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World war ii… …the biggest powerpoint ever

World History . World war ii… …the biggest powerpoint ever. Fascism Rises in Europe . In response to political turmoil and economic crises, Italy and Germany turn to totalitarian dictators . Fascism Rises. • Fascism is a new, militant political movement

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World war ii… …the biggest powerpoint ever

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  1. World History World war ii……the biggest powerpoint ever

  2. Fascism Rises in Europe In response to political turmoil and economic crises, Italy and Germany turn to totalitarian dictators.

  3. Fascism Rises • Fascismis a new, militant political movement • Emphasizes nationalism and loyalty to authoritarian leader • Italians want a leader who will take action • Fascist leader, Benito Mussolini, promises to rescue Italy • Italian king puts Mussolini in charge

  4. Fascism Rises • Adolf Hitler—obscure political figure in 1920s Germany • Nazism—German brand of fascism 1923 BEER HALL PUTSCH • Hitler tries—but FAILS—to seize power from the democratically elected, but troubled, Weimar Government MEIN KAMPF (My Struggle) : written in jail, Hitler’s book outlines his plan for a Nazi Germany

  5. MEIN KAMPF • Superiority of German (Aryan) race; all others inferior • Jews were the reason for all of Germany’s problems (also Communists) • Treaty of Versailles must be overturned • Lebensraum: Germany needed “Living Space” for its people; room to EXPAND

  6. MEIN KAMPF 5. FURHER Principal: One leader should have supreme power and rule (Rousseau’s “General Will”) Results: Bad economic conditions get Nazi Party elected in growing #’s 1933 Ger. President appoints Hitler Chancellor Burning of Reichstag gives Nazis majority in elections

  7. Postwar Europe • Unstable New Democracies • German Inflation • American Great Depression has wide impact • Worldwide Unemployment

  8. Comparing Fascism to Communism

  9. Analyze and Connect: • The 17th century was a period of great upheaval in Europe. The decline of feudalism, constant religious and territorial conflicts, and rebellions of overtaxed peasants led monarchs to seek absolute power. *What political and social crises led to the rise of fascism in the 1920s and 1930s?

  10. Answer: • Lack of Democratic tradition: Weimar Government weak • Loss of population, houses, factories, farms, schools, hospitals, etc. • Loss of “next generation” keeps “old ideas” in power • Inflation • Trade decreases • Personal and Social Anxiety

  11. Analyze and Connect: 2. Rulers can increase their power by limiting the power of other institutions. Absolute monarchs of the 1600’s increased their power by limiting the power of the nobility, controlling the Church, creating royal bureaucracies & taking personal control of the central government. How did Fascist leaders increase their own power?

  12. Answer • Majority control of GOV’T. • Allow only 1 PARTY • Change Laws: target Jews, newspapers, teachers, political opposition • Use of Terror: Assassinations, Prison camps, Threats • Secret Police: SS, Gestapo • Weakened Cath/Prot. Church • Propaganda: massively used

  13. Analyze and Connect: 3. Absolute monarchs sought to control economic affairs by giving tax benefits to expand trade and manufacturing and by creating new bureaucracies to control economic life. How did Fascist leaders take command of their countries’ economies?

  14. Answer: • Took over labor unions and outlawed strikes • Almost no unemployment: public works, ramped up military, opposition = no jobs • Nazis closely regulated private industry • State control of prices, production, capital investments, trade, banking

  15. Analyze and Connect: 4. In an effort to control every aspect of society and the lives of citizens, absolute monarchs regulated religious worship, social gatherings, and other aspects of daily life. What steps did Fascist leaders take to control the lives of their citizens?

  16. Answer • Controlled education • Youth groups • Censorship • German women pushed into inferior position • Controlled assembly, speech, marriage, occupations, etc.

  17. Analyze and Connect: 5. Absolute monarchs believed that the divine right of kings gave them authority to rule with unlimited power. What beliefs or principles did Fascist leaders use to justify their unlimited power?

  18. Answer: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

  19. Aggressors Invade Nations Germany, Italy, and Japan conquer other countries; the rest of the world does nothing to stop them.

  20. Aggressors March (1933-1936) • Japan invades Manchuria (NE China), later takes major cities like Beijing. • Chinese Nationalists and Communists fight back (remember…?) • Mussolini (Italy) takes Ethiopia • Hitler (Ger) takes Rhineland (border land between FR and GER)

  21. Taking Sides • Britain and France follow appeasement, a policy of giving in to aggression to keep the peace • Germany, Italy, and Japan—the Axis Powers— form an alliance • United States Follows an Isolationist Policy • Isolationism—political ties with other countries should be avoided • In 1935, Congress passes Neutrality Acts

  22. Axis Aggression • Hitler takes Sudetenland (Czech-Ger border), and later rest of Czechoslovakia • GB and FR give in; think Hitler will be satisfied • Mussolini takes Albania; Hitler demands part of Poland • GB and FR continue appeasement • Nazis and Soviets Sign Nonaggression Pact • Stalin and Hitler pledge never to attack one another

  23. War! • Germany uses blitzkrieg, a new military strategy using airplanes, tanks, and MASSIVE infantry forces to SURPRISE and OVERWHELM the enemy. • Takes west Poland, Denmark, Norway • Stalin expands the USSR • Takes Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and eventually Finland

  24. France Falls • May 1940, Germany moved quickly into Belgium and France • Cornered Allied troops (had to be rescued by boat) • Captured Paris by June 14 • FR surrenders a week later • GER controls northern FR, sets up a “puppet gov’t” in Vichy for southern FR • Charles de Gaulle, FR general, leads the resistance from exile in London

  25. Battle of Britain • Germany bombarded British cities, especially London • RAF (Royal Air Force) fights back • They have radar and a German decoders! • Germany switches to night raids • Germany eventually backs out of England • Considered a British victory!

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