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MORI Research Findings for The Scout Association (TSA) - July 2003

MORI Research Findings for The Scout Association (TSA) - July 2003. Awareness. Unprompted awareness of TSA as a youth-orientated association is high Most people cite Beavers, Cubs or Scouts spontaneously than any other organisation. Awareness cont….

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MORI Research Findings for The Scout Association (TSA) - July 2003

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  1. MORI Research Findings for The Scout Association (TSA) - July 2003

  2. Awareness • Unprompted awareness of TSA as a youth-orientated association is high • Most people cite Beavers, Cubs or Scouts spontaneously than any other organisation

  3. Awareness cont… • Including prompted awareness, TSA is the best known organisation with 86% selecting it • St John’s Ambulance has 82% awareness and GirlGuiding UK 78%

  4. Scouting’s appeal to parents • “It gives them a sense of belonging” Female, C2DE • “It gives them a sense of pride in what they are doing” Female, ABC1 • They are learning skills, they are learning to respect authority” Male, ABC1

  5. Trust • TSA is a well trusted organisation, especially in comparison to the other organisations measured - Tesco, M&S and Lloyds TSB • Two thirds say they trust TSA and only 4% distrust it

  6. Trust cont... • TSA receives the highest trust rating; a particularly high proportion say they trust them a lot

  7. Parents feelings on trust • “[What do you like about your children belonging to clubs?] It is structured and you know you can trust the people that are doing it. You want something where you know where they are going to be and they are going to be comfortable with it” Female, ABC1

  8. Sponsorship • Nearly 2 in 5 say they would be more favourably inclined towards an organisation if they knew that it supported TSA • This is almost twice the proportion who disagree with the statement • There was strong support for TSA to gain sponsor-ship from popular brands, to improve their image as much as to raise money

  9. Celebrity endorsement • If a celebrity promoted TSA some people would be more inclined to find out more about it, but relatively few (17%) • Far more people would not (43%) and the remainder are neutral • Celebrity promotion is more likely to appeal to 15-24 year olds than other age groups (24% agree, compared to an average of 16% among all other age groups)

  10. Parents feelings on sponsorship • “I think from a parents point of view they might buy the brand. They will think ‘Well they have put their money to good causes, so the money I am spending with them, I know a fraction of it will go to good causes” Female, ABC1

  11. Image • The image of TSA, on the aspects tested, is positive. The majority think TSA is adventurous, environ-mentally focused and exciting. Very few disagree • 7 in 10 15-24 year olds say that TSA is adventurous, compared with an average 8 in10 amongst all other age groups

  12. Parents feelings on image • The key message to children should be ‘adventure’: “Advertise the way the Army did - show total adventure” Male, C2DE • “They could really do more on the adventurous side of things,that would appeal to a wide section of kids” Female, C2DE

  13. Slogan awareness • ‘Be prepared’ remains a well known phrase associated with the Scouts and is the best recognised of all the slogans tested • Nearly half of the public correctly identified it, compared with one third who correctly named Nike and Tesco’s and 1 in 5 for Abbey National

  14. Slogan awareness cont... • Men are more likely to recognise ‘Be prepared’ than woman (51%, compared with 40%) • ABs correctly identify it more often than do DEs (56% compared with 36%)

  15. The Scout Association Gilwell Park Chingford London E4 7QW www.scouts.org.uk 0845 300 1818

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