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Welcome to Military Decision Making Process (MDMP)

Welcome to Military Decision Making Process (MDMP). Step 3 COA Development. The Seven Steps of the MDMP. Receipt of Mission. Mission Analysis. Course of Action Development. Course of Action Analysis (War-Game). Course of Action Comparison. Course of Action Approval. Orders Production.

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  1. Welcome to Military Decision Making Process (MDMP) Step 3 COA Development

  2. The Seven Steps of the MDMP Receipt of Mission Mission Analysis Course of Action Development Course of Action Analysis (War-Game) Course of Action Comparison Course of Action Approval Orders Production

  3. Military Decision Making Process Input Output Receipt of Mission • Commander’s initial guidance • WARNO to staff • Initial IPB products Cdr’s Intent • Restated mission Initial CCIR • Updated staff estimates/products • Preliminary movement • Cdr’s planning guidance Initial ISR plan • Updated staff estimates • COA statements and sketches • Refine Cdr’s planning guidance • Wargame results • * Decisions support templates • * Task Organization • Mission to subordinate units • Decision matrix • Approve COA • Refine Cdr’s intent and guidance • Refine CCIR • OPLAN/OPORD • • Mission received from higher HQ or • deduced by the Commander and staff • •Higher HQ order/plan/IPB • •Staff estimates • •Facts & assumptions • Restated mission • •Cdr’s intent & planning guidance • •CCIR • •Staff estimates & products • •Enemy COAs • •Refined Cdr’s planning guidance • •Enemy COAs • •Friendly COAs • •Staff/BOS COAs • Wargame results • • Established criteria for comparison • Decision Matrix • •Approved COA WARNO #1 Mission Analysis WARNO #2 Course of Action Development Course of Action Analysis (War-Game) Course of Action Comparison Course of Action Approval WARNO #3 Orders Production Note 1: A star ( ) depicts Commander activities and decisions. Note 2: Rehearsals and backbriefs occur during preparation and ensure an orderly transition between planning and execution. Preparation Prepare Plan Assess Execution Execute

  4. Step 3: COA Development • Process • Analyze relative combat • power • • Generate options • • Array initial forces • • Develop the initial concept • of operations • • Assign Headquarters • • Develop COA statements • and sketches • Input • Restated mission • •Commander’s Intent • •Cdr’s planning guidance • •Staff estimates & products • •Enemy COAs (event templates) • Output • Updated staff estimates • • COA statements and sketches • • COA briefing • • Refined Commander’s • guidance


  6. COA Development • TTP for getting started: • Assemble tools, determine players, fix and enforce timeline (have interim time hacks) • Make sure developers know the standard for expected products and outcomes • Ensure the S3/XO or a designated Battle Captain are in charge of each COA • Display the CDR’s intent – to remind staff of key tasks which must be achieved • Display all products to assist staff in reviewing and remaining focused • Establish ‘focus groups’ of key staff members (XO & S3, S3 & A/S3) to spend 30 min to draft a COA up through Step 2: Generate Options. Afterwards include all staff sections to join in the process to refine and integrate ALL BOS to ensure development of a supportable COA • Start first with the ‘picture story’ or ‘working sketch’ then an overlay, followed by the words contained in the COA statement • Use DOCTRINAL TERMS – Mission, Task, Purpose (SMFM 90-9, Appendix B) • Requires brainstorming and a willingness to go back, revise and continue to applying new ideas to previous steps at any time throughout the development • Get back to the map, don’t lose sight of the terrain’s impact.

  7. COA Screening Criteria Staffs developing COAs ensure each one meets these screening criteria: • Feasible. The unit must be able to accomplish the mission within the available time, space, and resources. • Acceptable. The tactical or operational advantage gained by executing the COA must justify the cost in resources, especially casualties. This assessment is largely subjective. • Distinguishable. Each COA must differ significantly from the others. • This criterion is also largely subjective. Significant differences include differences in the – • Use of reserves. • Task organization. • Timing (day or night). • Scheme of maneuver. • Suitable. A COA must accomplish the mission and comply with the commander’s planning guidance. However, commanders may modify their planning guidance at any time. When this happens, the staff records the changes and incorporates the new guidance, and reevaluates each COA to ensure it complies with the change. • Complete. A COA must show how – • The decisive operation accomplishes the mission. • Shaping operations create and preserve conditions for success of the decisive operation. • Sustaining operations enable shaping and decisive operations.

