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Amber Cox ED 417-A02

Martin Luther King, Jr. 1929-1968. I Have a Dream . . . Amber Cox ED 417-A02 . Rationale for Lesson

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Amber Cox ED 417-A02

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  1. Martin Luther King, Jr. 1929-1968 I Have a Dream . . . Amber Cox ED 417-A02

  2. Rationale for Lesson Our curriculum must encompass African American history and the struggles endured. The key concept for third grade will be to understand that Martin Luther King, Jr. made significant contributions to American society and holds an important place in American history. Unit:Getting to know Martin Luther King, Jr. Grade:Three Goal of Lesson:The lesson will introduce third graders to Martin Luther King, Jr. and his part in the Civil Rights Movement.

  3. Lesson Objectives The students will… • Give specific biographical information on Martin Luther King, Jr.. • Explain Martin Luther King’s role in the Civil Rights Movement • Explain the meaning of selected quotes from speeches given by Martin Luther King, Jr..

  4. Read stories about Martin Luther King, Jr.. • Interpret a poem and relate it to Martin Luther King, Jr.. • Define the following terms: segregation, equality, boycott, integration, Civil Rights Movement, Nobel Peace Prize, assassinate. • Discuss the impact of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. • Participate in activities related to Martin Luther King, Jr..

  5. Web Sites for Martin Luther King, Jr. http://www.pps.k12.or.us/district/depts/itss/buckman/timeline/kingframe.html http://www.mlkonline.com http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/mlk/ http://www.lifemag.com/Life/mlk/mlk.html http://users.massed.net/~tstrong/Martin.html

  6. Materials • Several pictures of Martin Luther King, Jr. at different ages • Shel Silverstein poem “No Difference” • Recording of “I Have a Dream” speech • Books about Martin Luther King, Jr. • “Martin Luther King: A Man and His Dream” Filmstrip • Ingredients to bake a birthday cake

  7. Student Activities This lesson will occur the five days preceding the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday commemorating his birthday. There will be one activity per day. This activity will take place during our social studies time.

  8. Day One • Have students listen to last part of “I Have a Dream” speech • Ask students of they can identify speaker • Show pictures of Martin Luther King, Jr. • Read Martin Luther King, Jr,-A Picture Story by Margaret Boone-Jones to reinforce concepts • For homework, ask children to write the names • of the people in his or her family back to the great- • grandparents, if possible, for tomorrow’s activity. • *Students without information on families will do an • alternative assignment.

  9. Day Two • Review information about Martin Luther King, Jr.. • Discuss how important family was to Martin Luther King, Jr. and why family is important to most people. • Have children use construction paper, markers, scissors, and glue to create their own family tree. • For homework, students will read several quotes from Martin Luther King, Jr.’s speeches and be prepared to discuss them in class.

  10. Day Three • Use homework to have a small group discussion. • Give each group of four students two quotes. Have them first discuss the quotes in their group, then have each group present their quotes and their conclusions to the class. • Have a large group discussion with the class. Use a chart to write down observations to remind the class of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s influence on them. • For homework, have students write a personal journal reflection on how learning about Martin Luther King, Jr. has affected their life thus far.

  11. Day Four • Present the poem “No Difference” by Shel Silverstein. • Have students write a short essay comparing Martin Luther King, Jr.’s beleifs with the philosophy presented in the poem. • Have students watch “Martin Luther King: A Man and His Dream”. After the movie, discuss the importance of Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott. Encourage children to critically think about segregation and integration and how would life be different if it hadn’t been for the Civil Rights Movement and Martin Luther King, Jr..

  12. Day Five • Play a “Jeopardy” style review game with the children to culminate lesson. The game will review all information learned during class. • To celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday, have students bake a birthday cake. • On a sentence strip, have the children write their own dream, prompting the sentence with “I have a dream. My dream is…”. This activity will conclude our lesson on Martin Luther King, Jr..

  13. Getting to know Martin Luther King, Jr.

  14. Biographical Information • Born January 15, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia to Martin Luther King, Sr, and Alberta Williams King • His father was the pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church • He had an older sister, Willie Christine, and a younger brother, Alfred Daniel • Martin was called “M.L.” and Alfred was called “A.D.”

  15. As a child… • Martin and his family lived with his maternal grandparents on Auburn Street • Martin’s first two friends were white and they played together all the time • When they went to school, Martin went to a school for blacks and his friends went to a school for whites • Martin was not allowed to play with his white friends any more after school started • This was Martin’s first experience with segregation

  16. Martin was born in this house in Atlanta,Georgia.

  17. Martin Grows Up • Martin graduated from high school when he was fifteen years old • After high school Martin went to Morehouse College, a black college in Atlanta, Georgia • Martin became a minister when he was only 19 years old • Martin attended Crozer Theological Seminary to learn more about being a minister • Martin became a Doctor of Philosophy at Boston University

  18. Martin Has a Family • Martin married Coretta Scott in 1953 • They moved to Montgomery, Alabama • Martin became the pastor of Dexter Avenue Church • They had four children: Yolanda, Martin Luther III, Dexter Scott, and Bernice Albertine

  19. Martin and his family frequently traveled together fighting for equality among all Americans.

  20. Montgomery Bus Boycott • The buses in Montgomery, Alabama used to be segregated • Blacks had to sit in the back of the bus and give their seats to white people when the bus was full • On December 1, 1955, Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white person and was put in jail • Martin and other black leaders organized a boycott of the buses • The Supreme Court eventually ruled that bus segregation was unconstitutional • Martin decided to spend his life fighting for integration and equality

  21. Rosa Parks played an important role in the Civil Rights Movement with Martin.

  22. The Civil Rights Movement • The Montgomery Bus Boycott was a turning point in the Civil Rights Movement • Martin remembered his mother telling him he was as good as anyone, black or white • Martin used speeches and other nonviolent means to protest inequality • Martin traveled all over the United States helping people who were working to change unfair laws • In 1964 Martin was given the Nobel Peace Prize for his work to build peace among all Americans

  23. Martin and Coretta at the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony. Martin continues to preach peace.

  24. The Civil Rights Act • In 1963 President Kennedy proposed a Civil Rights Act to Congress • A march was organized on Washington D.C. to support the bill • On August 28, 1963, more than 200,000 people gathered in Washington, D.C. • Martin gave his “I Have a Dream” speech • President Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 on July 2, 1964

  25. Martin would never see the Civil Rights Act passed.

  26. Martin Luther King Dies • Many people loved Martin, but some people hated him for fighting for equality • During his fight for freedom he received many threats against him and even experienced some violence • On April 4, 1968, Martin was assassinated on the balcony of the Lorraine Hotel in Memphis, Tennessee • The assassin was James Earl Ray • James Earl Ray was convicted of first degree murder • Martin was buried April 9, 1968 in Atlanta, Georgia, where he was born • On his tombstone are the words “Free At Last ...” from his famous Washington speech

  27. The world is stunned by the loss of this great man and leader.

  28. We celebrate Martin’s birthday to remember his struggles and triumphs, and to remind us to live a peaceful life.helping others.

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