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Treatment of Lung Cancer

Treatment of Lung Cancer

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Treatment of Lung Cancer

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  1. Treatment of LungCancer Treatment and management of lung cancer depends on the type, size, and position of the cancer, and the stage of cancer. Patients health are also influential in determining the treatmentthat can be done. Surgicalremovalofthecancercanbedoneifthecancerisonlylocatedononesideofthelungs and has not spread. In addition, the health condition of patients with lung cancer need to be examinedwhetheritispossibletodotheoperation.Surgicalremovalofthecancerwillusually be followed by chemotherapy to eradicate cancer cellsremaining. For cancer that has spread, only radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy can be done. In addition, biological therapy is also available as an alternative to chemotherapy. Biological therapy aims to control and suppress the development ofcancer. Surgical Removal of Lung Cancertreatment Surgery is performed to remove the cancer of the lung as well as some surrounding healthy tissue. This is done by anticipating if there are cancer cells that havespread. Wedge resection is a surgical procedure which elevates a small portion of lung tissue due to thetumorsizeissmalloriftheperformanceofthe lungsofpatientshasbeendecreaseddueto the operation of lobectomy that have been undertakenpreviously.

  2. Lobectomy is the process of removing the entire lobe in one lung. Lobe is the part of the lung that has limits is clear. Right lung consists of three lobes while the left lung of two lobes. In the procedure of lobectomy, the entire lobe of lung with cancer will be lifted. The lungs can still function with the rest of the lobe. • Pneumonektomi is the procedure of surgical removal of one side of the lung as a whole. The implementationofthisprocedureonlyif forcedto,forexample,becausecancercellsareinthe middle of one side of the lung or has spread to all parts of the lungs. • Patientswillstillbeabletobreatheaftertheoperation-theoperationabove. Ifaportionoflung removed, remaining tissue is still there it will inflate after some time. This will make the breathing becomes more easy. It took a few weeks to fully recover from lungsurgery. • The same is the case with surgery-other surgery, surgical removal of the lung may also lead to complications. Examples of complications of lung surgery, among others, inflammation of the lungs, bleeding, and bloodclots. • Radiotherapy • Radiotherapy uses radiation energy to kill cancercells. Especially in the condition of postoperative, this procedure can also be used to kill cancer cells remaining. If the operation is not possible, radiotherapy is done to relieve symptoms or the pain and slow the rate of spread of thecancer. • Possible side effects that can occur due to radiotherapy are asfollows: • Cough to remove phlegm mixed with blood. • Pain in the chest. • The difficulty inswallowing. • The skin is reddened and feels sore.Loss of fur on thechest. • Often feelfatigue. • Chemotherapy • Chemotherapy treatmentis done regularly in a few weeks or months, punctuated by breaksto recuperate.Handlingproceduresusedrugstokillcancercells,slowthegrowthofcancercells, and inhibit itsspread. • Chemotherapy is also sometimes given before surgery with the aim to make the cancer shrink andbecomeeasiertoremoved.Inaddition,chemotherapycanalsobedonepost-surgerytokill any cancer cells still remaining. Another function of chemotherapy is to relieve the pain and reduce the symptoms ofcancer. • Side effects that will arise due to chemotherapy, among others, physical fatigue, nausea, vomiting, mouth sores, hair loss, as well as the appearance of ulcers on the stomach. Chemotherapy can also make the body become more vulnerable toinfection.

  3. Photodynamic Therapy Step treatment that can be used to handle stage lung cancer early in patients who refuse to do the surgery. In this therapy, a thin lighted tube will be inserted to the location of the tumor. Then the laser beam will be fired through the tube to destroy cancercells. Biological therapy Steptreatmentthisisanalternativeofchemotherapy.Thistherapyusesdrugssuchaserlotinib and gefitinib, which serves to inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Therapy is commonly recommended for those who have cancer of the lung non-small cell which has spread so thatit is difficult to be treated with radiotherapy or surgery. Kryoterapi Medical procedure this can be done if cancer has begun to clog the air ducts. A tool named kryoprobe will be laid on the tumor, and then produce extremely cold temperature. The cold temperature will shrink the tumor. Radiofrequency Ablation This is the type of treatment to deal with lung cancer-small cell lung cancer that can be diagnosedatanearlystage.ThedoctorwilluseaCTScannertodirectaneedleintothetumor. After the needle piercing the tumor, the radio waves will be streamed on the needle. The heat generatedradiowaveswillkillcancercells.Thecomplicationsthatgenerallyoccurafterthe

  4. procedure radiofrequency ablation is the appearance of air pockets trapped between the inner and outer layers of thelungs.

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