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Jobs in a low carbon Europe 20 & 21 February 2007

This conference explores the role of railways in reducing emissions and promoting sustainable transport systems in Europe. Topics include co-modality, internalization of external costs, and the importance of training. Join us to learn about the latest advancements in energy efficiency and renewable energy in the railway sector.

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Jobs in a low carbon Europe 20 & 21 February 2007

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  1. European Trade Union Confederation Jobs in a low carbon Europe 20 & 21 February 2007 Margrethe Sagevik, International Union of Railways (UIC) 3 December 2005

  2. Jobs in a low carbon Europe • Short status: climate change & the transport sector • Role of railways in emission reduction scenarios • Co-modality: Sustainable transport systems • Internalisation of external costs • Railways and training 3 December 2005

  3. Transport causes 25-30 % of global GHG emissions and it’s not yet tackled! 3 December 2005

  4. Everything available at all times: • (examples) • Passenger services: • holidays, weekend trips… • shopping in London, Paris, NY... • Freight services: • Fresh food … • ”Exotic” furniture… 3 December 2005

  5. Short status on the transport sector Brings enormous benefits to society, but also manycosts… • Status: Transport & mobility patterns - not developing in sustainable ways: • Increasing demand for passenger/freight transport • Growing markets for automotive and aviation • International aviation and shipping not included in Kyoto targets • Technological improvements eaten by volume growth • True costs of transport not reflected in the market • Lack of cross sectoral approaches in development of transport policies 3 December 2005

  6. EU EEA TERM REPORT 2005 Rail and energy 3 December 2005

  7. Jobs in a low carbon Europe • Short status: climate change & the transport sector • Role of railways in emission reduction scenarios • Co-modality: Sustainable transport systems • Internalisation of external costs • Railways and training 3 December 2005

  8. 2. Role of railways in emission reduction scenarios Railways: what we offer to a low carbon Europe • The railways represent the best performance in terms of energy efficiency and thus, carbon dioxide emissions. • Rail transport based on electric traction is already adapted for the use of renewable energy sources. • By using electricity, it is possible to regenerate energy during braking and reuse it. • The railways are investing significant resources into energy efficiency measures. UIC is a leading force in this work. 3 December 2005

  9. 2. Role of railways in emission reduction scenarios Railways: what we offer to a low carbon Europe Continuously improving the energy advantage Examples on projects 1. Rail Energy 2. Training 3. Energy Billing 4. Eco-procurement 5. Bio fuel-study 3 December 2005

  10. 1. Rail Energy: system approach to increase energy efficiency Innovative Integrated Energy Efficiency Solutions for Railway Rolling Stock, Rail Infrastructure and Train Operation • Overall Goals: • To reduce the energy consumption related to operation of the railway system • To contribute to the reduction of life cycle costs of railway operation • To contribute to the reduction of CO2 emission per seat km (ton km) • - within a time frame of 15 years from now (2020) EU-project with more than 30 partners from universities, the rail and industry sectors 3 December 2005

  11. 2. Training: more energy efficientlydriving Overall Goal: Adapt the principles of the project “EnergieSparen”by German Railways: Train the drivers to drive more energy efficiently… 3 December 2005

  12. DB Fernverkehr AG Savings during train movements* (Reference year 2002) Traction current 2002 2005 - 4.8% Energyefficient driving Making energy-saving driving a part of the train drivers’ everyday routine German railways: EnergieSparen: Training: European Project on Energyefficient driving Objectives: Several European railways in joint European project to adapt the success-story of the German Railways which reduced energy consumption by 10 % through its project EnergieSparen New Sept 2006 Consumption displays and driving recommendations for switching off traction help drivers to practise energy-saving driving. * Measured savings due to energy-saving driving patterns. Other savings effects are not taken into account.. Source: P.RBB 3 – Energy cost management (2006) 3 December 2005

  13. Energy Saving Programme 2005 CO2-reduction Climate Protection Programme 2020 CO2-reduction goal: -25% achieved ahead of schedule in 2002 new goal: -15% 2005 possible reduction: -25%* 2002 2020 DB’s ambitious climate protection goals Since it launched its climate protection programme in 2002, DB has already cut emissions of CO2 by 5.5 % 1990 * assuming improvements in framework policies 3 December 2005

  14. 3. Energy Billing:incentives to drive more energy efficiently Overall Goals: 1. Establishing a common European method of measuringtraction energy consumption. 2. Establishing a common European method of billingtraction energy consumption between infrastructure managers and railway undertakings. Objectives: 1. Get to a fair and equal system for paying energy costs 2. Award energy efficiency 3 December 2005

