • 종합적 Comprehensive • 다층적 Multi-Lateral • 영험적Intuitive • West • 작은 것큰 것 SmallBig • 선 Line • 일대일 관계 • One to One Relationship • 시작과 종말 Beginning & End • 특수적 Particular • 직선적 Linear • 논리적 Logical

  29. 도전과 새로운 방향 Challenges and New Directions • 세계적 도전 What are global challenges? • 서양적 사고의 한계 • What are limits of Western thinking which dominates the world? • 3. 미래를 위한 새로운 방향 • What are new directions for the future?

  30. 세계적 도전 Current Global Challenges • 국제경제의 상호의존성 International Economic interdependency • 세계생태환경문제 Global Ecological Issues • 과학기술의 진보 Advances in Science and Technology • 조직적 변화 Organizational Change • 이념적 변화/민주주의와 시장경제 Ideological Change • 다중적 문화와 생활양식Multi-cultural Life Style

  31. 서양적 사고의 한계 Limit of Western Thinking & Science • 논리적 실증주의 확대와 그 문제점 • Expansion of Logical Positivism & Its Problems • Can not deal with issues related to values • Preserves Status Quo • Can be used for political purpose

  32. 서양적 사고의 한계 Limit of Western Thinking & Science • 비판적 대안 Critical Alternatives • 비판 철학 Critical Philosophy • Technical Knowledge • Inter-Subjective Knowledge • Emancipatory Knowledge • 2. 현상학 Phenomenology • Data from 5 Senses • Six Senses • 3. 동양 철학 Oriental Philosophy • 도가 Taoism (Lao-Tzu, Zhang-Tzu) • 불가 Buddhism

  33. 교육철학 Educational Philosophy • 서양 교육철학의 발전 Development of Educational Philosophy in the West • Platon (427-347 BC) • Johann Comenius (1592-1670) • Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) • J. H. Pestalozzi (1746-1827) • Robert Owen (1771-1858) • Friedrich Wilhelm Frobel (1782-1852) • John Dewey (1859-1952) • M. Montessori (1870-1952) • John Piaget (1896-1950) • Lawrence Kohlberg

  34. 교육철학 Educational Philosophy • 동양철학의 연구 Need to Study Eastern Educational Philosophy • 공자 Confucius • 노자 Lao-Tzu • 불가 Buddhism • 다산 정약용 Da-San Chung Yark-Young • 율곡 Yul-Gok Yi • 퇴계 Toi-Gye Yi • 동학 Tong Hahk

  35. Yeoh Rae Jang (如來藏 여래장 ) First Sense 일식 Second Sense 이식 Third Sense 삼식 Fourth Sense 사식 Fifth Sense 오식 눈, 귀, 코, 혀, 몸 Eye, Ear, Nose, Tongue, Body 5관 Five Pre-Senses 前五識 의식 Conscious Sense意識 Synthesis of Five Pre-Senses 前五識 Sixth Sense 육식 Seventh Sense (末那識) 개인적 의식 Individual, hidden, self-centered sense 서양에 없음Not in the West Eighth Sense (藏識) 해방적 의식 Sense that will emancipate a person

  36. 햄버거와 빈대떡의 공통점 Similarities Between Hamburger & Bin-Dae-Duk • 정말 다른가? Are they really different? • 내용물 Ingredients: 곡식, 고기, 야채 / Grain, Meat, Vegetable • 영양분 Nutrients: 탄수화물, 단백질, 지방질 / Carbohydrate, Protein, Oil • 먹어야 산다. WE must eat. • 먹는 것은 즐겁다. WE all love to eat.

  37. 윤리학과 해방의 공통점 Similarities in Ethics and Enlightenment 콜버그: 도적적 의식의 6 단계 Kohlberg: Stages of Moral Consciousness 10 개의 소 길들이기 그림 Ten Oxherding Pictures

  38. 콜버그 Stages of Moral Consciousness (according to Lawrence Kohlberg)

  39. Stages of Moral Consciousness (according to Lawrence Kohlberg)

  40. The Ten Oxherding Pictures 1. Undisciplined With his horns fiercely projected in the air the beast snorts, Madly running over the mountain paths, farther and farther he goes astray! A dark cloud is spread across the entrance of the valley, And who knows how much of the fine fresh herb is trampled under his wild hoofs!

  41. 10 소 길들이기 그림 The Ten Oxherding Pictures 2. Discipline Begun I am in possession of a straw rope, and I pass it through his nose,For once he makes a frantic attempt to run away, but he is severely whipped and whipped;The beast resists the training with all the power there is in a nature wild and ungoverned,But the rustic oxherd never relaxes his pulling tether and ever-ready whip.

  42. The Ten Oxherding Pictures 3. In Harness Gradually getting into harness the beast is now content to be led by the nose,Crossing the stream, walking along the mountain path, he follows every step of the leader;The leader holds the rope tightly in his hand never letting it go,All day long he is on the alert almost unconscious of what fatigue is.

  43. The Ten Oxherding Pictures 4. Faced Round After long days of training the result begins to tell and the beast is faced round,A nature so wild and ungoverned is finally broken, he has become gentler;But the tender has not yet given him his full confidence,He still keeps his straw rope with which the ox is now tied to a tree.

  44. The Ten Oxherding Pictures 5. Tamed Under the green willow tree and by the ancient mountain stream,The ox is set at liberty to pursue his own pleasures;At the eventide when a grey mist descends on the pasture,The boy wends his homeward way with the animal quietly following.

  45. The Ten Oxherding Pictures 6. Unimpeded On the verdant field the beast contentedly lies idling his time away,No whip is needed now, nor any kind of restraint;The boy too sits leisurely under the pine tree,Playing a tune of peace, overflowing with joy.

  46. The Ten Oxherding Pictures 7. Laissez Faire The spring stream in the evening sun flows languidly along the willow-lined bank,In the hazy atmosphere the meadow grass is seen growing thick;When hungry he grazes, when thirsty he quaffs, as time sweetly slides,While the boy on the rock dozes for hours not noticing anything that goes on about him.

  47. The Ten Oxherding Pictures 8. All Forgotten The beast all in white now is surrounded by the white clouds,The man is perfectly at his case and care-free, so is his companion;The white clouds penetrated by the moon-light cast their white shadows below,The white clouds and the bright moon-light-each following its course of movement.

  48. The Ten Oxherding Pictures 9. The Solitary Moon Nowhere is the beast, and the oxherd is master of his time,He is a solitary cloud wafting lightly along the mountain peaks;Clapping his hands he sings joyfully in the moon-light,But remember a last wall is still left barring his homeward walk.

  49. The Ten Oxherding Pictures 10. Both Vanished Both the man and the animal have disappeared, no traces are left,The bright moon-light is empty and shadowless with all the ten-thousand objects in it;If anyone should ask the meaning of this,Behold the lilies of the field and its fresh sweet-scented verdure.

  50. 무엇을 할 것인가? What should we do?: We must develop commonality 차이점을 이해하라. Understand the differences 비슷한 점을 발견하라. Understand the similarities 공통성을 개발하라. Develop commonalities

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