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Mendel & the Gene Idea. Genetics. Scientific study of heredity Heredity: the transmission of genetic characters from parents to offspring: it is dependent upon the segregation and recombination of genes during meiosis and fertilization
Genetics • Scientific study of heredity • Heredity: the transmission of genetic characters from parents to offspring: • it is dependent upon the segregation and recombination of genes during meiosis and fertilization • it results in the creation of a new individual similar to others of its kind but exhibiting certain variations
Gregor Mendel • Lived 1822- 1884 • Father of Genetics • Austrian Monk • In charge of the monastery garden • Discovered the basic principles of heredity by breeding garden pea plants in carefully planned experiments
So why choose Peas? • Easy to work with & readily available • Many traits known • Short life span • Many varieties • Character: a heritable feature, such as flower color • Trait: each variation of a character, such as white or purple flower color
Bisexual • Easy to control mating Each flower has both male & female reproductive organs • Stamen produces pollen • You can selectively remove them while they’re immature to prevent unknown pollination • Cross pollination • Self-pollinastion • Carpel produces eggs • (You can eat the failures).
Self Pollination • One flower as both parents • Natural event in peas • Results in pure-bred offspring where the offspring are identical to the parents • Continued self pollination typically results in true breeding organisms
Different Types of Hybridization • P generation = parental generation • True breeding parents • F1 generation = 1st filial or 1st generation of offspring • F2 generation = 2nd filial, or 2nd generation of offspring
Monohybrid Crosses • Crosses that work with a single character at a time. Example - Tall X short P1 Tall X short (TT x tt) F1 all Tall (Tt) F2 3 tall to 1 short (1 TT: 2 Tt: 1 tt)
Mendels Work Mendels Results Mendels Hypotheses • In all crosses, the F1 generation showed only one of the traits regardless of which wasmaleorfemale. • The other trait reappeared in the F2 at ~25% (3:1 ratio). • Genes can have alternate versions called alleles. • Each offspring inherits two alleles, one from each parent • If the two alleles differ, the dominantallele is expressed. The recessive alleleremains hidden unless the dominant allele is absent. from each parent • The two alleles for each trait separate during gamete formation
Mendes Work • Used seven characters, each with two expressions or traits. • Example: Character - height • Traits - tall or short • Mendels quantitative analysis of the F2 plants revealed the 2 fundamental principles of heredity • Law of Segregation • Law of Independent Assortment
Definitions You Need to Know • Gene: sequence of DNA that codes for a protein and thus determines a trait • Allele: 1 of a number of different forms of a gene • Homozygous: pair of identical alleles for a trait • Heterozygous: Having 2 different alleles for a trait • Genotype: an organisms genetic makeup • Phenotype: an organisms outward appearance • Gamete: A reproductive cell having the haploid number of chromosomes, especially a mature sperm or egg capable of fusing with a gamete of the opposite sex to produce the fertilized egg
6 Mendelian Crosses are Possible CrossGenotypePhenotype TT X tt all Tt all Dom Tt X Tt 1TT:2Tt:1tt 3 Dom: 1 Res TT X TT all TT all Dom tt X tt all tt all Res TT X Tt 1TT:1Tt all Dom Tt X tt 1Tt:1tt 1 Dom: 1 Res
Test Cross • Cross of a suspected heterozygote with a homozygous recessive. • Ex: T_?_ X tt If TT - all dominant If Tt - 1 Dominant: 1 Recessive
Time to make it harder Dihybrid Crosses • Cross with two genetic traits. • Need 4 letters to code for the cross. • Ex: TtRr • Each Gamete - Must get 1 letter for each trait. • Ex. TR, Tr, etc. • You must 1st determine the # of kinds of gametes • Critical to calculating the results of higher level crosses. • Look for the number of heterozygous traits.
Equation for determining the # of types of gametes • The formula 2n can be used, where “n” = the number of heterozygous traits. • Ex: TtRr, n=2 • 22 or 4 different kinds of gametes are possible. • TR, tR, Tr, tr
Dihybrid Cross TtRr X TtRr Each parent can produce 4 types of gametes. TR, Tr, tR, tr Cross is a 4 X 4 with 16 possible offspring. • Results of a dihybrid cross between 2 completely heterozygpous parents • 9 Tall, Red flowered • 3 Tall, white flowered • 3 short, Red flowered • 1 short, white flowered • Or 9:3:3:1 ratio
Law of Independent Assortment • The inheritance of 1st genetic trait is NOT dependent on the inheritance of the 2nd trait. • Inheritance of height is independent of the inheritance of flower color.
Genetics & Probabilty • Ratio of Tall to short is 3:1 • Ratio of Red to white is 3:1 • The cross is really a product of the ratio of each trait multiplied together. • (3:1) X (3:1) • Genetics is a specific application of the rules of probability. • Probability - the chance that an event will occur out of the total number of possible events.
Genetic Ratios • The monohybrid “ratios” are actually the “probabilities” of the results of random fertilization. • Ex: 3:1 • 75% chance of the dominant • 25% chance of the recessive • Rule of multiplication • The probability that two alleles will come together at fertilization, is equal to the product of their separate probabilities.
