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First aid of shock

Definition Shock is defined as a condition where the tissues in the body do not receive enough oxygen and nutrients to allow the cells to function. First aid of shock. Types of Shock. 1- Hypovolemic Shock

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First aid of shock

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  1. Definition Shock is defined as a condition where the tissues in the body do not receive enough oxygen and nutrients to allow the cells to function. First aid of shock

  2. Types of Shock 1- Hypovolemic Shock Hypovolemic shock refers to a medical or surgical condition in which rapid fluid loss results in multiple organ failure due to:- 1-Trauma. 2- Hemorrhage. 3- Vomiting / diarrhea 4- Burns.

  3. 2. Cardiogenic Shock Cardiogenic shock which is directly caused by the failure of heart to produce sufficient amount of blood for the body.

  4. 3-Psychogenic Shock Caused by sudden dilation of blood vessels, which temporarily halts blood flow to the brain.

  5. 4- Neurogenic Shock Failure of the nervous system to control diameter of blood vessels Causes pooling of blood and there is generally no actual blood loss Classic signs of shock may not be present.

  6. 5-Anaphylactic Shock Shock due to the severe allergic antigen antibody reaction to substances such as drugs, contrast media, blood products, or insect or animal venom is called anaphylactic shock. Food products such as seafood, nuts, peanuts, peanut butter.

  7. 6- Septic Shock Septic shock is a common type of shock, which accompanies severe diseases such as pneumonia, meningitis or some intra-abdominal infections. This shock is caused after a bacterial infection.

  8. Signs and Symptoms of Shock A person in shock has extremely low blood pressure. Depending on the specific cause and type of shock, symptoms will include one or more of the following: 1. Anxiety /restlessness. 2. Bluish lips and fingernails .

  9. 3. Chest pain . 4. Dizziness, lightheadedness, or faintness. 5. Pale, cool, clammy skin. 6. Low or no urine output. 7. Profuse sweating, moist skin. 8. Rapid but weak pulse. 9. Shallow breathing. 10. Unconsciousness.

  10. First Aid of Shock 1. Check the person's airway, breathing, and circulation. 2. Check rate of breathing at least every 5 minutes until help arrives. 3. Lay the person on the back and elevate the legs about 12 inches. Do NOT elevate the head. If raising the legs will cause pain or potential harm, leave the person lying flat.

  11. 4. Give appropriate first aid for any wounds, injuries, or illnesses. 5. Keep the person warm and comfortable. Loosen tight clothing.

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