  8. COA Development The Steps… 2. Generate options (what’s decisive?; determine purposes and tasks) 3. Array initial forces 4. Develop concept of operations 5. Assign headquarters 6. Complete COA sketch and statement • Analyze relative combat power (strengths and vulnerabilities; attack or defend?)

  9. Step 1: Relative Combat Power Analysis • Requires applying both military art and science; assess tangible factors (weapons systems, units) and intangible factors (morale, training levels, etc.) • Includes determining force ratios and comparing friendly and enemy strengths and weaknesses. • Friendly capabilities that pertain to the operation • Type of operations possible from friendly and enemy perspective • Enemy vulnerabilities • Friendly vulnerabilities • Additional resources that may be required to execute mission • Allocation of existing resources • Rough estimate of force ratios at least 2 levels down (SMFM 34-130) • Planners do not develop and recommend COAs based solely on mathematical force ratios; while useful, force ratios do not include the environmental and human factors of warfare.

  10. Step 1: Relative Combat Power Analysis • Analyze intangible aspects of combat power; by comparing friendly strengths vs. enemy weaknesses (& vice versa), planners may deduce vulnerabilities of each force that can be exploited or need protection • Combine the numerical force ratio with the results of the analysis of intangibles to determine the relative combat power (RCP) of friendly and enemy forces. • Determine what types of operations are feasible by comparing the force ratio against historical minimum planning ratios and estimating in to what extent the intangible factors affect the RCP.

  11. Method 1 Relative Combat Power Analysis • Method One: Correlation of Forces • Array friendly forces on enemy avenues of approach • Maintain favorable force ratios on avenues of approach, most importantly on the enemy’s Most Likely COA (MLCOA). • Force disposition is only tentative

  12. Method 1 Analyze Relative Combat Power Correlation of Forces Friendly MissionPositionFriendly : Enemy Delay 1 : 6 Defend Prepared or fortified 1 : 3 Defend Hasty 1 : 2.5 Attack Prepared or fortified 3 : 1 Attack Hasty 2.5 : 1 Counterattack Flank 1 : 1

  13. Method 2 Relative Combat Power Analysis • Identify enemy and friendly strengths and weaknesses within the elements of combat power • Maneuver • Firepower • Protection • Leadership • Information • Compare strengths against weaknesses (friendly and enemy) to determine general factors-vulnerabilities that may be exploitable or need protection. • Determine significant factors-apply insights into effective force employment

  14. Last Words on Relative Combat Power Analysis… • RCPA can help you… • Determine potential decisive point (s) to begin COA Development • Determine significant factors and (or) the “keys to success” • Establish Criteria for COA Comparison and Selection

  15. Generate Options The Steps… • Analyze relative combat power (strengths and vulnerabilities; attack or defend?) • 3.Array initial forces • 4. Develop concept of operations • 5. Assign headquarters • 6. Complete COA sketch and statement 2. Generate options (what’s decisive?; determine purposes and tasks)

  16. Step 2: Generate Options (Slide 1 of 2) • Guidelines for Generating Options: • Based on Cdr’s guidance and the results of RCP analysis, the staff generates options for COAs. A good COA can defeat all feasible enemy COAs. Commanders usually limit the options in Cdr’s guidance. • Brainstorm to generate options. Staff members must be open-minded in evaluation of COAs and quickly identify COAs that are not feasible due to factors in their functional areas. • Determine doctrinal requirements for each operation considered. For instance, a deliberate breach operation requires a breach force, support force, and an assault force. Consider possibilities created by attachments. • Start with decisive operation identified in Cdr’s planning guidance. Determine the decisive operation’s purpose and consider ways to mass effects to achieve it.