Example: TtRr X TtRr • The probability of getting a tall offspring is ¾. • The probability of getting a red offspring is ¾. • The probability of getting a tall red offspring is ¾ x ¾ = 9/16
Use the Product Rule to calculate the results of complex crosses rather than work out the Punnett Squares. • Ex: TtrrGG X TtRrgg “T’s” = Tt X Tt = 3:1 “R’s” = rr X Rr = 1:1 “G’s” = GG x gg = 1:0 Product is: (3:1) X (1:1) X (1:0 ) = 3:3:1:1
Variations on Mendel 1. Incomplete Dominance 2. Codominance 3. Multiple Alleles 4. Epistasis 5. Polygenic Inheritance
Incomplete Dominance • When the F1 hybrids show a phenotype somewhere between the phenotypes of the two parents. • Ex. Red X White snapdragons • F1 = all pink • F2 = 1 red: 2 pink: 1 white
Results • No hidden Recessive. • 3 phenotypes and 3 genotypes (Hint! – often a “dose” effect) • Red = CR CR • Pink = CRCW • White = CWCW • Another example of incomplete dominance
CoDominance • Both alleles are expressed equally in the phenotype. • Ex. MN blood group • MM • MN • NN • No hidden Recessive. • 3 phenotypes and 3 genotypes (but not a “dose” effect) • Another example of codominance
Rh Factor is a separate factor in blood type • Rh blood factor is a separate factor from the ABO blood group. • Rh+ = dominant • Rh- = recessive • A+ blood = dihybrid trait
Epistasis • When 1 gene locus alters the expression of a second locus. • Ex: • 1st gene: C = color, c = albino • 2nd gene: B = Brown, b = black CcBb X CcBb Brown X Brown F1 = 9 brown (C_B_) 3 black (C_bb) 4 albino (cc__)
Problem • Wife is type A • Husband is type AB • Child is type O Question - Is this possible? Comment - Wife’s boss is type O UH OH…. Whose your baby daddy (Maybe mom’s a hussy!)
Bombay Effect • It is a new blood group discovered in Maharashta India, & is found in people who have the A or B genes, but test as type O • Only 0.001% of the Indian population have this blood type • They can only receive blood transfusion from other Bombay blood types • It is due to an Epistatic Gene on ABO group, which alters the expected ABO outcome. • H = dominant, normal ABO • h = recessive, no A,B, reads as type O blood.
You have to look at the parental genotypes • Wife: type A (IA IA, Hh) • Husband: type AB (IAIB, Hh) • Child: type O (IA IA, hh) • Therefore, the child is the offspring of the wife and her husband (and not the boss). • When ABO blood type inheritance patterns are altered from expected.
Polygenic Inheritance • Factors that are expressed as continuous variation. • Lack clear boundaries between the phenotype classes. • Ex: skin color, height • Several genes govern the inheritance of the trait. • Ex: Skin color is likely controlled by at least 4 genes. Each dominant gives a darker skin.
Result • Mendelian ratios fail. • Traits tend to "run" in families. • Offspring often intermediate between the parental types. • Trait shows a “bell-curve” or continuous variation.
Genetic Studies in Humans • Often done by Pedigree charts. • Why? • Can’t do controlled breeding studies in humans. • Its frowned apon, ask Hitler • Long life-history pattern • Mature slowly • Long life span • Reproduce later in life • Small number of offspring.
Human Recessive Disorders • Several thousand known: • Albinism • Sickle Cell Anemia • Tay-Sachs Disease • Cystic Fibrosis • PKU • Galactosemia
Sickle-Cell Disease • Most common inherited disease among African-Americans. • Single amino acid substitution results in malformed hemoglobin. • Reduced O2 carrying capacity. • Codominant inheritance.
Metabolic Disorders • Enzymes are chemical compounds that increase the rate at which reactions take place in a living organism. • as a group these chemical reactions are referred to as metabolism • Without enzymes, most chemical changes in an organism would proceed so slowly that the organism could not survive. • If an enzyme is missing from the body or not functioning as it should, a metabolic disorder may develop.
Tay-Sachs Disease • Is a fatal genetic lipid storage disorder in which harmful quantities of a fatty substance called ganglioside GM2 build up in tissues and CNS • Is common to people of Jewish and eastern European descent
Tay-Sachs Disease • Inheriting this recessive disorder results in your bodies inability to make a functional enzyme called beta-hexosaminidase A • normally breaks down acidic fatty materials known as gangliosides that are produced and stored in tissues of the CNS, causing the lipid to accumulate in the cells
Tay-Sachs • Infants with Tay-Sachs disease appear to develop normally for the first few months of life. • As nerve cells become distended with fatty material, a relentless deterioration of mental and physical abilities occurs. • Child becomes blind, deaf, and unable to swallow. Muscles begin to atrophy and paralysis sets in
Cystic Fibrosis • Produces defective chloride channels inmembranes results in the formation of thick mucus in the lungs and digestive tract
Most common lethal genetic disease in the U.S. • Most frequent in Caucasian populations • 1 in 28 is a carrier • 1 in 2,500 children have the disease