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Rockin’ and Rollin’ to Success!

Rockin’ and Rollin’ to Success!. Ms. Green’s Class. Please make sure to sign in!. About the Teacher. Ms. Green I have taught 1 st and 2 nd grade for twelve years in Ohio. Previously I taught grades k-3 in Kansas, Washington, and Arizona.

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Rockin’ and Rollin’ to Success!

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  1. Rockin’ and Rollin’ to Success! Ms. Green’s Class Please make sure to sign in!

  2. About the Teacher • Ms. Green • I have taught 1st and 2nd grade for twelve years in Ohio. Previously I taught grades k-3 in Kansas, Washington, and Arizona. • I have a Bachelor’s degree in elementary education and general science; Two Master’s degrees, one in curriculum and the other in educational leadership; and a reading endorsement because I love teaching kids how to read! • I will be teaching your child reading, writing, language, spelling, math, and social studies! • Mrs. Statzer (in room 15) will teach your child science.

  3. Morning Arrival • School starts at 9:05. Students arriving after 9:15 are considered tardy. • Breakfast is served in the cafeteria at this time for the price posted on the lunch menu website. Breakfast is over at 9:10. Students who are tardy may miss breakfast. • Please make sure your child is on time so that we can all start the day off on a good foot!

  4. Reading In Reading, 2nd graders learn about… • Non-fiction and fiction books • Poetry, plays, procedural text, fables, folktales, and electronic media • Reading fluently (90 words per minute!) • Monitoring comprehension when reading independently (for 30 minutes!) • Retelling, summarizing, making predictions, asking questions, and making connections to stories • Using synonyms, antonyms, homophones, prefixes and suffixes to determine the meaning of words • How to read words with prefixes, suffixes, multiple syllables, long and short vowels, contractions, etc.! Students will receive small group instruction during reading. They will also practice skills independently at reading workstations.

  5. Reading What can you do to help? • Establish a nightly reading routine at home (15-30 minutes) • Read with your child, to your child, and listen to your child read • Make sure your child completes his/her reading log • Ask your child what he/she read about to help with comprehension • Let your child know you think reading is both fun and important! • Review classwork and tests that are sent home. Review errors with your child. • Help your child study vocabulary words that are sent home. • Visit the library as a family! • Allow your child to visit learning websites for extra practice (see my website for links)!

  6. Writing and Language In Writing and Language, 2nd graders learn about… • The writing process (planning, drafting, editing, revising, publishing) • Nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and prepositions • Writing sentences with complete thoughts • Writing stories, letters, poems, persuasive pieces, and information about topics of interest • Spelling words with blends, long and short vowels, multiple syllables, contractions, inflectional endings, r-controlled vowels and high frequency words

  7. Writing and Language What can you do to help? • Make sure your child completes his/her word study Spellers Choice homework • Help your child study the weekly word sorts • Encourage your child to write at home! Let your child use different writing tools, special paper, diaries, etc. to make it more engaging! • Let your child tell you stories! Children need to be able to verbalize stories before they can write them. • Review classwork and tests that are sent home. Review errors with your child.

  8. Social Studies In Social Studies, 2nd graders learn about… • How to be a good citizen • The community, city, state, and country • Government services and purpose • Famous people & biographies • Map skills & Geography • Making good choices and decisions • Economics & resources

  9. Science In Science, 2nd graders learn about… • Needs of Living things • Changes to the Earth (landforms & ecosystems) • Structure and properties of matter • Solving problems through engineering (inventions)

  10. M.A.P. Test Measures of Academic Progress • M.A.P. is a state-aligned computerized adaptive assessment program that provides Greenville educators with the information they need to improve teaching and learning and make student-focused decisions. • Students in K-2 are tested 3 times per year in math and reading (September, January, & May). • M.A.P. generates test questions based on student responses and measures growth over time. • M.A.P. provides information used to target individual instruction aligned to the Common Core Standards.

  11. Lunch • Lunch is from 12:45-1:15. • Please make sure that any lunch money sent to school is in an envelope or bag clearly labeled with your child’s name! • Free/reduced lunch must be applied for every year. Check with the Cafeteria for details.

