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ITU-T SG16’s involvement in Car Communications

ITU-T SG16’s involvement in Car Communications. Yushi Naito ITU-T SG16 Chairman Mitsubishi Electric Corporation. Vehicle Gateway Platform and D ynamic coordination mechanism for seamless interaction between networks and devices. Overview. Who we are; The new structure of ITU-T SG16

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ITU-T SG16’s involvement in Car Communications

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  1. ITU-T SG16’s involvement in Car Communications Yushi Naito ITU-T SG16 Chairman Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

  2. Vehicle Gateway Platform and Dynamic coordination mechanism for seamless interaction between networks and devices

  3. Overview Who we are; The new structure of ITU-T SG16 Two projects under going; • Vehicle gateway Platform • Dynamic coordination mechanism of SPNE to achieve optimal end-to-end voice quality Solicitation for collaboration

  4. ITU-T SG16 (Study Period 2009-2012) Multimedia coding, systems and applications(23 Qs in total) Chairman:Yushi Naito (Mitsubishi Electric Corp., Japan) SG16 Network signal processing and voiceband terminals (4 Qs) Chairman: Mr. Harald Kullmann (DeutscheTelekom, Germany) WP 1/16 Q18/16 Applications and systems  (12 Qs) Co-Chairman: Mr. Seong-Ho Jeong (Hankuk Univ., Korea) Co-Chairman: Mr. Noah Luo (Huawei, China) Vice Chairman: Mr. Yoshinori Goto (NTT, Japan) WP 2/16 Q27/16 WP 3/16 Media coding  (5 Qs) Chairman: Ms. Claude Lamblin (France Telecom, France) Q 20 Multimedia coordination Q 26 Accessibility to Multimedia Systems andServices

  5. Responsibilities and mandates of SG16 SG16 is; • responsible for studies relating to ubiquitous applications, multimedia capabilities for services and applications for existing and future networks, including NGN and beyond. • the lead Study Group on Multimedia coding, systems and applications • the lead study group on ubiquitous applications ("e-everything", such as e-health) • the lead study group on telecommunication/ICTaccessibility for persons with disabilities

  6. Questions related to Car Communications Questions already undertaking • Q27(WP2/16)Vehicle Gateway Platform for telecommunication/ITS services / applications • Q18(WP1/16)Interaction aspects of signal processing network equipment • Questions working on potential areas • Q22(WP2/16) Multimedia applications and services • Q25(WP2/16) applications and sysytems • Q26(SG16) Accessibility to multimedia systems and services

  7. SG16’s involvements to Car Communications • Q 27 (WP2/16 Vehicle Gateway Platform for telecommunication/ITS services/applications) on; • Studies on the requirements in terms of services and functions to support V2V and V2I • Studies on the functions of vehicle gateway and its reference model(s) • Studies on the open interface between in-vehicle network and ICT devices • Studies on the relevant necessary protocols to support vehicle oriented services/applications • Q 18 (WP1/16 Interaction aspects of signal processing network equipment ) on; • Developing mechanism for dynamic coordination of SPNE to achieve optimal end-to-end voice quality

  8. Vehicle Gateway Platform(Q27/16)

  9. Vehicle to Home InsideVehicle Use Cases Vehicle to Infrastructure Vehicle to Vehicle General use cases of Car Communications

  10. I3 : Wireless/wired communication interface between Vehicle Gateway and ICT devices I5 : The interface between Vehicle-to-Vehicle communication I1 : The interface between the IVN and Vehicle Gateway Main areas recognized to be standardized Overall reference configuration model for VGP

  11. Q27/16 Work Plan [Note 1] This document may consist of a set of different documents according to the layering models and required protocols. This needs further study.

  12. VGP – current status & future plans • Q 27/16 is a newly established Question in WP2/16 • The main tasks are; • Studies on the requirements in terms of services and functions to support V2V and V2I • Studies on the functions of vehicle gateway and its reference model(s) • Studies on the open interface between in-vehicle network and ICT devices • Studies on the relevant necessary protocols to support vehicle oriented services/applications • Currently discussing the work plan and objectives • Collaborations with SDOs and Forums are envisaged

  13. Dynamic coordination mechanism of SPNE to achieve optimal end-to-end voice quality(Q18/16)

  14. SC-T Server MSC-T Server MSC-O MGW-O MGW-T SPNE-T BSC-O Circuit-Switchednetwork IP packet network Land User Mobile Phone G.mdcspne Q.115.x Media Path Signalling Path Generic network configuration

  15. Capability List Exchange Forward Capability List Received Forward Capability List Update • Each cell corresponds to specific Speech Processing Function • Speech Processing Function includes, but not limited to; • Network Echo Cancellation, • Acoustic Echo Cancellation, • Automatic Level Control, • Noise Reduction • Capability List received is added information if necessary, and sent to next SPNE for update • Each SPNE enables or disables its function based on pre-determined coordination rules SPNE Speech Processing Functions/Divices Signal Flow Reverse Capability List Update Reverse Capability List Received

  16. Voice enhancementprocessing functions MS-O MGW-O MGW-T SPNE-T Tandeming (results) Acoustic Echo Control (AEC) Yes Yes Enabled Yes Yes Disabled No No No No No No Yes Yes No Q G Noise reduction (NR-O) for media from the mobile user Yes Yes Enabled Yes Yes Disabled Yes Yes Disabled Yes Disabled Disabled Yes Yes No Echo Cancellation (EC) for Sin from the land user No No No Yes Yes Disabled Yes Disabled Disabled Yes Enabled Enabled Yes No No Noise reduction (NR-T) for media from the land user No No No Yes Yes Disabled Yes Disabled Disabled Yes Enabled Enabled Yes Yes No (Dynamiccoordination) G.mdcspne Example of coordination Q.115.x (Call set-up)

  17. Dynamic Coordination of SPNE – current status & future plans • Q18/16 has almost got consensus on coordination mechanism and proceeded to discuss detailed designs, • Study on the protocols to exchange Capability Lists are necessary, • SG16 is asking SG11 and other SDOs for the guidance on the available protocols, especially for wireless links, • SG11 and other SDOs are invited to liaise with SG16 on these aspects, • Discussion on separating framework part and implementation-dependent parts is now under discussion. The target date for AAP consent on core part is expected to be October 2009.

  18. Conclusion • ITU-T SG16 is working on Vehicle Gateway Platform and System coordination for improving speech quality in Car Communications, • Evolving Car Communication technology can make driving environment safer, ecological, comfortable and human friendly, • To attain these ultimate targets, SDOs and Forums have to collaborate together to fill up the standardization gaps • ITU-T SG16, responsible for multimedia coding, systems and applications, is widely open for collaboration to attain these ultimate targets through Car Communication standardization

  19. Contacts • Q 27 (WP2/16 Vehicle Gateway Platform for telecommunication/ITS services / applications) Rapporteur: Mark Neibert markneibert@mac.com • Q 18 (WP1/16 Interaction aspects of signal processing network equipment ) Rapporteur: Harald Kullmann Harald.Kullmann@telekom.de

  20. We are open for collaboration Thank you

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