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Welcome to the Department of Political Science

Welcome to the Department of Political Science. Orientation session for PhD students 2008/2009. In Front of You: Carsten Schneider, PhD Program Director and Noemi Kakucs PhD Program Coordinator. Also present IRES and DPP faculty and coordinators POLS Coordinators of the department

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Welcome to the Department of Political Science

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  1. Welcome to the Department of Political Science Orientation session for PhD students 2008/2009

  2. In Front of You: Carsten Schneider, PhD Program Directorand Noemi Kakucs PhD Program Coordinator • Also present IRES and DPP faculty and coordinators • POLS Coordinators of the department • Office: FT 802, FT 803 • Robert and Noemi are the one to talk to about routine aspects of the program like requirements, class schedule, syllabi, readers, etc. • Your departmental faculty and coordinator will help you in daily affairs Orientation session

  3. Carsten Schneider ... • Director of the PhD program at POLSCI • The person to address to for advice, complaints, and special requests regarding the program and your studies • Office: FT 903 • Office hours: Thursday 3.30-5.10 p.m. (or just send an email to schneiderc@ceu.hu) Orientation session

  4. Anil Duman and Tamas Meszerics • Members of the Doctoral Committee • Experienced members of the department • Important decisions on requests and complaints by PhD students are taken as collective decisions of the PhD committee Orientation session

  5. Zsolt Enyedi • Head of department • The highest instance at the dept. to address to all complaints and special requests regarding the program and your studies • Office: FT 805 • Office hours: Tuesday and Thursday 9:30-10:30 (or by appointment, which you can arrange for by sending an email to enyedizs@ceu.hu) Orientation session

  6. Other Offices of Interest • The Student Services (all offices located on the ground floor of the monument building) deal with housing problems, stipends, special theatre tickets, etc. • The Student Records Office manages course registration and issues transcripts and diplomas • Alumni Affairs Office keeps contact with former students • Computer help desk (basement) Orientation session

  7. Most Useful Source of Info: Our Website • Department: http://www.ceu.hu/polsci(program requirements, schedules, syllabi, dept. policies, etc. available) • University: http://www.ceu.hu • Check out Intranet (to be accessed on the main university page) for different policies • Check out other units for more specific information Orientation session

  8. Planned Reform of the PhD Program • Some changes in the structure and content ahead, planned School of POLSCI, IRES and DPP • Currently in the process of developing the new program and curriculum requirements, which would mean a reduction of taught credits to 24. • UNTIL THEN: 32 credits + dissertation for graduation, 16 cr. in major, 8 cr. in minor. Orientation session

  9. Requirements • 32 credits earned from courses offered or cross-listed in political science (see curriculum), with 16 from your major track (including the doctoral seminar) and 8 from your minor track MAY include 4 from other departments and 4 M.A. Level • Have the director of the Program approve your study plan • You receive copies of relevant departmental policies by email. Note that we just abandoned our previous policy on plagiarism and any discovered case will be referred to the university disciplinary committee, which sanctions plagiarism with immediate expulsion from the university Orientation session

  10. Departmental Calendar • Available on the website • September 15 - 19 : zero week • Sept 16 and 17: one introductory class from each course (we hope you try to attend all these classes and check out for cross-listed courses) • September 17, 3 p.m. - departmental reception together with IRES and DPP students • September 19, 3 p.m.: Opening Ceremony in CEU Auditorium Orientation session

  11. Departmental Calendar • September 22 - December 12: fall semester Task: earn 16 credits from courses – see schedule • Doctoral Seminar: on Thursdays from 13.30-15.10, except for every first Thursday of the month, reserved for departmental meetings (subject to change) • October 27: study plan submission • December 4 and 11: first short presentation at the dissertation seminar for 1st year PhD Candidates • December 15 - January 5: winter break Orientation session

  12. Departmental Calendar • January 5 - March 27: winter semester Task: earn another 16 credits from courses • 27 February: choose permanent supervisor, submit title of your research • 30 March- 1 April: presentation of your work at Annual Doctoral Conference – all departments are invited Orientation session

  13. Departmental Calendar • March 30 - May 23: spring semester No more classes; just prospectus writing • May 25: prospectus submission • June 2-4: comprehensive exams, prospectus defenses Orientation session

