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Asexual Reproduction presents:

Asexual Reproduction presents:. Mrs. Stewart Honors Biology: Cell Growth and Division. 1. 1. MITOSIS A CELL GROWTH AND DIVISION PRODUCTION. BELL WORK. How do little elephants grow up to be BIG elephants ?. BELL WORK .

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  1. Asexual Reproduction presents: Mrs. Stewart Honors Biology: Cell Growth and Division 1 1


  3. BELL WORK How do little elephants grow up to be BIG elephants?

  4. BELL WORK Are the cells of the adult elephant larger than those of the baby?

  5. standards • CLE 3210.4.2 Describe the relationships among genes, chromosomes, proteins, and hereditary traits.

  6. Objectives • Evaluate the reasons for asexual reproduction in organisms • Differentiate between the different stages of the cell cycle in terms of order of occurrence, and chromosome location

  7. Why do animals shed their skin? THINK – PAIR - SHARE

  8. How does a cut heal? THINK – PAIR - SHARE

  9. Asexual reproduction Requires only ONE parent • Three reasons why cells reproduce by asexual reproduction: 1. Growth 2. Repair 3. Replacement

  10. At what point does it become necessary for a cell to divide? When the cells resources are under too great a strain from it’s size • Cell Membrane not large enough to maintain needs coming in/going out • DNA, used for protein synthesis, cant keep up with demands • Organelles unable to keep up with demands (ie: waste removal)

  11. Somatic Cells Every cell in the body EXCEPT reproductive cells (gametes) Gamete Sexual reproduction cells Example: sperm for males, Ova/eggs for females

  12. Let’s review:Chromosomes • What do they look like? • How many do humans have? They look like an “X” just before the cell divides and an “I” after they divide. 46 (23 pairs) - (23 from mom, 23 from dad)

  13. 2 Main Stages: • Interphase • G1 • S • G2 • Mitosis – M phase • Prophase • Metaphase • Anaphase • Telophase • Cytokinesis Cell Cycle

  14. Which phase does the cell spend the most time in? Interphase

  15. CELL CYCLE Create your graphic organizer

  16. Time between cell divisions • 90% of a cell’s life 3 phases: • G1: Growth and everyday activities • S: DNA replication • G2: preparation for Mitosis (production of necessary proteins/organelles) Interphase

  17. The process of dividing the nucleus to create two daughter cells, identical to the mother cell Mitosis

  18. Mitosis • Creates two daughter cells that are identical to each other AND identical to the parent cell • Creates diploid cells (two sets of chromosomes in each daughter cell) • Allows organisms to grow • Allows organisms to replace damaged/worn out cells • P-M-A-T-C

  19. The DNA organizes into chromosomes • The nuclear membrane disappears PROPHASE Chromatin – (visible DNA) – Less tightly coiled DNA, wrapped around proteins Chromosomes – (condensed chromatin) – rod-shaped structures made of DNA and proteins.

  20. Chromosomes attach to spindle fibers (by their centromeres), and line up at the center of the cell METAPHASE Spindle Fibers – microtubules that help separate chromosomes during division

  21. Chromosomes separate at the centromere, and the chromatids are pulled toward opposite ends of the cell. ANAPHASE

  22. Chromosomes disorganize and the nuclear membrane begins to reform. TELOPHASE

  23. The division of the cell cytoplasm, usually beginning during Telophase and finalizing the production of two new daughter cells. Each new cell will have about ½ of the cytoplasm and organelles of the parent cell. CYTOKINESIS

  24. CLEAVAGE FURROW VS. CELL PLATE Plants Cell plate A cell wall is rigid and cannot flexibly move and pinch together to separate the newly formed cells. So, a cell plate forms between the two new cells. This cell plate will harden and become a cell wall for each. ANIMAL Cleavage furrow indentation of the cell membrane to form two separate cells CYTOKINESIS


  26. REMEMBER: • Interphase • Prophase • Metaphase • Anaphase • Telophase • Cytokinesis • IPLAY MUSIC AT THE CLUB I P M A T C

  27. Musical chairs

  28. Animal Mitosis -- Review

  29. Plant Mitosis -- Review

  30. Assignment: • Create a mnemonic device to help you remember – I-P-M-A-T-C • We will vote on the best one tomorrow in class. Winner gets a 20 pt iWork pass.

  31. EXIT TICKET: Y • Identify the following: • X • Y • Stage of the cell cycle

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