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Isolation Technique

Isolation Technique. April 16, 2001 Jason Ku Tao Li. Outline. Show that we can reduce NP, with high probability, to US . That is: NP randomized reduces to detecting unique solutions. PH  P PP. Isolation Lemma. Definitions Isolation Lemma Example of using Isolation Lemma.

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Isolation Technique

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  1. Isolation Technique April 16, 2001 Jason Ku Tao Li

  2. Outline • Show that we can reduce NP, with high probability, to US. That is: NP randomized reduces to detecting unique solutions. • PH  PPP

  3. Isolation Lemma • Definitions • Isolation Lemma • Example of using Isolation Lemma

  4. Definition of weight functions A weight function W, maps a finite set U+ For a set SU, W(S)=xSW(x) Let F be a family of non-empty subsets of U. A weight function W is “good for” F if there is a unique minimum weight set in F, and “bad for” F otherwise. Ex: let U={u1, u2, u3}, let F ={(u1), (u2), (u3), (u1u2)} define W1(u1)=1 W2(u1)=1 W1(u2)=2 W2(u2)=1 W1(u3)=3 W2(u3)=2 W1 is good for F while W2 is bad for F.

  5. Isolation Lemma Let U be a finite set Let F1, F2, …Fm be families of non-empty subsets of U Let D = ||U|| Let R > mD Let Z be a set of weight functions s.t. the weight of any individual element of U is at most R Let , 0 <  < 1, be s.t.  > mD/R Then, more than (1- )||Z|| weight functions are good for all of F1, F2, …Fm.

  6. Proof of Isolation Lemma Proof sketch: By definition, a weight function W is bad if there are at least 2 different minimum weight sets in F. Let S1 and S2 be 2 different sets with the same minimum weights, then  xS1 s.t. xS2. Call x ambiguous. If we know the weights of all other elements in U, either x is unambiguous, or there is one specific weight for x that makes x ambiguous.

  7. Lets Count So, for an xU, there are at most RD-1 weight functions s.t. x is ambiguous. There are RD weight functions, m choices for F and D choices for x. Thus the fraction of weight functions that are bad for Fi is at most mDRD-1/RD = mD/R < . So the fraction of weight functions good for Fi is 1- .

  8. Example of Isolating Lemma Let U={u1, u2, u3} D=3 Let F1={(u1), (u1,u3), (u1,u2,u3), (u2)} m=1 R = 4 > mD = 3 ||Z|| = 64 Then at least (1 – ¾)64 = 16 weight functions are good for F. W1(u1)=1 W2(u1)=2 W3(u1)=1 W4(u1)=1 W1(u2)=2 W2(u2)=3 W3(u2)=2 W4(u2)=3 W1(u3)=3 W2(u3)=4 W3(u3)=2 W4(u3)=3 6 variations 6 variations 3 variations 3 variations 18 variations, and more.

  9. Definition of US US = {L | ( NPTM M) (x) x  L  #accM(x)=1}

  10. NP randomized reduces to US NP  RPUS Proof Map: 1) Definitions I, II 2) Apply Isolation Lemma to get a probability 3) Construct an oracle B  US 4) Construct a machine N that uses oracle B 5) show N  RPUS 6) Show x  L  NP implies x  L(N)  RPUS

  11. Definitions I Let A = {<x,y> | NPTML(x) on path y accepts} for L  NP,  a polynomial p, s.t. x*, xL   at least 1 y, |y| = p(|x|), s.t. <x,y>A Encode y as follows: y = y1y2…yn = {i | 1|i| p(n)  yi = 1} ex: y = 1001 = {1, 4} (1 take right branch, 0 take left branch)

  12. Definitions II Let U(x) = {1, 2, …, p(|x|)} D = ||U|| = p(|x|) Let F(x) = y s.t. <x, y>A (collection of accepting paths) m = 1 Let Z(x) = weight functions that assign weights no greater than 4p(|x|) R = 4p(|x|)

  13. Applying Isolation Lemma By the Isolation Lemma: if xL, 3/4 of weights functions assigns F a unique minimum weight set if xL, there are no accepting paths yF so zero weight functions are assigns F a unique minimum weight set

  14. Construct an oracle BUS Let B = {<x, W, j> | WZ(x), 1  j  p2(|x|), and  a unique y  F s.t. W(y) = j} NPTM MB on input u: 1) if u is not of the form <x,W,j> reject 2) else, using p(|x|) non-deterministic moves, selects y and accepts u  <x,y>A and W(y)=j.

  15. Why BUS If uB, there is a unique path y  F s.t. W(y)=j. Thus machine MB will only accept once. If uB, there are either zero, or more than 1 yF s.t. W(y)=j. Thus machine MB will have either zero, or more than 1 accepting path.