  17. Step 2: Generate Options (Slide 2 of 2) • Consider shaping operations. Establish a purpose for each one that is tied to creating or preserving a condition for the decisive operation’s success. • Determine Sustaining Operations necessary to create and maintain combat power required for decisive and shaping operations. • After developing basic organization for a given COA, determine the essential tasks for each decisive, shaping, and sustaining operation. • Examine each COA to ensure it satisfies the COA screening criteria and where appropriate change, add, or eliminate COAs. • Avoid the common pitfall of presenting one good COA among several “throwaway” COAs.

  18. Tactical Mission Tasks Actions by Friendly Force Assault Follow and Assume Attack-by-Fire Follow and Support Breach Linkup Bypass Occupy Clear Reconstitution Combat Search and Rescue Reduce Consolidation & Reorganization Retain Control Secure Counter Reconnaissance Seize Disengagement Support-by-Fire Exfiltrate Suppress SMFM 90-9 TACTICS, APPNX B

  19. Tactical Mission Tasks Effects on Enemy Force Block Canalize Contain Defeat Destroy Disrupt Fix Interdict Isolate Neutralize Penetrate Turn SMFM 90-9 TACTICS APPNX B

  20. Types & Forms of Operations Types of Military OPNs OFFENSE STABILITY SUPPORT DEFENSE Types of Military OPNs and Their Subordinate Forms • FORMS of • MANEUVER • Envelopment • Turning Movement • Frontal Attack • Penetration • Infiltration • TYPES OF • DEFENSIVE • OPNs • Area Defense • Mobile Defense • Retrograde Operations • Delay • Withdrawal • Retirement • TYPES OF • STABILITY OPNs • Peace Operations • Foreign Internal Defense • Security Assist • Humanitarian & Civic • Assist • Support to Insurgencies • Support to CO OPNs • Combating Terrorism • Noncombatant Evacuation • OPNs • Arms Control • Show of Force • FORMS OF SUPPORT OPNs • Relief OPNs • Support to • Incidents Involving • WMD • Support to Civil Law • Enforcement • Community • Assistance • TYPES OF • OFFENSIVE OPNs • MOVEMENT TO CONTACT • Search and Attack • ATTACK • Ambush - Feint* • Counterattack* - Raid* • Demonstration* • Spoiling Attack* • Exploitation • Pursuit • TYPES OF • SUPPORT • OPNs • Domestic Support • OPNs • Foreign • Humanitarian • Assistance *Also known as special purpose attacks Types of Enabling Information Operations Combat Service Support OPNs • Reconnaissance Operations • Troop Movement Types of – Zone – Administrative Movement Tactical – Area – Approach March Enabling – Route – Road march OPNs – Reconnaissance in Force • Combined Arms Breach Operations • Security Operations • River Crossing Operations – Screen – Area (includes • Relief In Place – Guard Route and Convoy) • Passage of Lines – Cover – Local • Tactical Information Operations SMFM 100-5

  21. COA Development The Steps… • Analyze relative combat power (strengths and vulnerabilities; attack or defend?) • 2. Generate options (what’s decisive?; determine purposes and tasks) • 4. Develop concept of operations • 5. Assign headquarters • 6. Complete COA sketch and statement 3. Array initial forces

  22. Step 3: Array Initial Forces (Slide 1 of 4) • The following steps guide the process: • Based on the generated options determine – • The purpose of each effort • Task(s) required by each effort to accomplish this purpose • Initial EFST (Essential Fire Support Task) • Timing and sequence of actions • Consider requirements for reconnaissance, security, and reserve • Determine the number and type of forces (initially generic) required by each effort to accomplish assigned task(s).

  23. Step 3: Array Initial Forces (Slide 2 of 4) • General guidelines include – • Weight the decisive operation with sufficient combat power to ensure it is capable of achieving overwhelming mass against the enemy • Array generic maneuver units • Allocate the type force required by each operation to maximize the capabilities of each type of force (infantry, mechanized, artillery) • Allocate the minimum combat power necessary for shaping operations.