  14. MA Core Courses: Take or Substitute Them If You Haven’t • These courses are requirements for our MA degree • Quantitative research methods/Statistics • Foundational Political Philosophy or Constitutionalism and democracy • Political Economy I or Political Economy II • Comparative European Politics or Topics and Methods in Comparative Politics • If you have not taken them, you will have to ask for exemption, or take them (sometime) Orientation session

  15. Schedule of Fall Classes Displayed on the departmental notice board; and is available on the website If there is an overlap between two courses that you would like to take, ask the instructor and your classmates whether rescheduling may be possible Note: mandatory course on methodology! Orientation session

  16. Doctoral Seminars • On Thursdays from 1:30 p.m. • Mandatory 0 credit course, belonging to all tracks • PhD candidates present their dissertation progress, faculty and senior PhD students talk on their recent research, guest speakers Orientation session

  17. Specialization of the faculty in the Political Science department Dorothee Bohle (on leave):political economy of globalization, eastern enlargement of the EU, comparative political economy of Central European transformation Andras Bozoki: comparative politics (democratization, East Central European politics) and theories of political change Nenad Dimitrijevic: political theory, constitutional theory Anil Duman:political economy, economic development, welfare state policies, and comparative economic systems, labour market institutions, social security regimes, and their interactions Zsolt Enyedi: party politics, political cultures, comparative politics, political attitude research Orientation session

  18. Faculty specialization (contd.) Attila Folsz: the political economy of post-communist transitions, monetary and exchange rate politics, European integration Matteo Fumagalli: Central Asian and post-Soviet politics, social and political activism, the comparative study of authoritarianism, the politics of identity and ethnicity. Bela Greskovits (on leave): political economy of transition and macro-economic stabilization, leading economic sectors and their political consequences Janos Kis: political philosophy, democratic theory Levente Littvay:Elections, individual political behavior, quantitative and statistical analysis, philosophy of science. (Possibly education policy and corruption.) Orientation session

  19. Faculty specialization (contd.) Tamas Meszerics: decision theory, organization theories, bureaucratic politics, foreign policy, history of the cold war Zoltan Miklosi (only from January 2009): political and moral philosophy, especially theories on political obligation and egalitarian justice Andres Moles: contemporary political and moral philosophy, with particular reference to liberal and democratic thought, and issues concerning social and distributive justice Anton Pelinka: comparative politics, democratic theory, west European politics Orientation session

  20. Faculty specialization (contd.) Tamas Rudas:data analysis, applied statistics, survey methodology, mathematical statistics Judit Sandor: human rights, legal policy, health care law, privacy, discrimination, politics of reproduction Carsten Q. Schneider: comparative research methods, democratization Miklos Sukosd: political communication, media policy and media law, journalism and politics, information society, environmental politics Gabor Toka (on leave in 2008/2009): voting behavior, public opinion, electoral systems Orientation session

  21. Special Courses George Klosko will have a short course on the Origins of Social Contract. Prof. Klosko is a visiting professor from University of Virginia. Philippe Schmitter will be teaching a course on Interest Group Politics in the winter semester. Herbert Kitscheltwill have an intensive one-week seminar in March. Details will be posted on the website. In previous years he gave a list of possible course topics among which students could decide with majority vote. Don’t forget to register! Orientation session

  22. Elect a representative! • How to become Student Union representative: • Nominate yourself or anybody from your colleagues by 2 p.m. on 17 September • Secret ballot at the welcome reception • To read more about the CEU Student Union visit http://www.ceu.hu/studentlife/students/suor contact Stefan Cibian, present IRES PhD student representative at cibian_stefan@phd.ceu.hu. Orientation session

  23. CEU Political Science Journal • CEU PSJ is a peer review journal(http://www.personal.ceu.hu/PolSciJournal/) • In its fourth year of existence, and is looking for collaborators / editorial assistants.You get a chance to work at a professional journal, which is a great experience. • Especially wanted: • language editor • local organizer of distribution • database and area index editors • Please contact: Sergiu Gherghina (sergiulor@yahoo.com) or the department Orientation session

  24. Once again, welcome to the Department of Political Science. Try to make the most of our offering. With any further questions, please turn to any of us.

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