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Boardsi | A Leader in Modern Recruiting

Boardsi is a modern recruiting company that has changed the way boards and executive teams are formed. Established in 2017, the companyu2019s user-friendly platform allows executives to explore paid board and advisor positions. Boardsi supports the Academy of United States Veterans and was a sponsor of the San Francisco Knight Hawks soccer team.

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Boardsi | A Leader in Modern Recruiting

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  2. Boardsi offers a web-based network that connects executives and companies seeking prime candidatesforopenadvisoryroles. Co-founder and CEO, Martin Rowinski,wasfeaturedamongthe 10BestCEOstoWatchin 2021by DotCom Magazine. The company provides the largest curated collection.

  3. Boardsiutilizesaweb-based network which brings top executive talent to the attention of companies lookingtoplacethebest.. Boardsi supports the Academy of United States Veteransandwasasponsor oftheSanFranciscoKnight Hawkssoccerteam.

  4. Boardsi was established in 2017 and works with businesses and executives across the country. The company matches executive and advisory opportunities withtoptalent,supportingtheeffortsoflargecompanies lookingtobuildqualityboardsandexecutivecommittees. BoardswerefeaturedonCIOBulletin’s50MostInfluential Companiesof2021.

  5. Listed as DotCom Magazine’s 2021 Impact Company of the Year Established in 2017, Boardsi is regularly featured for its innovation in matching top talent with board positions. The company was listed as DotComMagazine’s2021ImpactCompanyofthe Year. Using AI technology, Boardsi matches companies with prospective advisors and executives. The company is located near Sacramento,California.

  6. Boardsi supports the AcademyofUnitedStates Veterans. The modern recruiting company sponsored the San Francisco Knight Hawks soccer team for multiple seasons. And integrates modern technologyintoitssearchfor quality executives to match with corporate board positions. The company has been featured by CIO Bulletin.

  7. https://reedsy.com/author/board-si https://issuu.com/boardsihttps://medium.com/@boardsi/about


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