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This classification chapter explores taxonomy, the classification of organisms based on characteristics and evolutionary history. It covers the uses of information from the fossil record, morphology, embryology, DNA, RNA, and chromosomes. The chapter also delves into binomial nomenclature, the two-part naming system used in taxonomy, and the levels of classification devised by Carolus Linnaeus. Additionally, it includes information on dichotomous keys, which aid in classifying organisms, and phylogeny, the evolutionary history of an organism, which can be represented through cladograms and phylogenetic trees.

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  1. Classification Chapter 17

  2. Taxonomy • Taxonomy: the classification of organisms accord. to characteristics and evolutionary history • Uses info from: • 1) Fossil record • 2) Morphology (appearance) • 3) Embryology (comparison of embryos) • 4) DNA, RNA, & chromosomes

  3. Binomial Nomenclature • The 2-part naming system used in taxonomy • Creates a species name (scientific name) for organisms • 1st part: Genus • 2nd part: species identifier • i.e.: Homo sapiens; Canis lupus (wolf); Triticum vulgaris (wheat)

  4. Levels of Classification • Carolus Linnaeus designed a 7-level system: Domain: largest level -are 3 -added after Linnaeus

  5. Dichotomous Keys • Used as guide to classifying organisms • Forces user to make choices that narrow down until final answer is revealed

  6. Phylogeny • Phylogeny: the evolutionary history of an organism (how that organism evolved) • Can be used to create a: • A) Cladogram • Shows how species diverged from one another as they evolved from a common ancestor • Closer together on cladogram = more recent common ancestor • B) Phylogenetic Tree • Shows hypothetical relationships among organisms

  7. Cladogram

  8. Phylogenetic Tree

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