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Modern History of Europe:

Modern History of Europe: . 1600 - present: . 1) The Enlightenment:. The 1700s in Europe People began to use science as a way of explaining the world People stopped using “feelings” and started using reason to learn truth and error. 1) The Enlightenment: . A ) Copernicus

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Modern History of Europe:

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  1. Modern History of Europe: 1600 - present:

  2. 1) The Enlightenment: • The 1700s in Europe • People began to use science as a way of explaining the world • People stopped using “feelings” and started using reason to learn truth and error

  3. 1) The Enlightenment: A) Copernicus • Discovered that the sun, not Earth, is the center of the universe.

  4. Ptolemaic Geocentric Model of the Universe:

  5. Copernicus’ Model:

  6. 1) The Enlightenment: B) Galileo Galilei: • Believed that Knowledge comes from observing the world • Observations and measurements.

  7. 1) The Enlightenment: C) Scientific Revolution: • People relied on reason, not faith and tradition, to understand and explain the world.

  8. 1) The Enlightenment: D) John Locke: • Believed all people have natural rights • Life, Liberty and Property • If a gov’t doesn’t protect these rights, citizens should revolt • American colonists us this idea LOST!!!!!!!!!

  9. The ORIGINAL John Locke:

  10. 2) The French Revolution: • 1789: The French execute the king!

  11. 2) The French Revolution: • 1789: The French execute the king! • France starts a republic

  12. 2) The French Revolution: • 1789: The French execute the king! • France starts a republic • Napoleon takes over and conquers most of Europe.

  13. 2) The French Revolution: • 1789: The French execute the king! • France starts a republic • Napoleon takes over and conquers most of Europe. • 1815: Europe unites to defeat Napoleon

  14. The Battle of Waterloo:

  15. 2) The French Revolution: • 1789: The French execute the king! • France starts a republic • Napoleon takes over and conquers most of Europe. • 1815: Europe unites to defeat Napoleon • To stop political revolutions European countries limited the power of rulers and guaranteed rights to citizens.

  16. 3) Industry: A) Industrial Rev.: • Starts in Britain: • Use machines to make goods • Cheaper and faster • People can buy more and nicer things • Changed the lives of people in Europe

  17. 3) Industry: B) Transportation Rev.: • Trains • Airplanes (1900s)

  18. 3) Industry: C) Farming Rev.: • Machines helped farmers grow more food • Population increases • Farms need less work • People left farms to go to the cities to work in factories

  19. 4) Conflict: A) World Wars: • Countries grew more powerful and had new weapons • Tensions lead to WWI (1914-1918) and WWII (1939-1945) • Holocaust: Germany killed 6 million Jews. • Left Europe ruined • Millions dead

  20. 4) Conflict: B) Cold War: • USA and Russia struggle for world control • Western Europe sided with the USA • Eastern Europe sided with Russia and communism • Gov’t controls the ways of producing goods

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