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Ancestors : (n) a person from whom one is descended .

Ancestors : (n) a person from whom one is descended. Ernie asked his mom where his great-great grandparents came from, she replied that his ancestors came from Italy. carnivores : ( adj ) a flesh-eating animal.

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Ancestors : (n) a person from whom one is descended .

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  1. Ancestors: (n) a person from whom one is descended. Ernie asked his mom where his great-great grandparents came from, she replied that his ancestors came from Italy.

  2. carnivores: (adj) a flesh-eating animal. Carnivores have sharp, pointed teeth that enable them to tear the meat they eat.

  3. carnivorous: (adj) flesh-eating Although a dog is a carnivore, they often eat other foods besides meat.

  4. comprehend: (v) to understand If you don’t comprehend the question, let me know and I will make this easier for you to understand.

  5. comprehension: (n) the act of understanding, the ability to understand. Pawel cannot speak Chinese very well, but his comprehension is quite good.

  6. duration: (n) he time during which something lasts or continues We stayed in our house for the duration of the heavy storm.

  7. evident: (adj) easy to see and understand; obvious, clear It is evident from your manner that you are not happy to see me.

  8. extinct: (adj) no longer existing or living The giant woolly mammoth became extinct about ten thousand years ago.

  9. ferocious: (adj) wild, savage. Doberman pinschers make ferocious guard dogs.

  10. ferocity: (n) The state or quality of being fierce. The ferocity of the storm surprised us, its tremendous downpour and thunderous sounds scared us.

  11. gigantic: (adj) very large; like a giant in size The gigantic skyscraper peered over the smaller buildings around it.

  12. obscured: (v) To cover up or keep from being seen. Clouds obscured the moon, that night the moonlight could no be seen.

  13. obscured: (adj) Hard to see; hidden. The boat was an obscure shape in the mist, the fog made it impossible to clearly see anything that day.

  14. option: (n) Choice, or something that is available as a choice. We had the option of practicing soccer afterschool or during the lunch break.

  15. option: (adj) Left to choice. Going to school is mandatory, but staying afterschool is optional.

  16. premature: (adj) Too early; happening or arriving before the proper time. Premature babies require extra care before they are allowed to leave the hospital.

  17. preserve: (v) To save; to keep from harm; to protect. New laws help to preserve old forests in national parks.

  18. prey: (n) An animal that is hunted for food. Chickens are the natural prey for foxes.

  19. prey: (v) To hunt (animals) for food. Wolves prey on the weakest deer in the herd.

  20. puny: (adj) weak. Lifting weights can turn puny muscles into powerful ones.

  21. survived: (v) To stay alive where there is a chance of dying or being killed. Only three passengers survived the plane crash.

  22. survivor: (n) One who stays alive while others die. Survivors of the shipwreck floated on life rafts until the helicopter could pick them up.

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