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Teaching in Schools: National Curriculum– Safeguarding – Learning Styles

Teaching in Schools: National Curriculum– Safeguarding – Learning Styles. Emma Fieldhouse, Environment Team. The National Curriculum. To develop an understanding of the structure and purpose of the National Curriculum. Key Terminology. SEN – Special Educational Needs

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Teaching in Schools: National Curriculum– Safeguarding – Learning Styles

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  1. Teaching in Schools:National Curriculum– Safeguarding – Learning Styles Emma Fieldhouse, Environment Team

  2. The National Curriculum

  3. To develop an understanding of the structure and purpose of the National Curriculum

  4. Key Terminology SEN – Special Educational Needs G&T – (not Gin and Tonic!) Gifted and Talented

  5. Understanding the National Curriculum The National Curriculum sets out the stages and core subjects children will be taught during their time at school. Children aged 5 to 16 in ‘maintained’ or state schools must be taught the National Curriculum.

  6. National Curriculum – what it sets out The National Curriculum is a framework used by all maintained schools to ensure teaching & learning is balanced and consistent. It sets out: • the subjects taught • the knowledge, skills and understanding required in each subject…

  7. National Curriculum –what it sets out II • … standards or attainment targets in each subject – teacher’s can use these to measure a child’s progress and plan the next steps in their learning • how a child’s progress is assessed and reported • Within the framework of the NC, schools are free to plan and organise teaching and learning in the way that best meets the needs of their pupils

  8. National Curriculum key stages • The National Curriculum is organised into blocks of years called ‘key stages’ • There are four key stages as well as a ‘Foundation Stage’ • The ‘Foundation Stage’ covers education for children before they reach five (compulsory school age)

  9. Foundation Stage The foundation stage curriculum is organised into six areas of learning: • Personal, social and emotional development • Communication, language and literacy • Mathematical development • Knowledge and understanding of the world • Physical development • Creative development

  10. Compulsory NC subjects are the same for Key Stages 1 and 2 • English • Maths • Science • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) • History • Geography • Art and Design • Music • Physical Education

  11. Primary Curriculum Review The primary curriculum was changed in order to: • Ensure all children gain a good grounding in reading, writing, speaking, listening and numeracy • Offer schools greater flexibility to tailor teaching and learning for their pupils • Allow time for primary school children to learn a modern foreign language • Place greater emphasis on children’s personal development • Support a smoother transition from play-based learning in foundation stage into primary school • Encourage creativity and inspire a commitment to learning that will last a lifetime.

  12. Curriculum Aims These aims should inform all aspects of curriculum planning, teaching and learning at whole-school and subject levels. The curriculum aims are “to enable all young people to become:” • Successful learners who enjoy learning, make progress and achieve • Confident individuals who are able to lead safe, healthy and fulfilling lives • Responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society

  13. Essentials for Learning & Life • These are made up of: • Literacy • Numeracy • ICT capability • Learning and thinking skills, personal and emotional skills and social skills • The essentials are designed to be developed across the curriculum

  14. Six Areas of Learning • Understanding the arts • Understanding English, communications and languages • Historical, geographical and social understanding • Mathematical understanding • Understanding physical development, health and wellbeing • Scientific and technological understanding

  15. Safeguarding for Volunteers

  16. Training outline • What do we mean by safeguarding? • Legal background and the University duty of care • Principles of safeguarding and who is responsible • Abuse and recognising it when you meet it • Minimising risks • Reporting

  17. What do we mean by safeguarding? • Who or what are we safeguarding? • Young people or vulnerable adults • You • The University

  18. Legal background • Complex legal framework • Every Child Matters – government focus on younger children • Legislative framework (Children Act 2004, Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 plus numerous others) • Duty of Care

  19. Duty of Care • Common Law Duty of Care means taking reasonable measures to ensure the risks of harm to vulnerable individuals are minimised and, where there are concerns about the welfare of individuals, to take all appropriate actions to address those concerns

  20. Duty of Care – University Perspective • The university has a responsibility to take appropriate steps to safeguard children and vulnerable adults who are on university premises and are working with its staff or students • The university is committed to practice that, as far as is reasonable and possible, protects children and vulnerable adults from harm • The university will take all reasonable steps to ensure that unsuitable people are prevented from working with children or vulnerable adults

  21. Principles of Safeguarding • Young people and vulnerable adults can be victims of physical, sexual or emotional abuse, neglect and bullying • Abuse has serious, long term effects on the health and development of individuals, on their self-esteem and future life

  22. Principles of Safeguarding (2) • Children and vulnerable adults must be listened to and any allegations or suspicions they have must be taken seriously and responded to immediately and appropriately • Principles apply to all equally (embracing the principles of Equal Opportunities)

  23. Who is responsible for protecting children and vulnerable adults? • We all are

  24. Broader context • Your responsibility for safeguarding young people and vulnerable adults lasts for ever, not just for the duration of your project. • You may encounter children in your community or through your employment who are at risk, children who are unwashed and shabby or who are not allowed to engage in social situations • You have a duty to DO something about it. Report your concerns. Trust your gut feelings. Don’t worry about being wrong. Tell someone.

