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Chapter 11 Instruction Sets

Chapter 11 Instruction Sets. Addressing Modes and Formats. 10.1 Addressing. Instructions is designed to be able to reference a large range of locations in main memory To achieve this objective, a variety of addressing techniques have been employed.

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Chapter 11 Instruction Sets

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  1. Chapter 11Instruction Sets Addressing Modes and Formats

  2. 10.1 Addressing • Instructions is designed to be able to reference a large range of locations in main memory • To achieve this objective, a variety of addressing techniques have been employed. • Trade off between address range and/or the complexity of address calculation • The addressing techniques are : Immediate, direct, indirect, register, register indirect, displacement, stack

  3. Addressing Modes Operand A Instruction Instruction Memory (a) Immediate LDA #100 Operand (b) Direct LDA A

  4. Addressing Modes - continued.1 A Ri Instruction Instruction Memory Registers R1 Operand Ri (address) Memory location Rn (c) Indirect LDA @A (d) Register MOV R1

  5. Addressing Modes - continued.2 Op-code Ri Ri A Instruction Instruction Memory Memory Registers Registers R1 R1  Operand Ri (base addr.) Ri (address) Operand Rn Rn (e) Register Indirect LDA (R1) (f) Displacement LDA 100(R1)

  6. Addressing Mode - continued.3 Instruction Implicit Top of Stack (g) Stack Stack addressing

  7. Basic Addressing Modes EA = Effective Address A = content of the (an) address field in the instruction (X) = content of location X Principal Principal Mode Algorithm Advantage Disadvantage ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Immediate Operand = A No memory reference Limited opr. Magni. Direct EA = A Simple Limited addr. Space Indirect EA = (A) Large addr. Space Multiple mem. Ref. Register EA = R No mem. Reference Limited addr. Space Reg Indirect EA = (R) Large addr. Space Extra mem. Ref. Displacement EA = A + (R) Flexibility Complexity Stack EA = top of stack No mem. Reference Limited applicability -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  8. Addressing Mode Examples Immediate : ADD #100 ; add 100 to Accum. Direct: ADD A ; add content of addr. A to accumulator Indirect : ADD @A ; content of location A is address of operand. add content of loc. with that address to accum. Register Direct: ADD R1 ; add content of R1 to accumulator Reg. Indirect : ADD (R1) ; add content of mem. Location whose addr. is in R1 to acc.

  9. Example - continued.1 • Addressing with displacement is “rare”, but it may have an example like : ADD 1050(R1) where the base- address is the content of R1 and the displacement is 1050. • In two address instruction, this may look like : ADD 1050(R1), (R2) where the base-address is in R1 and the displacement is 1050

  10. Addressing Mode Examples - continued.1 • Three common of displacement addressing : • Relative addressing • Base register addressing • Indexing • Relative addressing : Address of operand is the sum of address in the instruction plus the content of PC Op-code R1 Address of operand  Memory address PC

  11. Addressing Mode Examples - continued.2 • Base register addressing : Content of base-register is added to the operand address in the instruction • Indexing : The address field of instruction, is added to content of index register to obtain the exact memory address (of the operand) • The three address schemes we were just discussing, make use of a register to point to some specific segment of memory and uses the operand address in the instruction as the displacement

  12. Pentium Addressing Modes Mode Algorithm Immediate Operand = A Register LA = R Displacement LA =(SR) + A Base LA = (SR) + (B) Base with Displacement LA = (SR) + (B) + A Scaled Index with Displacement LA = (SR) + (I)*S + A Base with Index and Displacement LA = (SR) + (B) + (I) + A Based w/ Scaled index & displacem. LA = (SR) + (I)*S +(B) +A Relative LA = (PC) + A --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LA = Linear Address, (X) = Address of X, SR = Segment Register A = Content of address field in the instruction, B = Base register, I = Index Register, S = Scaling factor

  13. 10.2 Instruction Formats • Format of instructions reflects the designer’s goal of the machine performance and flexibility • Length of instruction varies, depending in the purpose. Most instructions chooses the length equal to the basic transfer information unit (word, 16 or 32 bits) • Allocation of bits, usually depends on addressing modes it used. Register addressing for instance, takes less space than absolute addressing. • Variable length instruction like Intel 8080 for instance, makes instruction fetch consumes another cycles • Use fixed word instruction for faster fetch cycle

  14. Program Example : unknown machine Memory Addressing addr. Label Operation or data info. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Assembler command SUM EQU 200 ORIGIN 201 N DATA 300 NUM1 DATA 301 ORIGIN 100 Statements that START MOVE R1,N generate machine MOVE R2,#NUM1 instructions CLR R0 LOOP ADD R0,(R2) INC R2 DEC R1 BGTZ LOOP MOVE SUM,R0 Assembler commands RETURN END START ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  15. Exercise Problems (1) • Given the following values and a one-address machine with an • accumulator,what values do the following instructions load into • the accumulator? • -Word 20 contains 40 -Word 40 contains 60 • -Word 30 contains 50 -Word 50 contains 70 • Load Immediate 20 (Load #20) • Load Direct 20 (Load 20) • Load Indirect 20 (Load @20) • Load Direct 30 (Load 30) • Load Indirect 30 (Load @30)

  16. Exercise Problems (2) • Given the following values and a one-address machine with an • accumulator,what are the results of the following instructions? • -Word 20 contains 40 -Word 40 contains 60 • -Word 30 contains 50 -Word 50 contains 70 • -R1 contains 40 -R2 contains 60 • Load #20, then Store (R1) • Load 20, thenAdd R2 • Load 30, then Sub R1 • Load@30, then Mul #2 • Load50, then Sub @40

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