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Application Programmers’ Interface Digital Repositories: Dealing with the Digital Deluge, 5-6June 2007, Manchester

Application Programmers’ Interface Digital Repositories: Dealing with the Digital Deluge, 5-6June 2007, Manchester. Peter Millington SHERPA Technical Development Officer University of Nottingham, England. FOR DUMMIES® is a registered trademark of Wiley Publishing, Inc.

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Application Programmers’ Interface Digital Repositories: Dealing with the Digital Deluge, 5-6June 2007, Manchester

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  1. Application Programmers’ InterfaceDigital Repositories: Dealing with the Digital Deluge,5-6June 2007, Manchester Peter Millington SHERPA Technical Development Officer University of Nottingham, England FOR DUMMIES® is a registered trademark of Wiley Publishing, Inc.

  2. Application Programmers’ Interface (API) • Using your Browser • Loading OpenDOAR data into Microsoft Excel • Simple tables – min & basic options – single-row records • Complex – all other options – multi-row records • Programmatically processing data • e.g. PHP, PERL, etc • Rendering data using XSL stylesheets • Adding your own corporate style

  3. API Browser Output • Query specified in the address bar • http://www.opendoar.org/api.php?co=gb&show=basic,index • Searching for UK repositories (?co=gb) • Output required: • Popular fields (&show=basic) – for number of items held • Index fields (&show=index) – for repository type • Sorted by repository name (default) • Raw XML Output

  4. API & Excel: min and basic options • Specify query in File  Open  File Name • Select: Open XML  As a List • For easier processing, copy to a new worksheet: • Select All  Copy  Paste Special  Values • Tidy up • Delete unwanted columns - notably columns A to C • View  Zoom  75% • Highlight header row & Window  Freeze Panes below • Adjust column widths to taste • Change rNumOfItems from strings to numbers • Use formula =IF(ISBLANK(X2),"",INT(X2))

  5. API & Excel: Other &show options • Approach similar to simple min & basic options • But returns multiple rows per repository • Due to multiple subjects, languages, policies, etc. • Therefore may need to de-duplicate – e.g. • Add a temporary column next to rID or rName • Add formula such as =IF(B2=B1,">>>","") • Fill down column – duplicate rows are now tagged >>> • Select column & Copy  Paste Special  Values • Select All and sort on the temporary column • Delete all the rows tagged >>> • Delete the temporary column

  6. OpenDOAR API – PHP Processing • Check API query in web browser • Note the order of required fields in each record • rName • rNumOfHits • repositoryType • Use PHP to loop through the output XML File • Identify required XML field tags • Extract data into variables • Display data using HTML • Add your own web style using HTML, CSS, etc.

  7. Adding local style with HTML, CSS, etc

  8. OpenDOAR API – Using XSL • Check API query in web browser • PHP (or PERL) program inserts link to XSL file • XSL style sheet • Adds HTML headers and footers • May include local CSS styles and code • Renders the required XML fields • Advanced XSL • Listing under headings • Adding counts & calculations • Etc.

  9. Basic PHP wrapper

  10. Simple XSL Adds HTML headers & footers Renders required XML fields

  11. Recursive XSL Lists repositories under country headings

  12. Live Examples & Further Info • Live Examples • Browser output – Raw XML • http://www.opendoar.org/api.php?co=gb&show=basic%2Cindex • PHP-processed API output • http://www.opendoar.org/documents/JISC200706demo1.php • JISC-customised PHP-processed API output • http://www.opendoar.org/documents/JISC200706demo2.php • Simple XSL rendition of API output • http://www.opendoar.org/documents/JISC200706demo3.php • Recursive XSL rendition of API output • http://www.opendoar.org/documents/JISC200706demo4.php • Documentation for the OpenDOAR API • http://www.opendoar.org/tools/api.html

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