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User Group Presentation – Release 2.22 Release date: December 17, 2008 (No Meeting)

User Group Presentation – Release 2.22 Release date: December 17, 2008 (No Meeting). Added feature in this PPT Presentation. NOTE:

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User Group Presentation – Release 2.22 Release date: December 17, 2008 (No Meeting)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. User Group Presentation – Release 2.22Release date: December 17, 2008(No Meeting)

  2. Added feature in this PPT Presentation NOTE: Hyperlinks have been added to this Power Point presentation for easier navigation between the Overview section at the beginning and the rest of the slides. You must view this presentation as a “Slide Show” in order to utilize the hyperlinks.

  3. Overview – Release 2.22 Highlights Black font – Click on Ticket Number to see Screen Shot in PresentationBrown font – No Screen Shot in Presentation • INBOX Tab • Notifications are now sent to both the old and new user when a task has been reassigned. (Ticket 34110) • RFA Tab • RFA search results were enhanced to allow users to navigate directly to a specific competition under a competitive RFA. (Ticket 34072) • APPLICATION Tab • GMD personnel can now edit the Statutory Authority field without sending the Award File back to the Program Office. This feature has been made available as one of the requirements in anticipation of the DOC rollout of Grants Online. However, NOAA policy is still that the Program Office is responsible for selecting the correct Statutory Authority. (Ticket 34071) • If an application has been reassigned, any tasks returned to the Program Office will go to the most current assigned FPO for that application. (Ticket 34049) • The MSI question on the PO Checklist will now display the current MSI designation for the recipient and prompt the user to contact the Help Desk if that information needs to be updated. (Ticket 34073) • Grants Specialists will no longer be able to return an Award File to the Program Office or forward it to the Grants Officer if FALD still has an open task on it. (Ticket 34046) • Reminder notifications will now be sent to Principle Investigators (with a cc: to the Program Officer) for Special Award Conditions that have Due Dates. (Ticket 31894) • NEXT PAGE

  4. Overview – Release 2.22 Highlights (cont.) Black font – Click on Ticket Number to see Screen Shot in PresentationBrown font – No Screen Shot in Presentation • AWARD Tab • Features were added to Grants Online and the Grants Notification System to prevent duplicate records from being processed by OLA and OLIA. (Ticket 33006) • Award Files which have been either “Withdrawn” or “Rejected” are now displayed with the correct Type on launch pages instead of “Award File in Progress”. (Ticket 34077) • Calculation of SF-272A totals on CZM awards have been fixed. (Ticket 34047) • The “Save” buttons have been removed from Partial Funding documents when not applicable. (Ticket 34163) • When an award is closed, any remaining open tasks on that award will be terminated. (Ticket 34208) • PREVIOUS PAGENEXT PAGE

  5. Ticket 34072 – Enhanced RFA Search Results • NEXT PAGEOVERVIEW

  6. Ticket 34071 – Editable Statutory Authority for GMD personnel NOTE: It is still NOAA Policy that the Program Office is responsible for ensuring that the correct Statutory Authority is entered. • PREVIOUS PAGENEXT PAGEOVERVIEW

  7. Ticket 34073 – Updated MSI question on PO Checklist: Displays MSI Type • PREVIOUS PAGENEXT PAGEOVERVIEW

  8. Tickets 31894 – New Scheduled Notifications for Special Award Conditions with Due Dates • Advance SAC Reminder • 15th and 28th of month prior to due date • Goes to Principal Investigator with cc: to FPO • SAC Due Reminder • 15th and 28th of same month as due date • Goes to Principal Investigator with cc: to FPO • Delinquent SAC Reminder • 3rd of the month after SAC is due • Goes to Principal Investigator, Authorized Representative, FPO • SAC Enforcement Reminder • 15th of the month after SAC is due • Goes to Grants Specialist with a cc: to the FPO and Authorized Representative NOTE: Recipient must use “Satisfied Special Award Conditions” Award Action Request to report compliance. • PREVIOUS PAGE NEXT PAGE OVERVIEW

  9. Ticket 34077 – Award File Types displayed correctly on Launch pages • PREVIOUS PAGENEXT PAGEOVERVIEW

  10. Additional Resources • GrantsOnline.QandA@noaa.gov • GrantsOnline.HelpDesk@noaa.gov • (301) 444-2112 • (877) 662-2478 (1-877-NOAAGRT) • Grants Online PMO Website at www.ofa.noaa.gov/~grantsonlineto Access: • Grants Online Training/Support Resources • Frequently Asked Questions • What’s New page • RETURN TO OVERVIEW

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