  24. Step 3: Array Initial Forces (Slide 3 of 4) • Determine forces needed to accomplish mission: • 1st : Determine ratio of forces by considering entire operational framework • Start with mission essential tasks that are focused at the Decisive Point/Decisive Operation • 2nd : Array forces two levels down; first the decisiveoperation, then shaping and sustaining efforts. • Apply generic ground forces and any combat multipliers (i.e. speed of operation) • Identify additional force and resource shortfalls

  25. Step 3: Array Initial Forces (Slide 4 of 4) Considerations to mitigate any shortfall in forces: 1st – what forces can do multiple tasks 2nd – re-task to achieve similar or same purpose using less force 3rd – assume risk and (or) mitigate with combat multipliers 4th – request additional resources

  26. COA Development The Steps… 1.Analyze relative combat power (strengths and vulnerabilities; attack or defend?) 2. Generate options (what’s decisive?; determine purposes and tasks) 3. Array initial forces 5. Assign headquarters 6. Complete COA sketch and statement 4. Develop concept of operations

  27. Step 4: Develop the Concept of Operations (Slide 1 of 3) • Concept of Operations describes how arrayed forces will accomplish the mission within the Cdr’s intent • Staff develops a concept of operations for each COA • Simultaneous operations are preferred, permits the Commanders to seize and retain initiative. If initial array of forces results in a shortfall, the staff may decide to phase the operation. Factors to consider to mitigate force shortfalls: • The skill and size of the opponent • The size of the AO • Operational reach • Available joint support • The scope of the mission

  28. Step 4: Develop the Concept of Operations (Slide 2 of 3) • Refine the initial array of forces by using graphic control measures to • coordinate the operation and show relationship of friendly forces to one another, the terrain, and enemy. • During this step, unit types are changed from generic to specific • Concept of the operation must include the following: (Checklist) • The purpose of the operation • A statement of where the Commander will accept tactical risk • Identification of critical friendly events and transitions between phases • Designation of the decisive operation, along with its task and purpose • Designation of shaping and sustaining operations, to include task and purpose, linked to how these operations support the decisive operation. • Designate reserve (Shaping) indicate location, composition, task, and purpose. • Develop ISR plan and outline security operations SMFM 90-9 TACTICS, APPNDX B

  29. Step 4: Develop the Concept of Operations (Slide 3 of 3) • Concept of the operation must include the following: (Checklist) (continued) • Identification of maneuver options that may develop during an operation • Location of engagement areas, or attack and counterattack objectives • Assignment of subordinate AOs • Concept of fires • Information Operations concept of support to include military deception • Prescribed formations or dispositions, when necessary • Priorities for each Battlefield Operating System (BOS) • Integration of obstacle effects with maneuver and fires • Consideration of the effects of enemy WMD on the force *TTP: Get back to the map! Create the picture visualization of the scheme of maneuver FIRST. When refined, this will become the operations overlay

  30. Control Measures • Select control measures (graphics) to control subordinate units during the operation. • Base control measures on how to array forces and the concept of operations. • Control measures clarify responsibilities and help CDRs synchronize combat power at decisive points while minimizing fratricide risk. • Recommend minimum control measures needed to control operation • Do not use control measures which split avenues of approach or key terrain. • Leave the flanks of each AA with sufficient space in which to conduct maneuver and provide fire support. • Phase lines may be used to trigger execution of branches and sequels When developing the concept of operations, use any forces remaining from the initial array to weight the decisive operation, strengthen the reserve, or increase ISR operations.

  31. COA Development The Steps… • Analyze relative combat power (strengths and vulnerabilities; attack or defend?) • 2. Generate options (what’s decisive?; determine purposes and tasks) • 3. Array initial forces • 4. Develop concept of operations • 6.Complete COA sketch and statement 5. Assign headquarters

  32. Step 5: Assign Headquarters After determining the concept of operations, planners create a task organization by assigning headquarters to groupings of forces. They consider the types of units to be assigned to a headquarters and its span of control. Generally, a headquarters controls at least two subordinate maneuver units, but not more than five. If planners need additional headquarters, they note the shortage and resolve it later. Recommend the LAV AG or AT subordinate headquarters platoon be deployed to conduct maneuver functions. Task organization takes into account the entire battlefield organization. It also accounts for the special command and control requirements for operations such as a passage of lines or river crossing. NOTE: THE WILLINGNESS TO ADJUST THE COA IS BASED ON IDEAS GAINED IN THIS SUBSEQUENT STEP OF COA DEVELOPMENT.

