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Chapter 11

Chapter 11. The Rise of Islam. A New Faith. 11-1. Arab Life.

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Chapter 11

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  1. Chapter 11 The Rise of Islam

  2. A New Faith 11-1

  3. Arab Life • A.   The Arabian Peninsula, a wedge of land between the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf, is made up of two distinct regions: the southwestern area, with well-watered valleys, and the rest of the peninsula, consisting of arid plains and deserts.

  4. 1 • In what area of the Arabian peninsula are well-watered valleys found?

  5. Arab Life • B.   In ancient times many of the Arab were Bedouins, or nomads who herded sheep, camels, and goats.

  6. 2 • What are bedouins?

  7. Arab Life • C.   By the A.D. 500s, many tribes had settled around oases or in fertile valleys to pursue either farming or trade; prosperous market towns grew, the most of important of which was Makkah.

  8. 3 • What unique features do we find at an oasis?

  9. Arab Life • D. As business ties replaced tribal ties in the trading towns, the old tribal rules were not longer adequate; the Arabs needed a central government.

  10. Arab Life • E.   Religious ideas were also changing; introduced to the monotheistic religions of Judaism and Christianity, many Arabs grew dissatisfied with their old beliefs.

  11. Muhammad and His Message • A.   The prophet of Islam, Muhammad, was born in the city of Makkah around A.D. 570.

  12. Muhammad and His Message • B.   Islamic tradition holds that Muhammad experienced a revelation in A.D. 610—a voice called him to be the apostle of the one true deity, Allah.

  13. 4 • According to Moslems (followers of Islam) who is Allah?

  14. Muhammad and His Message • C.   In A.D. 613 Muhammad preached to the people of Makkah that there was only one God and that people everywhere must worship and obey him; he told the people of Makkah to live their lives in preparation for the day of judgment.

  15. Muhammad and His Message • D.   Muhammad made slow progress in winning converts, appealing mostly to Makkah’s poor.

  16. Muhammad and His Message • E.   Muhammad persisted in his preaching until threats against his life forced him to seek help outside the city; he found refuge in the small town of Yathrib to the north in A.D. 622, the first year of the Muslim calendar.

  17. 5 • Due to threats to his life, where does Muhammad flee? What is a Hegira?

  18. The Islamic Community • A.   Most of Yathrib accepted Muhammad as God’s prophet and their ruler, and the town became known as Madinah, “the city of the prophet.”

  19. The Islamic Community • B.   Muhammad was a skilled political as well as religious leader; in the Madinah Compact, Muhammad laid the foundations of an Islamic state.

  20. The Islamic Community • C.   When Muhammad and his followers entered Makkah in A.D. 630, they faced little resistance; Makkah became the spiritual capital of Islam, and Madinah remained its political capital.

  21. Beliefs and Practices of Islam • A.   For all Muslims, the Quran—compiled from divine messages revealed to Muhammad—is the final authority in matters of faith and lifestyle.

  22. Beliefs and Practices of Islam • B.   The basic moral values of Islam are similar to those of Judaism and Christianity; the Quran also lays down specific rules to guide Muslims.

  23. Beliefs and Practices of Islam • C.   Law cannot be separated from religion in Islamic society; generations of legal scholars have organized Islamic moral principles into body of law known as the shari’ah.

  24. 6 • What is the shari’ah?

  25. Five Pillars of Islam • A.   The Quran presents the Five Pillars of Islam: confession of faith, prayer, almsgiving, fasting, and the pilgrimage to Makkah.

  26. Five Pillars of Islam • B. The first pillar confirms the oneness of an all-powerful, just, and merciful God.

  27. Five Pillars of Islam • C.   To Muslims, Allah is the same god as the God of the Jews and Christians; Muslims have a great respect for the Bible, Judaism, and Christianity.

  28. Five Pillars of Islam • D.   Muslims express their devotion in prayer five times each day; worshipers pray while facing Makkah.

  29. Five Pillars of Islam • E.   Almsgiving is practiced privately through contributions to the needy and publicly through a state tax.

  30. Five Pillars of Islam • F.    Fasting occurs in the month of Ramadan, during which Muhammad received his first revelation; during Ramadan, Muslims neither eat nor drink from sunrise to sunset.

  31. Five Pillars of Islam • G.  Every able-bodied Muslim who can afford the trip is expected to make the pilgrimage to Makkah at least once.

  32. 7 • Please list the Five Pillars of Islam

  33. Spread Of Islam 11-2

  34. “The Rightly Guided Caliphs” • A.   The first four caliphs, “the Rightly Guided Caliphs,” sought to protect and spread Islam beyond the Arabian Peninsula.

  35. “The Rightly Guided Caliphs” • B.   Arab armies swept forth against the weakened Byzantine and Persian empires, eventually bringing most of the former and all of the latter under Muslim control.

  36. “The Rightly Guided Caliphs” • C.   The Arab armies were successful for several reasons: they were united in the belief that they had a religious duty to spread Islam, continual warfare had weakened the other empires, and members of persecuted religions in the empires welcomed the more benevolent Muslim rule.

  37. 8 • Why were Moslem armies successful?

  38. “The Rightly Guided Caliphs” • D.   When Ali, the fourth caliph, was murdered in A.D. 661, the Syrian governor Mu’awiyah became the first caliph of the Umayyad dynasty; Ali’s son Husayn fought against Umayyad rule and was killed in battle in A.D 680.

  39. 9 • What is a caliph? The successor to Muhammad as leader to the Islamic Community.

  40. “The Rightly Guided Caliphs” • E.   The murders of Ali and Husayn led to a significant division in the Islamic world: the Sunni believed that the caliph was a leader, not a religious authority, while the Shiite (followers of Ali and Husayn) believed that the caliphate was a spiritual position to be reserved for descendants of Muhammad.

  41. 10 • What are the two main branches of Islam? What are their differences?

  42. “The Rightly Guided Caliphs” • F.    The split between the Sunni and Shiite Muslims had a profound impact on Islam and has lasted into modern time; today, 90 percent of Muslims are Sunnis.

  43. 11 • Which branch of Islam is the largest?

  44. The Islamic State • A.   During the Umayyad dynasty, which ruled from A.D. 661 to 750, the capital was moved from Madinah to Damascus, Syria.

  45. The Islamic State • B.   In the next century, Umayyad warriors carried Islam east and west.

  46. The Islamic State • C.   As time went by, the Umayyads built a powerful Islamic state that they ruled over more like kings than like the earlier caliphs.

  47. The Islamic State • D.   The Umayyads helped to unite the lands they ruled by establishing a common language, currency, roads, and postal routes.

  48. 12 • What achievements did the Ummayads have during their rule?

  49. The Islamic State • E.   Umayyad rule caused dissatisfaction among non-Arab Muslims, particularly in Iraq and Persia; in A.D. 747 the anti-Umayyad Arabs and the non-Arab Muslims in Iraq and Persia joined forces and overwhelmed the Umayyads; the resulting Abbasid dynasty built a new city, Baghdad.

  50. 13 • What reasons are stated for the rise of the Abbasid dynasty?

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