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Leadership. Leadership is the process by which person influences others to achieve a goal Is a process of guiding and directing the beh of people in work environment. Theories of leadership Trait Theory. Leaders are born ,not made

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  2. Leadership WWW.PPTMART.COM

  3. Leadership is the process by which person influences others to achieve a goal • Is a process of guiding and directing the beh of people in work environment WWW.PPTMART.COM

  4. Theories of leadership Trait Theory • Leaders are born ,not made • individual are born with certain traits that allow them to emerge out in any situation to become leader • attempts to identify the traits /inherent attributes of leaders regardless of leader’s situation or circumstances • Focus is on • Physical attributes – height, weight physique, health, energy, age and appearance • Personality – Adaptability, originality, introversion-extroversion, dominance, self confidence, integrity, conviction, mood optimism and emotional control • Abilities – social skills, Intelligence, scholarship, speech fluency, cooperativeness and insight WWW.PPTMART.COM

  5. Criticism • No consistent pattern of personality trait by which we can predict anyone from being leader • Relates physical characteristics with effectiveness, however there is no correlation between the two • Can’t be generalized WWW.PPTMART.COM

  6. Behavioural Theory • Focus on what leaders do and how they do it 1)OHIO STATE STUDIES(1945) • Developed LBDQ which studied two dimensions of leadership • Initiating Structure (Task)-refers to the extent to which leader is likely to define structure with regard to his/her role and those of employee in search for goal attainment • Consideration structure (Relationship) described as extent to which a person is likely to have job relationship that are characterized by mutual trust, respect for subordinates, ideas and regard for their feeling WWW.PPTMART.COM

  7. 2. MICHIGAN STUDY Low producing section and high producing sections of Prudential Insurance company were studied with variable like working condition ect. being same 2 dimensions of leadership beh • Employee oriented – emphasizing interpersonal relations, taking a personal interest in the needs of employee and accepting indi differences among members • Production oriented – one who emphasizes technical or task aspect of the job WWW.PPTMART.COM

  8. 3. Managerial Grid (Blake & Mouton)- Leadership consist of certain aspects of both task as well as relationship centred beh in varying degree • Concern for production- represents attitude towards product, processes ,work load, efficiency, quality of service . • Concern for people – represents satisfying interpersonal relation, maintaining self esteem of workers, personal commitment, towards goal achievement WWW.PPTMART.COM

  9. 4)Likert system of Leadership Developed 4 mgmt system based on variables – leadership, motivation, making, goal setting, control process ,interaction and influence • Exploitative Autocratic – Leader makes all work related decisions with no say of subordinate, communication is downward and formal, leader defines • Benevolent Autocratic –leader is autocratic but nit exploitative, has paternalistic attitude.subordinates have freedom, reward and punishment approach of motivation is adopted under this system WWW.PPTMART.COM

  10. 3. Consultative – leader set goals after discussing with subordinates , the leader takes major decisions while subordinate takes routine decision, greater emphasis on reward than on punishment, 2 way communication 4. Democratic – goals are set and work related decisions are taken, leaders are friendly and supportive , communication is open, control and supervision is group oriented WWW.PPTMART.COM

  11. Contingency theories • Fiedler Contingency Model Leaders effectiveness is contingent upon favorableness of situation. Favorableness of situation depends on a) Leader member relationship (acceptance is high) b) Degree of task structure- whether task is routine/non routine (very structured, everything spell out) c) leaders power position- extent to which leader has reward, coercive and legitimate power WWW.PPTMART.COM

  12. Situation is favorable when structured task is there, leader has strong power position, and there is good leader-member relation • Under very favorable and very unfavorable the task directed leader was most effective • Under moderately favorable/ unfavorable human relations or lenient leader was most effective WWW.PPTMART.COM

  13. 2. Hershey &Blanchard’s situational theory or life cycle Model leadership style will depend upon a) Task beh: extent to which leader spell out to follower what, where , and how to do the task b) Relationship beh: extent to which leader listens, supports and encourages followers in decision making c) Follower’s Readiness :is subordinate’s ability and willingness to perform the task WWW.PPTMART.COM

  14. The model propose 4 leadership style: 1) Telling style- followers are both unable and unwilling to do the job, they require directive beh i.e. what and how to perform 2) Selling style: followers are willing but are unable to carry out task. Here leader must be supportive and directive. 3) Participating style: followers are able but not confident about their abilities. Leader should provide support and encouragement 4) Delegating style: followers are able, willing and confident. they do not need either delegating or relationship beh of leader WWW.PPTMART.COM

