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Mental Health Benefits of Physical Activity

Mental Health Benefits of Physical Activity. Taylor Hachey & Alie Ross November 13, 2013. Outline. 3 Questions What is depression? Defining ‘exercise’ and ‘physical activity’ Activity! Benefits of physical activity Why do nurses promote physical activity?. To start….

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Mental Health Benefits of Physical Activity

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Mental Health Benefits of Physical Activity Taylor Hachey & Alie Ross November 13, 2013

  2. Outline • 3 Questions • What is depression? • Defining ‘exercise’ and ‘physical activity’ • Activity! • Benefits of physical activity • Why do nurses promote physical activity?

  3. To start… • What do you do to improve your physical health?

  4. • What do you do to improve your emotional/mental/social health?

  5. • … Are they the same?

  6. Symptoms of Depression • depressed mood for most of the day • decreased interest in daily activities • significant weight loss OR increase or decrease in appetite • inability to sleep OR sleeping too much • low energy • feeling worthless or guilty • being overly excitable or feeling “in a fog” • decreased ability to concentrate • thoughts of death • *must be present every day for 2 weeks

  7. How do we define depression? • categories • mild • moderate • severe • affects 121 million people globally • greatest reduction in overall health of all chronic diseases

  8. What is ‘exercise’ anyway? recommended amount: 60-90 minutes per day moderate vs. vigorous weight-bearing activities

  9. Examples of Physical Activities

  10. Interactive Activity

  11. Benefits of Physical Activity • improved mood • better sleep (quality and amount) • improved body image • improved self-esteem • maintain thinking, learning, and judgment skills • social support network

  12. Why is promoting physical activity important? • promotion of mental health • broad impact • prevents illness • financial savings

  13. References • http://www.research.utoronto.ca/can-exercise-beat-depression/ • http://www.cdc.gov/physicalactivity/everyone/health/ • http://www.csep.ca/CMFiles/Guidelines/CSEP_PAGuidelines_youth_en.pdf

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