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Genoa 17. January 2013

Genoa 17. January 2013. Partner in project Green Network Denmark Public private organisation helping companies improving safaty and health by making health & safety statements and actionplans . Population in Denmark 5,4 millions Workforce 2,6 millions.

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Genoa 17. January 2013

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  1. Genoa 17. January 2013 Partner in project Green Network Denmark Public private organisation helping companiesimprovingsafaty and health by makinghealth & safety statements and actionplans

  2. Population in Denmark 5,4 millions Workforce 2,6 millions National situation - Health and Safety Denmark

  3. Situation DK Onlyhalf of the accidentsarereported

  4. Facts • 40% of the Sickness absence is caused by the workenplace • 1 accidentcostaprox 4000 EUR • In Denmark the cost is aprox 400 mio EUR per year • Most workingaccidenthappens in the followingindustries • Slaughterhouses • Construktion • Metal and Engineering industries • Food industries • Transport

  5. Actionplan 2020 • Strategy Safety & Health 2020 in DenmarkThe new strategy sets out targets for the threemainhealth problems in the labormarket. In 2020, there must be:• 25 per cent. fewerseriousaccidents• 20 per cent. fewermentallyoverloaded• 20 per cent. fewer of overload of the muscle and skeleton - eg back. • Representatives of social organizations, research institutions, companies etc. has threeconferences in the spring of 2012 contributed to the ideacatalogs in each of the threeareas. Read more aboutthemesince the ideas for a betterworking the 2020thThe strategycontains 19 action areas

  6. 19 actions points • The strategycontains 19 actions1.Risk basedsupervision2. De minimis thresholds3. Ffines4.More dialogue with companies5.Fokus on the psychosocialwork6.More help for small businesses7.Help for new businesses8.Help desk9.Change of smiley scheme10. Investigation of experience in corporatesafetyorganization11.Dialog with companies12.Fokus on youngpeople and new employes13.Fokus on foreigncompanies14.Better guidance and information on health and safety15. Coordination of severalauthoritiesguidance and supervision of companies16.Danish Centre for NanomateriealsSafety17.Targeting of WorkingEnvironment Research Fund18. Measuring of progress in the work and healthenvironment19. Power Measurement of actualactivities. 

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