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Physical Assessment. Indications for the Physical Exam. 1. Routine screening 2. Eligibility prerequisite for health insurance, military service, job, sports, school 3. Admission to a hospital or long term care facility. Physical Exam and Health Assessment.
Indications for the Physical Exam 1. Routine screening 2. Eligibility prerequisite for health insurance, military service, job, sports, school 3. Admission to a hospital or long term care facility
Physical Exam and Health Assessment • A complete health assessment includes both nursing history and physical exam • Information gathered in both the health history and physical exam serves provides a baseline of the client’s functional abilities
Skills of Physical Assessment • Inspection • Palpation • Percussion • Auscultation • Olfaction
Utilization of Assessment Skills • We utilize our assessment skills to: • Gather a database (baseline) • Confirm and identify nursing diagnoses • Make clinical judgments about a client’s changing health status • Evaluate the effectiveness of nursing care
Preparation of Client and Environment • Exam room needs to be well lit and and noises limited or eliminated • Equipment should be within reach and working properly • Client should be prepared with appropriate draping • Client’s dignity, privacy, and comfort should be maintained • Client should be given appropriate explanations and directions before and during exam
Organization of Exam • Exam should follow organized and systematic format • Why? • All physical and emotional findings should be recorded as soon as possible • Why?
Helpful Guidelines for Examination • Compare both sides for symmetry • If client is seriously ill, first assess systems of the body more at risk for being abnormal • If client becomes fatigued, offer rest periods of rest • Record results of exam in specific anatomical and scientific terms • Use common, accepted abbreviations, keep notes brief and concise • Record quickly to avoid keeping client waiting • May use standardized form to record findings in the same sequence that it was gathered
Types of Examinations • Head to Toe exam • A complete physical • Often done on an initial visit to hospital or doctor’s office- serves as a baseline • Head to toe exam includes an assessment of systems • Systems assessment • Used more on a day to day basis w/ hospital clients • Focus is on a particular system that may be affected by pathology • Systems assessment • Guides questioning • Provides clues of related pathology • Example: Pneumonia- exam lungs, breath sounds and any other system affected by poor oxygenation