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NAIS Challenge 20/20 WATER SCARCITY. By: Paula Diaz-Velez, Alejandro Eichelmann, Andres Garza and Sofia Ramos . 7B,Orange team. What is water scarcity?. Water scarcity is a major problem in our world.There are two types of water scarcity: physical and economical.

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  1. NAIS Challenge 20/20 WATER SCARCITY By: Paula Diaz-Velez, Alejandro Eichelmann, Andres Garza and Sofia Ramos 7B,Orange team

  2. What is water scarcity? Water scarcity is a major problem in our world.There are two types of water scarcity: physical and economical. Physical water scarcity means that there isn't enough water to meet our demands. Economic water scarcity is when the government limits the access of water even though its sufficient for our water demands. In Europe there is little water scarcity. The areas in Europe which do have water scarcity have Economical Water Scarcity, these areas are Ukraine, Moldova and Belarus.

  3. 10 facts about water scarcity 1)Our bodies are 60% water. 2)More than 50% of the population lives without water or sanitation. 3)A human body can only go 3 days without water. 4)1 0ut of 8 people is searching for water everyday. 5)⅓ of global population drink water thats dangerous for health. 6)70% of earth is water(Although there is more water than earth,planet earth it's called earth)

  4. 10 facts about water scarcity (Continued) 7)water scarcity can occur where there is lots of rainfall and freshwater 8)It affects one out of three people in each continent. 9)Water is essential for life,without it every organism is dead 10)lack of water forces people to use waste water for agriculture,which affect the crops with desease-causing organisms.

  5. Global Water Scarcity Countries with physical water scarcity: Mexico, USA, Brasil, Cd. del Cabo, Madagascar, Morocco, Egypt, Africa, Arabia, India, Ukraine

  6. Continent Focus The Continent we are focusing on is Europe, the areas in Europe which suffer Water Scarcity the most are: Ukraine, Belarus and Moldavia. They all suffer Economic Water Scarcity. They all have sufficient water to cover all demands, but the problem is, that the water distribution is not very good, so what we have to do to is think of a way to distribute the water properly.

  7. What has already been done in the areas of Europe that have water scarcity? Since the Water Scarcity problem is mostly affecting the areas of Africa, Europe hasn’t received any major help. We have researched, that the water quantity in Europe is enough for everyone, but the problem is the distribution. This situation in Europe is still a very small problem compared to the problem in Africa or America (North and South), so the authorities, organizations and foundations are mostly interested in eradicating the problem in these, that are the most affected areas.

  8. Ideas to solve the problem Do not contaminate water. Gather rainwater. Use less water in shower and lawn. Not contaminating water will help water supply in area reserve promedy grow. Gathering rainwater will help daily activities stop consuming supply water. Using less water in shower and lawn will help water consuming. You can save water in the shower by bathing quickly and using rain water in your loan. Not contaminating water will help by gettingit reused sooner than if it was contaminated with toxic trash, dirt, etc...

  9. Water conservation at home In a house people spend most water in their lawn and toilet and rest the rest of the bathroom also consumes a lot. What you can do to preserve water is: use rainwater to flush toilet and also use rainwater to water the garden.

  10. Water Conservation in Society 3 IDEAS FOR SOCIETY TO CONSERVE WATER: * Put many of your dirty clothes in the washing machine at once. * When washing the dirty dishes, close the tap. *When washing your car, use a bucket instead of the hose.

  11. Bibliography www.rwlwater.com/what-is-water-scarcity/made by Linda Dailey Paulson on April 8, 2013 http://www.who.int/features/factfiles/water/en/ made in march 2009 ,by world health organization.

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