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Basic conditions for t/s via HKG to PRD ports

Basic conditions for t/s via HKG to PRD ports. Cargo manifests in attach of transshipment declaration form will fax to customers before mother vessel arrival .

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Basic conditions for t/s via HKG to PRD ports

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  1. Basic conditions for t/s via HKG to PRD ports • Cargo manifests in attach of transshipment declaration form will fax to customers before mother vessel arrival . • Customer should verify the cargo details of manifest and then fill in the terminal preference, ultimate consignee’s company name, address as well as contact details in Chinese characters in respect of current China customs’ basic cargo declaration requirement. Attachment of “7.2.1 Basic Conditions for T/S via HKHKG to PRD ports”

  2. The completed form should return to YMHKG /relevant PRD offices before mother vessel arrives HKG so that we could arrange feederage arrangements to destinations within free storage period. • Relevant feeders would notice China consignees about cargo arrival time. • Consignees should settle YML charges and surrender original Bill of lading for switch of local delivery order. Then, they could make necessary cargo clearance and take cargo delivery from terminal. Attachment of “7.2.1 Basic Conditions for T/S via HKHKG to PRD ports”

  3. 經香港中轉到華南港口基本條件 • 大船到達香港前, 中轉部同事會向客戶發出貨物儎貨清單及附上貨物轉運報關資料表格. • 為配合二程駁船進口申報中國海關需要, 客戶查核清單資料無誤後,需在敝司提供的貨物轉運報關資料表格以中文填寫碼頭名稱, 貨品名稱及客戶公司聯絡資料. Attachment of “7.2.1 Basic Conditions for T/S via HKHKG to PRD ports”

  4. 客戶填妥表格後,請回傳至陽明香港公司或國內辦事處, 以便安排二程駁船運輸,在免費倉期內將貨物運抵目的地. • 相關二程駁船公司會通知客戶貨物抵達目的港時間. • 客戶付清船公司費用及出示正本提單,便可換取小提單到海關辦理貨物清關手續然後可到碼頭提貨. Attachment of “7.2.1 Basic Conditions for T/S via HKHKG to PRD ports”

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