  12. Recess • Recess will be after lunch, from 1:15-1:25 and in the afternoon on Friday from 2:30- 2:40. • Please have your child wear tennis shoes to school so that he/she is ready to play SAFELY at recess!

  13. Computer Lab • We have computer lab on Friday from 2:40 - 3:40 each week. Please do not pick your child up from school early or they will miss their time. • Map testing in September is scheduled Wednesday. Sept. 4; and Monday, Sept 9 from 9:20 – 10:20.

  14. Afternoon Dismissal • Dismissal will begin at 3:35 for car riders. Please try to avoid picking up your child before dismissal. • Please send in a written note if dismissal procedures are going to be different on any particular day. This is the only way your child’s transportation may be changed.

  15. Classroom Management Students are expected to be safe, responsible, and respectful at all times. Your child will maintain their behavior index card at their desk. At the end of the week it will be sent home to show you how the week went. Please review and sign your child’s behavior card and return it on Monday. Behaving responsibly includes completing class work neatly and accurately. If your child does not finish their class work assignment they will be given extra time during recess to complete their work. If your child has 3 checkmarks in a day due to irresponsible behavior they will lose a recess for that day. The next day they start over. Consequences may include isolated lunch, loss of recess, or loss of another privilege.

  16. Homework • In Reading, students will complete a reading log after reading 15-20 minutes a night, four days a week. • Students are assigned Word Study Spelling homework on Monday. Students need to complete one activity of choice Monday-Thursday from the Spellers Choice menu in the Homework Folder using the word patterns for the week. • There is a Reading Fluency Passage in the Homework Folder with 4 comprehension questions about the passage. These questions must be answered in complete sentences. • Homework should not take more than 30 minutes an evening 4 days a week.

  17. Brag Tag Motivation Each child receives a Brag Tag necklace. They will work towards earning more tags/beads to display on their necklace throughout the year. There are different Tags for various accomplishments: 100% attendance each quarter Reading Improvement Stars 100% Homework Club each quarter Reading Beads for each 100 minutes read Bucket Filling

  18. Grades • The grading system is as follows: S+ Exceeds grade level expectation S = 80-100 D = 70 - 79 N= < 70 • S = Meets Standard; D = Developing; N = Needs Support • As your child develops their early understanding, we will mark their work with a “D”. • Throughout the year, as your child practices the skills and strategies taught in all content areas, we expect your child to receive a “S” on a consistent basis. • Grades will come from tests, classwork, and projects. • Any graded assignments with a grade below 70% will need to be returned with a parent signature.

  19. 3rd Grade Guarantee • Ohio and Governor Kasich passed a set of laws requiring retention of students who fail to demonstrate mastery in reading by the third grade. • The mandate requires students to pass the Ohio third grade reading exam to continue on to the fourth grade. • It is important to complete your reading homework and classroom assignments.

  20. Tutoring Check with the office if you want to hire a tutor for your child. Many retired teachers provide this service. There is also a program called “Gateway” that provides after school tutoring downtown.

  21. Field Trips 2nd graders get to visit the Garst Museum and Shawnee Prairie in the Spring!

  22. Volunteer in our Classroom! Volunteers Please let me know if you would like to volunteer your time to help in the classroom, to help on field trips, or with special events!

  23. Mrs. Green’s Class Website Communication • Your child will have their behavior card in his/her folder on Friday. Please sign and return this by Monday. • Each week your child will have a new homework reading assignment. Helping your child with their reading will help you understand your child’s literacy development. • Please contact me by phone or e-mail with any questions or concerns. E-mail is the fastest way to contact me. I cannot answer the phone during the day but I will return calls as soon as possible at the end of the day (usually after 4:30). • Please visit our website!

  24. Mrs. McMeekin's Class Website Communication Deb Green E-mail: dgreen@greenville.k12.oh.us Phone: 937-548-1013 Website: www.Greenville.k12.oh.us/DebGreen.aspx (Please call or e-mail in advance to set up an appointment.)

  25. Thank You... for taking the time to attend open house! I look forward to working with you and your child this year. It is going to be a wonderful year filled with exciting learning activities!

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