  25. Confidentiality • Confidentiality cannot be promised where a young person or vulnerable adult is at risk • If you think a young person is going to confide something which they want to be a secret, you need to let them know that you cannot offer confidentiality • You MUST report anything you feel is a potential issue

  26. Golden rules - • If in doubt, there is a good reason for that doubting voice, so listen to it • Not sure about something? ASK. No-one will think you are foolish for asking • Challenge inappropriate behaviour/language • Never engage in any level of sexually suggestive behaviour/language with young people

  27. Minimising the risks to all • Treat everyone with equality, dignity, respect • The welfare of children and vulnerable adults is your primary concern • Work in an open environment, never without a witness • Encourage open communication and listen • Never be negative – be positive and constructive • Ensure that physical contact (games, sports, ice-breakers) is in the open and is appropriate

  28. Minimising the risks to YOU • Never reveal your personal contact details either phone or email • Don’t give details about your personal life – ask open questions and listen rather than talk! • Do not give out or accept friend requests on social networking sites. Check your permission settings.

  29. Minimising the risks – personal behaviour • Be an excellent role model at all times • Never do things of a personal nature for a young person. If they can’t do it for themselves, they will have a professional helper • Never take responsibility for tasks for which you have not been trained or have specific responsibility

  30. Data Protection • Data protection – do you have access to data or the personal details of individuals or to any sensitive information? • Personal information is covered under the Data Protection Act so you need to be responsible in how you use it • More information on the University’s DP policy: http://www2.le.ac.uk/offices/ias/dp?searchterm=data protection policy

  31. Reporting • Robust mechanisms for reporting either at your host organisation or here at University. • Professional duty to adhere to reporting structure and guidelines • Your Safeguarding officer at University is: Jean Baxter – jb74@le.ac.uk

  32. Misconduct • We take these issues seriously and we expect the highest standards of professionalism from you all • Inappropriate behaviour would be subject to university disciplinary procedures

  33. Group Exercise

  34. Group Exercise – signs and indicators • Physical Abuse • Sexual Abuse • Emotional Abuse • Neglect • Bullying

  35. Recognising abuse • Unexplained or suspicious injuries for which the explanation seems inconsistent • An individual describes an abusive act or situation in relation to themselves or others • Changes in behaviour • Individual appears mistrustful • Sexually explicit behaviour • Signs of neglect – unwashed, shabby, smelly

  36. Learning Styles Emma Fieldhouse Environment Team

  37. Complete the survey

  38. Understanding Learning Styles • This survey is designed to help you gain an understanding of learning styles so that you can incorporate the various learning styles in your daily learning activities. • It is NOT meant to show you your best way of learning as the research does not promote that.

  39. Understanding Learning Styles II • It is a tool for learning-to-learn (meta-learning) in order to increase awareness about your strengths & weaknesses as a learner so that you will try to use the correct method for learning a task or subject, rather than sticking with a preferred method. • This will also help you to incorporate different methodologies when you are creating learning experiences for others

  40. Kolb’s Experiential Learning Cycle (1984)

  41. WORKSHOP – learning styles • Based on Kolb’s Experiential Learning Cycle (1984), Honey & Mumford (2000) created a learning style survey that builds on Kolb’s model

  42. Learning Styles • Reflector - Prefers to learn from activities that allow them to watch, think, and review (time to think things over) what has happened. Likes to use journals and brainstorming. Lectures are helpful if they provide expert explanations and analysis. • Theorist - Prefer to think problems through in a step-by-step manner. Likes lectures, analogies, systems, case studies, models, and readings. Talking with experts is normally not helpful.

  43. Learning Styles • Pragmatist - Prefers to apply new learnings to actual practice to see if they work. Likes laboratories, field work, and observations. Likes feedback, coaching, and obvious links between the task-on-hand and a problem. • Activist - Prefers the challenges of new experiences, involvement with others, assimilation and role-playing. Likes anything new, problem solving, and small group discussions.

  44. In Groups • Discuss your learning styles survey results • Were your results different? • Think of examples where you could demonstrate your own learning style in action and share with your group • Choose a learning style which is opposite to your own and consider how you could incorporate this style into a teaching and learning event about carbon footprinting - discuss

  45. Coming up next week • Planning a lesson – how to do it • Controlling a classroom • Carbon Footprinting in schools – workshop to produce the materials to use in schools • Homework! Look online to see if you can find any interesting materials for teaching about carbon footprinting. Here’s an example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-g73ty9v04

  46. Evaluation of today’s session • Please give some evaluation on today’s session… • What was good about today? • What was bad about today? • What would you like to see next time?

  47. Thank you for your contributions today Email environment@le.ac.uk with any questions

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