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Analog to Digital Conversion

Analog to Digital Conversion. Introduction Main characteristics Resolution Dynamic range Bandwidth Conversion time Linearity Integral Differential Different types Successive approximation Slope integration Flash FADC Sigma Delta Applications. Analog to Digital Converter.

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Analog to Digital Conversion

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  1. Analog to Digital Conversion • Introduction • Main characteristics • Resolution • Dynamic range • Bandwidth • Conversion time • Linearity • Integral • Differential • Different types • Successive approximation • Slope integration • Flash • FADC • Sigma Delta • Applications CERN ELEC 2002 ADC

  2. Analog to Digital Converter • Analog input - Digital output • Most of the time commercial ASICs • Converts voltage or current • What is to be converted? • Voltage, Current, Charge, Time • Analog input processing is necessary • To convert the measured quantity in a tension • To adapt the impedances • To filter • To adapt the amplitude • What is the expected resolution? • What is the dynamic range? • What is the expected linearity? • How often is a conversion needed? CERN ELEC 2002 ADC

  3. Resolution • An ADC is given as an n-bit ADC • The least significant bit gives the resolution of the ADC • Related to full scale if the ADC is linear • LSB = A/2n • Linear 8-bit ADC with a 1V full scale input • Resolution = 1/28 = 3.9 mV (0.39%) CERN ELEC 2002 ADC

  4. Dynamic range • Ratio between the minimum and the maximum amplitude to be measured • e.g. calorimeter signal 10 MeV to 2 TeV gives a 2 106 dynamic range • In case of linear system the dynamic range is related to the number of bits (and hence the resolution) • an 8-bit ADC has a 256 dynamic range • In case of large dynamic range (as for a calorimeter) some non-linearity has to be introduced • linear ADC for the previous example would require 21 bits! • Often used terms in physics: • n-bit resolution • n-bit dynamic range • example: • 8-bit resolution for a 12-bit dynamic range means that a signal in the range 1-4000 is measured with a resolution of 0.39% CERN ELEC 2002 ADC

  5. Conversion time and Bandwidth • How often can a conversion be done • a few ns to a few ms depending on the technology • 100 MHz FADC to slow sigma-delta • Input bandwidth • Maximum input signal bandwidth • Track and hold input circuitry • Conversion frequency (FADC) CERN ELEC 2002 ADC

  6. ADC transfer curve • Ideal ADC • Errors • Offset • Integral non-linearity • Differential non-linearity CERN ELEC 2002 ADC

  7. Non Linearity Integral linearity • Non linearity: maximum difference between the best linear fit and the ideal curve CERN ELEC 2002 ADC

  8. Differential non-linearity • Least Significant Bit (LSB) value should be constant but it is not • The difference with the ideal value shall not exceed 0.5 LSB • Easy way of seeing the effect • random input covering the full range • frequency histogram should be flat • differential non-linearity introduces structures CERN ELEC 2002 ADC

  9. Types of ADC • Successive approximation • Single slope integration • Dual slope integration • Flash ADC • Sigma-Delta CERN ELEC 2002 ADC

  10. Successive approximation • Compare the signal with an n-bit DAC output • Change the code until • DAC output = ADC input • An n-bit conversion requires n steps • Requires a Start and an End signals • Typical conversion time • 1 to 50 ms • Typical resolution • 8 to 12 bits • Cost • 15 to 600 CHF CERN ELEC 2002 ADC

  11. Vin - + Counting time StartConversion StartConversion Enable S Q R N-bit Output Counter C Clk Oscillator IN Single slope integration • Start to charge a capacitor at constant current • Count clock ticks during this time • Stop when the capacitor voltage reaches the input • Cannot reach high resolution • capacitor • comparator CERN ELEC 2002 ADC

  12. Charge with a currentproportional to the input Counting time Dual slope integration (Wilkinson) • Capacitor charged with a current proportional to the input during a fixed time • Discharge at constant current • Count of clock ticks during the discharge CERN ELEC 2002 ADC

  13. Dual slope integration (2) • Advantages • Capacitor value is not important although has to be of good quality • Comparator error can be canceled by beginning and ending each conversion cycle at the same voltage • Clock frequency errors can be cancelled by using the same clock to define the charge time • Typical resolution • 10 to 18 bit • Conversion time • Depends on the clock frequency CERN ELEC 2002 ADC

  14. Flash ADC • Direct measurement with 2n-1 comparators • Typical performance: • 4 to 10-12 bits • 15 to 300 MHz • High power • Half-Flash ADC • 2-step technique • 1st flash conversion with 1/2 the precision • Subtracted with a DAC • New flash conversion • Waveform digitizing applications CERN ELEC 2002 ADC

  15. X 4 - S&H 3-bit FADC 3-bit DAC 3-bit S&H Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 4-bit FADC Input 3-bit 3-bit 3-bit 3-bit 4-bit Time Adjustment & Digital Error Correction 12-bit Flash ADC (cont) • Pipeline ADC • Input-to-output delay = n clocks for n stages • One output every clock cycle • Saves power (less comparators) CERN ELEC 2002 ADC

  16. q e(x) Effective number of bits • An n bit ADC introduces a quantization error • Effective number of bits of an n-bit FADC • n’ giving the correct SNR • Example: AD9235 12-bit 20 to 65 MHz • SNR = 70 dB • Effective number of bits = 11.4 • Encoding a signal (A/2) sinwt with A being the full scale will give an error • Signal to Noise Ratio CERN ELEC 2002 ADC

