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Office of Career and Technical Education Technical Education Program Assessment

Office of Career and Technical Education Technical Education Program Assessment. Standard 14 – Students are involved in work-based learning experiences related to their career objectives. Standard 14 – Work-Based Learning Accountability Alignment.

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Office of Career and Technical Education Technical Education Program Assessment

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  1. Office of Career and Technical EducationTechnical Education Program Assessment Standard 14 – Students are involved in work-based learning experiences related to their career objectives.

  2. Standard 14 – Work-Based LearningAccountability Alignment 705 KAR 4:231. General Program Standards for Secondary Career and Technical Programs Section 5.A secondary career and technical education program shall provide opportunities for students to participate in high quality work-based learning experiences related to the program in which they are enrolled. 780 KAR 4:010 Section 5.The vocational-technical program of instruction shall coordinate classroom instruction with field, laboratory, cooperative work, or other work-based experience which (1) is appropriate to the objectives of instruction; (2) is of sufficient duration to develop competencies necessary for the student to achieve those objectives; and (3) is supervised, directed, or coordinated by qualified persons.

  3. Standard 14 – Work-Based LearningAccountability Alignment New Teacher Standards 1.2 – Develops the student’s ability to apply knowledge, skills and thinking processes. 1.12 – Includes learning experiences that challenge, motivate and actively involve the learner. Standards and Indicators for School Improvement 5.1d – Student instructional assistance outside of the classroom.

  4. General Guidelines for WBLWork-based learning experiences include: cooperative education, mentoring, shadowing, internship, clinical experience, entrepreneurial program and school-based enterprise. • All WBL experiences should have an agreement including objectives, worksite information, method of travel, date(s), and student, parent, and teacher signatures. • When the placement is a paid experience, the work site must have workers’ compensation. • The teacher or designee should visit the worksite before students go to work to ensure that the experience will be safe and meet the objectives of the training. • Teachers are encouraged to use non-teaching days such as snow days; district professional days, beginning of the year, fall and spring breaks, and end of the year to develop and enhance WBL sites. • Contacts through program advisory committees provide an excellent opportunity for WBL placement. • Teachers should check the web links on Slide 10 for valuable resources and information.

  5. General Guidelines for Coop • The U.S.Department of Labor provides for an exemption for “student learners” to coop in the following hazardous occupations: Operation of Power-Driven Woodworking Machines (5); Operation of Power-Driven Metal Forming, Punching, and Shearing Machines (8); Slaughtering, Meat Packing or Processing, or Rendering (10); Operation of Paper Products Machines (12); Operation of Circular Saws, Band Saws, and Guillotine Shears (14); Roofing Operations (16); and Excavating Operations (17). See p. 2.40 of the KDE Work-Based Learning Guideand Child labor Bulleting 101pp. 18-19for details. • Make a copy of: • Copy of student’s driver license • Copy of proof of car insurance • Copy of proof of health insurance

  6. General Guidelines for Coop (Continued) • In addition to the coop agreement, you may want to prepare a page for “Rules for Coop” to include: • Student may not attend coop if he/she does not attend school the same day. • Student must be passing all classes at the high school and technical center. • If the student if fired, the student does not have the right to another coop job; however, the teacher MAY grant permission for another job. • Student must consult with teacher before quitting a job. • When two or more students are driving/riding to coop together, get permission in writing from all parents for the students to ride together. • The student must abide by school rules while at coop.

  7. Standard 14Work-Based Learning (WBL) • The WBL agreement site must related to the student’s career objectives. • The WBL agreement: • Must include name, address, phone number of student, school, and training site; a list of tasks the student will perform on the job; and student’s work schedule, wage, and salary. • Must include the student’s birth date and student ID number, objective (O*NET or career major certificate) and responsibilities of all the parties. • Must be signed by the school official, employer, parent/guardian, and student. • Outlines the conditions to which the participants agree. • Use the sample agreement.

  8. Standard 14Work-Based Learning • The WBL agreement must address the areas in which the student will receive training. • The employer is responsible for evaluating the student’s performance based on the tasks outlined in the WBL agreement. • The evaluation grade should become part (if not all) of the student’s WBL grade. • The evaluation should include name of the student, school, program, employer, employer contact information, evaluation period, evaluation criteria, employer comments, hours worked, signature of employer and date signed.

  9. Standard 14Work-Based Learning • Visitation to the Worksite • The teacher and/or WBL coordinator must visit the WBL work site at least once a semester. • The teacher should visit the WBL worksite prior to the student’s working on the site to ensure that the site is safe and that the student will receive appropriate opportunities. • The teacher/WBL coordinator must document the visits and may use the sample forms.

  10. Standard 14 - Work-Based LearningDocuments for Clinical Experience • Clinical agreement (between clinical site and school) AND statement of understanding (between teacher and student signed by parent) • Evaluation of student performance by teacher • Evaluation of student performance by supervisor in health facility

  11. Standard 14 - Work-Based LearningDocuments for Coop, Internship, Mentoring and Shadowing • Agreement signed by stakeholders • Employer evaluations of student progress • Log of employer contact by teacher/coordinator

  12. Standard 14 - Work-Based LearningDocuments for School-Based Enterprise • Agreement with employer or sponsor (Use the one on the website) • Evaluation of student performance • Class enrollment

  13. Standard 14 - Work-Based LearningDocumentation • Folder 1 – Include number of seniors and calculate the number required to meet the standard • Folder 2 – All required documents for Student 1 • Folder 3 – All required documents for Student 2 • Folder 4 - Continue

  14. Contacts • Wayne King at 502-564-4286 or Wayne.King@education.ky.gov

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