  33. COA Development The Steps… • Analyze relative combat power (strengths and vulnerabilities; attack or defend?) • 2. Generate options (what’s decisive?; determine purposes and tasks) • 3. Array initial forces • 4. Develop Concept of Operations • 5. Assign headquarters 6. Complete COA sketch and statement

  34. COA Sketch • The COA sketch should include the following: • Arrayed forces and graphic control measures • Unit boundaries • Unit movement formations • FEBA or LD/LC and subsequent phase lines • Reconnaissance and security graphics • Ground and air axis of advance • Obstacle control measures • Fire support coordination measures • Designation of the decisive, shaping and sustaining operations • Location of command posts • Enemy known or templated locations • Key terrain Sketch can be the overlay developed in Step 4 and (or) complementary sketch(s)

  35. COA Sketch • Depict terrain • Array the enemy • Apply Higher's graphics • Show concept of operation

  36. STEP 1 Depict Terrain (Open Terrain) • Show key and decisive terrain • Show significant changes in relief • Show principal vegetated areas • Show built-up areas • Any other feature that plays a significant role in the scheme of maneuver K K K

  37. STEP 1 Depict Terrain (Urban Terrain) • Show key and decisive terrain • Show significant changes in relief • Show principal vegetated areas • Show built-up areas • Any other feature that plays a significant role in the scheme of maneuver K K K

  38. COA Sketch • Depict terrain • Array the enemy • Apply Higher's graphics • Show concept of operation

  39. X STEP 2 Array the Enemy (Open Terrain) • Show known and templated elements • • Depict enemy two levels down • • Enemy array should resemble S2’s SITEMP K K K

  40. Grenade Launcher S VBIED C Sniper C C S S STEP 2 Array the Enemy (Urban Terrain) K K K

  41. COA Sketch • Depict terrain • Array the enemy • Apply Higher's graphics • Show concept of operation

  42. 1 X 2 X 2 X 3 STEP 3 Apply Higher's graphics (Open Terrain) K K K • Use all control measures from overlay • Do not rename Higher’s control measures

  43. Grenade Launcher S VBIED 1 X 2 C Sniper FOUJ 2 XX 2 3 XX C C S 2 X FOUJ S STEP 3 Apply Higher's graphics (Urban Terrain) K K K • Use all control measures from overlay • Do not rename Higher’s control measures

  44. COA Sketch • Depict terrain • Array the enemy • Apply Higher's graphics • Show concept of operation

  45. STEP 4 Show Concept of Operations (Open Terrain) PL Ford PL Lion 1 X 2/1 EA LAKE X 2 2/1 (-) X 2/1 2/2 K 2 2/2 (+) X 2/2 2/3 2 2/3 (-) X AA Palm X 2/3 X K K Mission - 2d BDE conducts defensive operations NLT 2100600Z Nov 07 to defeat the enemy in EA LAKE to prevent advance toward Riyadh and disruption of critical infrastructure facilities. Intent - Purpose is to protect vital industrial facilities and populated areas and be prepared on order to draw enemy into complex urban terrain to continue attrition. Decisive Ops - 2d Bn as the main effort conducts area defense to disrupt threat forces in EA LAKE in order to destroy enemy by 40%. 1st Bn detach a company to reinforce the main effort. Shaping Ops – 3rd Bn conducts attack by fire by engaging enemy movements around counter mobility obstacles. ISR - Identify enemy indirect fire weapons systems and coordinate immediate counter battery fires. Sustaining Ops - Establish support area along MSR Green to sustain combat power. Reserve -3rd Bn provides one company as BDE reserve and be prepared to stop enemy penetrations across Phase Line Ford. The reserve will be stage in Assembly Area Palm. Fires - Engage enemy formations at maximum range with indirect fires. Engineers - Priority of effort is counter mobility obstacles in EA Lake. Risk - 18th BTG (-) conducts simultaneous frontal and flanking attacks. End State - Success is defeating enemy advance with minimal interruption of facility operations