  15. 4. Eco-procurement: “Environmental Specifications for new Rolling Stock” UIC Leaflet “Environmental Specifications for new Rolling Stock” (2006)is: 1) - a new tool for purchasing more environmentally friendly trains 2) - offering a set of indicators to support harmonisation of the environmental procurement framework in the rail sector 3) - facilitating a more efficient process of procurement 4) – enabling railways to procure new rolling stock with a sound environmental performance more cost effectively 3 December 2005

  16. 5. Biofuel:exploring state of the art in Europe Goal: 1. Check out biofuel as an alternative to diesel 2. Provide an overview of existing plans, use, technology and experiences with biofuel in the rail sector on a global scale 3. Decide a joint strategy for how to proceed with biofuel Awaiting: The sustainability criteria for production and consumption for biofuel 3 December 2005

  17. ...2. Role of railways in emission reduction scenarios Railways: what we offer to a low carbon Europe Communicating the energy advantage: Examples on tools to support modal shift & co-modality Freight transport: www.ecotransit.org web tool to compare international freight routes Passenger transport: - national tools exist, in preparation: web tool to compare international passenger routes 3 December 2005

  18. EcoTransIT: Freight Traffic in Europe 3 December 2005

  19. EcoTransIT – example: Gdansk - Marseille Distances 3 December 2005

  20. Rail Passenger services: Environmental Mobility Check 3 December 2005

  21. Jobs in a low carbon Europe • Short status: climate change & the transport sector • Role of railways in emission reduction scenarios • Co- modality: Sustainable transport systems • Internalisation of external costs • Railways and training 3 December 2005

  22. 3. Co-modality: Sustainable transport systems • 1.More than reducing CO2-emissions! • 2.”Railways can not make it alone!” • Develop/facilitate sustainable transport systems • Cross-sectoral approach needed • Production versus consumption • Behaviour change/awarness campaigns • Quality of life • How to acheive this ”holistic” approach? 3 December 2005

  23. 3. Co-modality: Sustainable transport systems Proposal: Increased focus on the social dimension Rail sector needs to develop messages on its strong contribution to the social dimension ex through its: -safety, spatial efficiency, congestion - air quality/health - accessibility/comfort/stations - work force, labour unions and training 3 December 2005

  24. Simple illustration from a “sustainable development”-point a view:… the environmental pillar leads way for increased awareness: the social pillar the key to fully include the economic pillar…. Ex. Focus on: climate changes:low carbon Europe/jobs + + + Social Economics Environment A market ready to internalise the external costs!!! 3 December 2005

  25. Jobs in a low carbon Europe • Short status: climate change & the transport sector • Role of railways in emission reduction scenarios • Co-modality: Sustainable transport systems • Internalisation of external costs • Railways and training 3 December 2005

  26. 4. Internalisation of external costs • The true costs of transport: to get the prices right!!! • Status in Europe: ”all” agree of the need, but not on the method... • Ongoing work: • EU Commission study: • 1. External costs estimates (try to find the best methodology) • 2. Identify policy intruments for how to internalise (tolls, ETS...) • Impact analysis 3 December 2005

  27. Example: If unchecked aviation will eat full ‘climate cake’ ! If unchecked in Europe, aviation will eat all “the climate cake”!!! Source: Tyndall, Growth scenarios for EU and UK aviation, 2005 3 December 2005

  28. Example: Tickets are one third cheaper than in 1991! Source: AEA Technology 3 December 2005

  29. World maps illustrating size of population and CO2-emissions per country “Inspiration”….. 3 December 2005

  30. Jobs in a low carbon Europe • Short status: climate change & the transport sector • Role of railways in emission reduction scenarios • Co-modality: Sustainable transport systems • Internalisation of external costs • Railways and training 3 December 2005

  31. 5. Railways and training: ”Investing in training” 1. The changing European railway sector 2. Looking into the future of rail training in Europe 3 December 2005

  32. 5. Railways and training: ”Investing in training” 1. The changing European railway sector Many aspects to consider for training in railways: - Legal(ex. promoting cross border interoperability, common standards) - Technological(ex. professional requirements for new technology) - Demographic(ex. competencies transfer to new generation) - Structural(ex. access to training facilities for new rail market actors) 3 December 2005

  33. Railways and training: ”Investing in training” 2. Looking into the future of rail training in Europe How to meet the challenges: DG TREN has commissioned  a study on the training needs and offers in the European Railway area for the next 15 years.  UIC is hosting the European Network of Rail Training centres- initiative from the European Commission to provide support to European Rail Agency 3 December 2005

  34. Thank you for your kind attention! sagevik@uic.asso.fr 3 December 2005

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