  17. Shannon Theorem • A signal x(t) has a spectral representation |X(f)|; X(f) = Fourier transform of x(t) • A signal x(t) after having been digitised at the frequency fs, has a spectral representation equal to the spectral representation of x(t) shifted every fs • If X(f) is not equal to zero when f > fs/2, there is spectrum overlapping • The Shannon theorem says that x(t) can be reconstructed after digitisation if the digitising frequency is at least twice the maximum frequency in x(t) spectral representation • This is mathematical only, as it supposes perfect filtering CERN ELEC 2002 ADC

  18. Example (1) • “Typical” physics pulse • 100 ns rising and falling edge • Effect of a digitisation at 10 MHz and 20 MHz CERN ELEC 2002 ADC

  19. Example (2) • 100 ns square pulse • Digitisation at 10 MHz and 20 MHz CERN ELEC 2002 ADC

  20. 1/2*T0 +T0 -T0 Using FADC • Do not forget to make a frequency analysis of the signal • Any spectrum overlapping introduces noise • Take into account the effective number of bits • Filtering is necessary • Before digitisation (analog) to cut the input signal frequency spectrum • After digitisation (digital) to extract the signal frequency spectrum and to compensate the effect of digitisation over a finite time window CERN ELEC 2002 ADC

  21. |e(f)| q f e(x) -fs/2 +fs/2 Over-sampling ADC • If fs is higher than the frequency f0 of the signal to be measured then after filtering the error will become • Assuming the error is a white noise, its power spectral density is flat within the range [–fs/2,fs/2] CERN ELEC 2002 ADC

  22. Over-sampling ADC (cont) • The signal to noise ratio when encoding a signal (A/2) sinwt, with A being the full scale, will be • Hence it is possible to increase the resolution by increasing the sampling frequency and filtering • Example : an 8-bit ADC becomes a 9-bit ADC with an over-sampling factor of 4 • But the 8-bit ADC must meet the linearity requirement of a 9-bit CERN ELEC 2002 ADC

  23. - Input Output 1-bit ADC 1-bit DAC 1rst Order Sigma-Delta Modulator Sigma-Delta ADC • The output of this modulator is a digital stream • Average = Input • Over-sampling ratio M=fs/f0 CERN ELEC 2002 ADC

  24. Sigma-Delta ADC (cont) • The signal to noise ratio when encoding a signal (A/2) sinwt, with A being the full scale, will be • Gain of 1.5 bits per octave increase of M • M = 2350 to have a 16-bit ADC • Higher orders sigma-delta are implemented • Examples (Analog Devices) • 16-bit, 2.5 MHz • 24-bit, 1kHz The design of low-voltage, low-power sigma-delta modulators Shahriar Rabii & Bruce Wooley Kluwer academic publisher CERN ELEC 2002 ADC

  25. Resolution/Throughput Rate CERN ELEC 2002 ADC

  26. Power • Power is going down • Examples • 8-bit, 200MSPS: 1.3 mW/MSPS • 10-bit, 10 MSPS core used in ALICE TPC read-out: <20 mW • 24-bit, 1 kSPS: 45 mW CERN ELEC 2002 ADC

  27. Applications • In HEP we are facing large number of channels • The quantity to be measured depends on the type of detector • Charge in the case of a lead glass calorimeter with PM read-out • Voltage in the case of a lead glass calorimeter with triode and preamplifier shaper read-out • Low cost Charge integrating ADC for a LEP calorimeter • High speed peak sensing ADC for a neutrino experiment • Non linear ADC for an LHC experiment • FADC with numerical filtering for an LHC trigger application CERN ELEC 2002 ADC

  28. Charge integrating ADC (1) • High resolution: 12-bit • High dynamic range: 15-bit • High density: 96 channel per Fastbus board • Low speed: 1 ms conversion time • Low cost per channel • Principle: • Single ADC for 48 channels • Charge input integration and storage CERN ELEC 2002 ADC

  29. Charge integrating ADC (2) • Block diagram CERN ELEC 2002 ADC

  30. Charge integrating ADC (3) • Performance • 12-bit resolution, 15-bit dynamic range • Conversion time tcvt = 48 (tc + ts) = 960 µs • where tc = ADC conversion time = 12 µs • and ts = settling time for multiplexer and amplifiers = 8 µs. CERN ELEC 2002 ADC

  31. Peak sensing ADC (1) • 12-bit resolution • Low dead-time : 8 ms • Data buffering CERN ELEC 2002 ADC

  32. + + - - C Peak sensing ADC (2) • Block diagram Vin FIFO ADC Read-out 12-bit Gate CERN ELEC 2002 ADC

  33. ADC for an LHC experiment (1) • ATLAS Liquid Argon calorimeter • High dynamic range: 16-bit • Shaping of the signal to minimise pile-up • Sampling every 25 ns (bunch crossing period) • Level-1 pipeline Shaping CERN ELEC 2002 ADC

  34. ADC for an LHC experiment (2) • Block diagram CERN ELEC 2002 ADC

  35. ADC for an LHC experiment (3) • Performance • Pedestal stability to 0.1 ADC counts • Noise equivalent to 20 MeV • Integral non-linearity below 0.25% • Conversion time : 25 ns per sample CERN ELEC 2002 ADC

  36. FADC for LHC trigger purpose (1) • Analog summation on the detector to form the trigger tower • Shaping time covers several bunch crossings • FADC and numerical filtering to: • Extract the energy • Extract the bunch crossing responsible for it CERN ELEC 2002 ADC

  37. FADC for LHC trigger purpose (2) • Block diagram CERN ELEC 2002 ADC

  38. FADC for LHC trigger purpose (3) • Filter algorithm : Finite Impulse Response CERN ELEC 2002 ADC

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