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Counting large numbers

Counting large numbers. HUNDRED TO TRILLION. HUNDRED ひゃく  百. NUMBER + HYAKU. Examples: 200 = ni hyaku 400 = yon hyaku. Exceptions:. THOUSAND せん  千. NUMBER + SEN. Examples: 5000 = go sen 7000 = nana sen. Exceptions:. 10 THOUSAND まん 万. NUMBER + MAN. Examples:

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Counting large numbers

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Counting large numbers HUNDRED TO TRILLION

  2. HUNDRED ひゃく 百 NUMBER + HYAKU Examples: 200 = nihyaku 400 = yon hyaku Exceptions:

  3. THOUSAND せん 千 NUMBER + SEN Examples: 5000 = go sen 7000 = nana sen Exceptions:

  4. 10 THOUSAND まん万 NUMBER + MAN Examples: 20 000 = ni man 60 000 = roku man 90 000 = kyū man

  5. How would you say these numbers? • 150 • 25000 • 90909 • 3620 • 17800 • 358 • 7650 • 1165 • 11111 Hyaku go jū Ni man go sen Kyū man kyūhyakukyū San zenrop-pyakunijū Ichi man nana sen hap-pyaku San-byaku go jūhachi Nana senrop-pyaku go jū Senhyakurokujūgo Ichi man is-senhyakujūichi


  7. DECIMALS てん点 NUMBER + TEN+ NUMBER Examples: 0.25 = rei ten ni go 1.527 = ichi ten go ni nana

  8. FRACTIONS  ぶん分 BOTTOM NUMBER + BUN NO + TOPNUMBER Examples: 1/2 = ni bun no ichi 1/4 = yon bun no ichi 2/3 = san bun no ni

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