  15. Path Goal theory • In order to be effective leader must select a style that will enhance employee satisfaction with their job and increase their performance level. • 2 key variable in this model are employee need (safety, esteem…..) and task characteristics (routine and non routine) • 4 style proposed are: WWW.PPTMART.COM

  16. 1)Supportive leadership –leader is friendly, approachable and shows genuine concern for subordinate. Effective when task is boring or dissatisfying 2. Directive leadership – subordinate knows exactly what is expected from them, leader gives specific direction. No participation by subordinates. Effective when task is clear, ineffective when task is ambiguous WWW.PPTMART.COM

  17. 3. Participative Leadership – consults others evaluate their opinions and suggestions when leader takes decision. Effective when task involves ego and is non repetitive 4. Achievement oriented leadership – leader set goals for subordinate and shows confidence that they will attain these goals. Effective when task is ambiguous and non repetitive WWW.PPTMART.COM

  18. VROOM- JAGO Leadership Model • Focus on role played by leader in decision making • Leadership ranges from high autocratic - high participative • A1:Leader makes decision alone without further info. collection WWW.PPTMART.COM

  19. A II – Leader makes decision but request for specific info. from others • C I- Leader takes view individually instead in a group then takes decision which may or may not reflect their view • CII- leader share the problem with the employees in group meeting then takes decision which may/may not reflect their views • G II- Leader takes the decision in a group WWW.PPTMART.COM

  20. CONTEMPRORARY THEORIES 1.Visionary Leader – they see beyond current realities, define new goals and generate ideas about how to achieve those goals 2.Chrasmatic Leaders – are concerned with developing vision of what would be discovery/creating opportunities or increasing employees desire to control their own beh. The leader relies on the power he/she obtain through followers identification WWW.PPTMART.COM

  21. Transactional Leaders • Use power derived from reward and punishment to influence followers. • Creates vision that do not capture the spirit of their followers. • Their vision focus is on exchange of reward and punishment for achieving/ not achieving result. • Leader takes in consideration followers need and help them WWW.PPTMART.COM

  22. Transformational Leaders • Rely on referent power and personal sour ce of power to arouse intense feeling and motivate their employees. • Their influence derives from followers personal acceptance of certain values. • They turn subordinates into self directed leaders WWW.PPTMART.COM

  23. Nature of leadership • Existence of follower • Willing acceptance on the part of followers • Leadership is situational • Existence of vital common interest WWW.PPTMART.COM

  24. Leadership Style • Authoritarian Style • Also called Autocratic or Directive Style • Centralized Power and decision making • Exercises complete control over subordinates • Believes that because of his position and authority he can best decide the issues • Communication is one way • Use coercive method of getting task done WWW.PPTMART.COM

  25. Impact Of the Style • Style produces hostility, fear complex and does not get willing support • Subordinates become ‘yes men’, avoid taking responsibilities, lack initiative and remain frustrated • Yield positive result when subordinate lacks knowledge of org. goals, policies and rules • For maintaining discipline • Can enhance productivity WWW.PPTMART.COM

  26. Democratic Style • Known as Participative style • Decision making and Power is decentralized • Participative, consultation, discussion agreement of the group members over the decision are essential ingredients of participative style of mgmt • Leader gives importance to both work and people .wins confidence, cooperation and loyalty and initiative of the group WWW.PPTMART.COM

  27. Impact of style • Ideas and opinions of the group members are respected by the leader • subordinates are encouraged to tap their potential and assume greater challenging responsibilities • Would be successful only when • a)org goals and policies are well communicated and accepted by subordinate • b) reward and involvement are used as primary means of motivation and control • c)worker are reasonably knowledgeable and experienced • d) leader allows participation & there is no hurry of Decision making WWW.PPTMART.COM

  28. Free Rein • Non –interfering leadership • Leader takes minimum initiative in admin • Remains indifferent and practically makes no attempt to react either positively or negatively to the beh or activities of his group • Act as an umpire , a coordinator of info • Delegates entire authority of decision making in the hands of subordinates • Style successful when subordinate are extremely loyal, competent, responsible and self directed WWW.PPTMART.COM

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