  16. Construct an RP machine with oracle B NPTM N on input x: 1) Create random weight functions W properly bounded. 2) For each j, 1  j  4p2(|x|), ask oracle B if <x, W, j>  B. If yes, accept. If no, reject.

  17. NRPUS and xL high probability xN For every x*, - If xL, MB on <x, W, j> accepts with probability ¾, so N accepts with probability ¾. - If xL, MB on <x, W, j> rejects with probability 1, so N rejects with probability 1. So, - xL high probability xN - Since xL implies (N, x) = ¾ > .5 acceptance, and xL implies (N, x) = 1 rejecting, NRP

  18. Definition of P and #P P = {L | ( NPTM M) (x) xL  #accM(x) is odd} #P ={f | ( NPTM M) (x) f(x) = #accM(x) }

  19. Toda’s Theorem PH  PPP Three major parts to prove it: • (Valiant&Vazrani) NP  BPPP • Theorem 4.5 • Lemma 4.13 PPP  PPP, hence BPPP  PPP

  20. (Valiant&Vazrani) NP  BPPP Proof: • Let A  NP, A = L(M) and M runs in time p(|x|). • Let B={(x,w,k): M has an odd # of accepting paths on input x having weight k}, w:{1,…,p(|x|)}----{1,…,4p(|x|)}, B P

  21. (Valiant &Vazrani) Cont. • For a BPPP algorithm, consider On input x Randomly pick w for k:=1 to 4p2(|x|) ask if (x,w,k) is in B if so, then halt and accept end-for if control reaches here, then halt and reject

  22. Note • Valiant &Vazrani Theorem is relativizable. In other words, we have NPA = BPPPA for every oracle A

  23. Theorem 4.5 PHBPPP We prove it by induction Three steps for induction step: • Apply Valiant & Vazrani to the base machine • Swap BPP and P in the middle • Collapse BPPBPP  BPP, PP  P

  24. Step 1 for Thm. 4.5 • Induction hypothesis: • Since NPA = BPPPA for every oracle A, Hence,

  25. Step 2: Swapping • By lemma 4.9 PBPPA  BPPPA Hence

  26. Step 3: Collapse • Proposition 4.6: BPPBPPA = BPPA • Proposition 4.8: PP = P • Hence

  27. Toda’s Theorem • Proposition 4.15 PPP = P#P • Toda’s Theorem: PP is Hard for the polynomial Hierarchy PH  PPP = P#P

  28. Proof for BPPP  P#P • Let A  BPPP, where A is accepted by MB and let f be the #P function for B. Let nk be the running time of M. • Assume first that M makes only one query along any path. Then let g(x,y) be a #P function that is defined to be the number of accepting paths of the following machine:

  29. Proof cont. 1 On input x,y run M(x) along path y when a query “w is in B?” is made then flip a coin c in {0,1} and use this as the oracle answer and continue simulating M(x) if the simulation accepts, then generate f(w)+(1-c) paths and accept

  30. Proof Cont. 2 • g(x,y) is odd if and only if MB (x) accepts along y • For g(x,y), consider a #P function g’(x,y) such that : g(x,y) is odd, then g’(x,y) =1(mod 2^nk ) g(x,y) is even, then g’(x,y) = 0(mod 2^nk ) • Define h(x)=

  31. Proof Cont.3 • The value h(x) (mod 2^nk )represents the number of y’s such that MB (x) accepts along path y • Our P#P algorithm: on input x, using the oracle h(x), decides if the following holds: • if so, x is accepted, and if not x is rejected

  32. Proof Cont. 4 If M makes more than one query, modify g(x,y) as follows: on input x,y repeat run M(x) along with path y when a query “w is in B?’’ is made then flip a coin c in {0,1} and generate f(w)+(1-c) paths use c as the oracle answer and continue simulating M(x) until no more queries are asked; if the simulation of M(x) along path y accepts with this sequence of guessed oracle queries then accept else reject

  33. Proof Cont. 5 • Call the above machine as N • Claim : MB accepts x along y if and only if #accN(x,y) = g(x,y) is odd

  34. Fact 1 • Let k in N, f in #P, then there exists g in #P such that f(x) is odd then g(x) = 1 (mod 2^nk ) f(x) is even than g(x) = 0 (mod 2^nk )

  35. Fact 2 • Let f(x,y) be a #P function, then • Let M be the machine such that #accM(x,y)=f(x,y). Consider the following machine M’: on input x compute |x|k guess y of length |x|k run M(x,y) • g(x)= #accM’ (x,y)

  36. Discussions • UL/Poly = NL/Poly • ? UL= NL • ? UP = NP • NPPSPACE = UPPSPACE = PSPACE • There is an oracle relative to which NP<>UP.

  37. Conclusions We’ve shown, by use of the isolation lemma, that NP  RPUS  BPPP. This was the base case of an inductive proof to show PH  BPPP. From there we extended to Toda’s theorem: PH  PPP = P#P.

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