  46. STEP 4 Show Concept of Operations (Urban Terrain) Grenade Launcher S VBIED 1 X 2 C Sniper X FOUJ 2 C C S 2 X FOUJ AB0001 AB0002 AB0004 AB0005 AB0003 S MSR RED PL CAMEL O EA IRON 2 1 (+) K O K 1 2 X 3 AASPICE 3 (-) O MISSION – 2nd Brigade conducts Internal Security Operations NLT 240600Z Nov 07 in sector to protect critical infrastructure, vital resource operations, and industrial facilities in the sector from disruption by enemy forces of Threat Nation Red (18th BTG (-) and supporting terrorist organizations from Nation Yellow. On order conduct defensive/retrograde operations to attrite enemy forces past their culminating point. INTENT – The purpose is to initially protect vital industrial facilities and populated areas in assigned AO, while minimizing interruption of operations. The Brigade must be prepared on order to conduct Defensive/Retrograde operations to draw enemy mechanized forces into complex/Urban Terrain to cause attrition. DECISIVE OPERATION - 1ST BN (+) the main effort conducts Area Defense to fix threat mechanized forces in EA IRON in order to complete destruction of enemy forces and cause them to reach their culminating point. 2nd BN (-) detach a company to reinforce main effort. 3rd BN be prepared to counterattack to continue destruction of remaining enemy forces in EA IRON. SHAPING OPERATION – 3RD BN conducts Attack by Fire by engaging and blocking enemy forces in EA STEEL to turn enemy forces north into EA IRON. 2ND BN (-) continues to conducts ISO throughout urban terrain to counter any terrorist organization attempts to attack sustainment operations. 3 2 MSR RED O O ISR - Focus assets on identifying enemy disposition and movements along designated avenues of approach to facilitate use of indirect fires as soon as possible. SUSTAINING OPERATION - Establish BDE support area along MSR Red in 2nd BN’s sector to provide sustainment of combat power during the defense. RESERVE – 2nd Bn detach one company to serve as BDE Reserve and be prepared to counter enemy penetrations across Phase Line Camel. Be prepared to conduct a counter attack. The Reserve will be staged in Assembly Area Spice. FIRES – Engage enemy formations at maximum range with indirect fires and cover critical road intersections and engineer obstacles to disrupt the enemy advance. ENGINEERS – Priority of effort is counter-mobility obstacles in EA STEEL to turn the enemy north into EA IRON. RISK - Terrorist organization conducts simultaneous attacks as 18th BTG (-) enters AO. END STATE – Success is measured by defeat of the enemy and minimal interruption of facility operations and loss of military personnel and civilian population. EA STEEL K PL CAMEL

  47. COA Statement • Have a logical flow, explain in narrative form • Include mission and endstate • Discuss the entire battlefield framework • Include ISR, fire support and engineer concepts • Address Risk

  48. Planning for the Defense • What you owe subordinates: • Clear statements of task & purpose • An understanding of the task and purpose of each maneuver element under Bde C2 from beginning to end of the operation and the relation in time and space of each to one another. • Taken together the assigned tasks & purposes for each element achieve their assigned mission essential task & purpose (the one directed at the decisive point or one that is part of the decisive operation) • Taken together the mission essential tasks & purposes achieve the brigade task & purpose • Allocation of resources – task organization and combat multipliers. • What are the maneuver effects on each of the enemy’ s formations from time they are detected to time they are defeated? When and where does each occur and who does it? What is the complementary effect of combat multipliers for maneuver effects (tasks/purposes)? • Allocation of battlespace – graphic control measures. Overlay complements the battlefield visualization of the concept statement and scheme of maneuver. Battle space must permit achievement of task/purpose with allocated resources.


  50. Generate Options for Defensive Operations • Identify likely enemy avenues of approach. • Determine the enemy scheme of maneuver. • Determine where to defeat or destroy the enemy in the decisive point & operation: point of vulnerability/potential weakness may be defined as an EA, within an AO. • Determine overall effects of combat power on each enemy formation from time acquired to time and place they are defeated. • Plan and integrate obstacles (cover by fires) • Emplace weapon systems (refine maneuver graphics) • Plan and integrate indirect fires.

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