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Unit: 1 Lesson: 1

Unit: 1 Lesson: 1. Discussion. المتنبي.. أحمد شوقي.. الجــــــــاحـظ.. توفيق الحكيم. قصائــــــد. Poems. Poetry. الشعــــــر. Novels Plays Biographies. روايــــــات مسرحيــــــات تراجـــــــم. النثــــــر. Prose. What did they write?. These are kinds of art.. It called

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Unit: 1 Lesson: 1

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  1. Unit: 1 Lesson: 1 Discussion..

  2. المتنبي.. أحمد شوقي.. الجــــــــاحـظ.. توفيق الحكيم.. قصائــــــد Poems Poetry الشعــــــر Novels Plays Biographies روايــــــات مسرحيــــــات تراجـــــــم النثــــــر Prose What did they write? These are kinds of art.. It called Literature..

  3. Unit: 1 Lesson: 1 Discussion.. English Literature..

  4. What did they write? Who are they ? They wrote stories. William Shakespeare Charles Dickens They are famous English writers (authors).

  5. What is this ? is a novel. written by Charles Dickens. Great Expectations ( a Novel ) is a very long story.

  6. Great Expectations Great Expectations By Charles Dickens

  7. What did he write ? What did he write ? A play is a story performed on stage for people to watch and listen to. Shakespeare.. He wrote plays.

  8. authors writers = William Shakespeare Charles Dickens plays poems novels

  9. English Literature .. Fiction Non Fiction It is not true. It is made up. It is true. It is not made up. Novels Biography a very long story. A true story about the life of real person. Plays Autobiography A play is a story performed on stage. A true story of a person’s life, told by that person himself. Poems A piece of writing often has lines and repeated sounds.

  10. Unit:1 Lesson:1 English Literature New Words: Author = writer Stage – theatre Fiction = non fiction Literature is the art of writing novels, plays and poems A novel is a very long story. A play is a story performed on stage for people to watch and listen to. Biography is a true story about the life of real person. Autobiography is a true story of a person’s life, told by that person himself.

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