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Habitat Restoration to Benefit Pollinators

Habitat Restoration to Benefit Pollinators. [ Insert your installation name/logo and POC information]. Pollinators on Military Lands. Questions you are likely to hear: What is the problem? Why should I care? What is the impact to the mission?

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Habitat Restoration to Benefit Pollinators

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  1. Habitat Restorationto Benefit Pollinators [Insert your installation name/logo and POC information]

  2. Pollinators on Military Lands Questions you are likely to hear: What is the problem? Why should I care? What is the impact to the mission? What is it going to cost me to protect pollinators? Where is this going to happen on base/post/station? Who really benefits from protecting pollinators / providing habitat for pollinators?

  3. Pollinators are in trouble! Why should I care? Fewer Pollinators ↓ Less pollination of flowers ↓ REDUCED production of fruits and vegetables FAILURE of native plant communities and habitat restoration projects LIMITED survival of endangered plants and animals. Plant pollination by insects is essential to human health, global food webs, and protection of biodiversity. Pollination is a globally important ecosystem service.

  4. Land management benefits pollinators There should be no change or minimal change to current land management techniques: Prescribed Fire Pesticide Treatments Grazing Mowing Mission Demands Native Habitats / Refugia

  5. Include information on three or four current land management practices at your installation that benefit pollinators, or insert specific information into previous slide. Land management benefits pollinatorsat [installation name]

  6. Creating habitat for pollinators Urban Gardens can provide both nectar plants and rearing areas. • Plant Native species that have varying bloom periods. • Provide access to water and nesting sites. • Control or Remove Invasive species • Limit use of pesticides/ chemicals

  7. How can installations provide habitat for pollinators? Combining nesting sites with foraging areas creates good native bee habitat. Incorporate pollinators into INRMPs Maintain bare soil areas away from main base Monitor for pollinator species Create corridors between pollinator habitats and minimize fragmentation. EDUCATE base and housing personnel

  8. Pollinator Habitat Restorationat [installation name] • Insert specific suggestions and needs for your Commander here • Include the resources that will be required and specific actions needed by the Commander

  9. Benefits to the Mission • How will the implementation of your suggestions benefit your installations mission?

  10. For more information on pollinators… • North American Pollinator Protection Campaign (www.nappc.org) • Pollinator Partnership (www.pollinator.org) • Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation (www.xerces.org) • U.S. Forest Service: Celebrating Wildflowers (www.fs.fed.us/wildflowers/pollinators/index.shtml) • U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (www.fws.gov/Pollinators) • United States Department of Agriculture (www.ars.usda.gov/main/site_main.htm?modecode=54280500) • USDA National Agroforestry Center (www.unl.edu/nac/agroforestrynotes.htm) • National Biological Information Infrastructure: Pollinators (pollinators.nbii.gov/portal/server.pt) • National Wildlife Federation: Create a Certified Wildlife Habitat (www.nwf.org/backyard) • Wildlife Habitat Council (www.wildlifehc.org/pollinatorpractices/index.cfm) • The Green Book: Environmental Guidebook for Military Golf Courses (www.denix.osd.mil/portal/page/portal/denix/environment/NR/conservation/PlanningToolsHandbooksGuidelines/TheGreenBook) • Pollinator Conservation Digital Library (pollinatorlibrary.org) • Michigan State University: Enhancing Beneficial Insects with Native Plants (nativeplants.msu.edu) • Urban Bee Gardens (nature.berkeley.edu/urbanbeegardens/index.html) • Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center (www.wildflower.org) • Local Botanical gardens, Native Plant Societies, garden clubs

  11. Thank you. Questions? Insert your contact information here.

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